Leonardo de Moura 00e89190c2 refactor(library/cast): use .lean file instead of .cpp file to define casting library
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-12-23 22:04:19 -08:00

22 lines
729 B

Import "cast.lean"
Variable vector : Type -> Nat -> Type
Axiom N0 (n : Nat) : n + 0 = n
Theorem V0 (T : Type) (n : Nat) : (vector T (n + 0)) = (vector T n) :=
Congr (Refl (vector T)) (N0 n)
Variable f (n : Nat) (v : vector Int n) : Int
Variable m : Nat
Variable v1 : vector Int (m + 0)
The following application will fail because (vector Int (m + 0)) and (vector Int m)
are not definitionally equal.
Check f m v1
The next one succeeds using the "casting" operator.
We can do it, because (V0 Int m) is a proof that
(vector Int (m + 0)) and (vector Int m) are propositionally equal.
That is, they have the same interpretation in the lean set theoretic
Check f m (cast (V0 Int m) v1)