Leonardo de Moura c4c548dc5d feat(*): simplify interrupt propagation
Instead of having m_interrupted flags in several components. We use a thread_local global variable.
The new approach is much simpler to get right since there is no risk of "forgetting" to propagate
the set_interrupt method to sub-components.

The plan is to support set_interrupt methods and m_interrupted flags only in tactic objects.
We need to support them in tactics and tacticals because we want to implement combinators/tacticals such as (try_for T M) that fails if tactic T does not finish in M ms.
For example, consider the tactic:

    try-for (T1 ORELSE T2) 5

It tries the tactic (T1 ORELSE T2) for 5ms.
Thus, if T1 does not finish after 5ms an interrupt request is sent, and T1 is interrupted.
Now, if you do not have a m_interrupted flag marking each tactic, the ORELSE combinator will try T2.
The set_interrupt method for ORELSE tactical should turn on the m_interrupted flag.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-11-12 21:45:48 -08:00

341 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "util/scoped_map.h"
#include "util/list.h"
#include "util/flet.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/interrupt.h"
#include "util/sexpr/options.h"
#include "kernel/normalizer.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/context.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "kernel/builtin.h"
#include "kernel/metavar.h"
#include "kernel/free_vars.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/kernel_exception.h"
#define LEAN_KERNEL_NORMALIZER_MAX_DEPTH std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()
namespace lean {
static name g_kernel_normalizer_max_depth {"kernel", "normalizer", "max_depth"};
RegisterUnsignedOption(g_kernel_normalizer_max_depth, LEAN_KERNEL_NORMALIZER_MAX_DEPTH, "(kernel) maximum recursion depth for expression normalizer");
unsigned get_normalizer_max_depth(options const & opts) {
return opts.get_unsigned(g_kernel_normalizer_max_depth, LEAN_KERNEL_NORMALIZER_MAX_DEPTH);
class svalue;
typedef list<svalue> value_stack; //!< Normalization stack
enum class svalue_kind { Expr, Closure, BoundedVar };
/** \brief Stack value: simple expressions, closures and bounded variables. */
class svalue {
svalue_kind m_kind;
unsigned m_bvar;
expr m_expr;
value_stack m_ctx;
svalue() {}
explicit svalue(expr const & e): m_kind(svalue_kind::Expr), m_expr(e) {}
explicit svalue(unsigned k): m_kind(svalue_kind::BoundedVar), m_bvar(k) {}
svalue(expr const & e, value_stack const & c):m_kind(svalue_kind::Closure), m_expr(e), m_ctx(c) { lean_assert(is_lambda(e)); }
svalue_kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
bool is_expr() const { return kind() == svalue_kind::Expr; }
bool is_closure() const { return kind() == svalue_kind::Closure; }
bool is_bounded_var() const { return kind() == svalue_kind::BoundedVar; }
expr const & get_expr() const { lean_assert(is_expr() || is_closure()); return m_expr; }
value_stack const & get_ctx() const { lean_assert(is_closure()); return m_ctx; }
unsigned get_var_idx() const { lean_assert(is_bounded_var()); return m_bvar; }
svalue_kind kind(svalue const & v) { return v.kind(); }
expr const & to_expr(svalue const & v) { return v.get_expr(); }
value_stack const & stack_of(svalue const & v) { return v.get_ctx(); }
unsigned to_bvar(svalue const & v) { return v.get_var_idx(); }
value_stack extend(value_stack const & s, svalue const & v) { return cons(v, s); }
/** \brief Expression normalizer. */
class normalizer::imp {
typedef scoped_map<expr, svalue, expr_hash, expr_eqp> cache;
environment::weak_ref m_env;
context m_ctx;
cache m_cache;
unsigned m_max_depth;
unsigned m_depth;
environment env() const { return environment(m_env); }
\brief Auxiliary object for saving the current context.
We need this to be able to process values in the context.
struct save_context {
imp & m_imp;
context m_saved_ctx;
cache m_saved_cache;
save_context(imp & imp):
m_saved_ctx(m_imp.m_ctx) {
~save_context() {
m_imp.m_ctx = m_saved_ctx;
svalue lookup(value_stack const & s, unsigned i) {
unsigned j = i;
value_stack const * it1 = &s;
while (*it1) {
if (j == 0)
return head(*it1);
it1 = &tail(*it1);
auto p = lookup_ext(m_ctx, j);
context_entry const & entry = p.first;
context const & entry_c = p.second;
if (entry.get_body()) {
save_context save(*this); // it restores the context and cache
m_ctx = entry_c;
unsigned k = m_ctx.size();
return svalue(reify(normalize(entry.get_body(), value_stack(), k), k));
} else {
return svalue(entry_c.size());
/** \brief Convert the closure \c a into an expression using the given stack in a context that contains \c k binders. */
expr reify_closure(expr const & a, value_stack const & s, unsigned k) {
expr new_t = reify(normalize(abst_domain(a), s, k), k);
expr new_b;
cache::mk_scope sc(m_cache);
new_b = reify(normalize(abst_body(a), extend(s, svalue(k)), k+1), k+1);
return mk_lambda(abst_name(a), new_t, new_b);
/** \brief Convert the value \c v back into an expression in a context that contains \c k binders. */
expr reify(svalue const & v, unsigned k) {
switch (v.kind()) {
case svalue_kind::Expr: return to_expr(v);
case svalue_kind::BoundedVar: return mk_var(k - to_bvar(v) - 1);
case svalue_kind::Closure: return reify_closure(to_expr(v), stack_of(v), k);
lean_unreachable(); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
/** \brief Return true iff the value_stack does affect the context of a metavariable */
bool is_identity_stack(value_stack const & s, unsigned k) {
unsigned i = 0;
for (auto e : s) {
if (e.kind() != svalue_kind::BoundedVar || k - to_bvar(e) - 1 != i)
return false;
return true;
\brief Update the metavariable context for \c m based on the
value_stack \c s and the number of binders \c k.
\pre is_metavar(m)
expr updt_metavar(expr const & m, value_stack const & s, unsigned k) {
if (is_identity_stack(s, k))
return m; // nothing to be done
local_context lctx = metavar_lctx(m);
unsigned len_s = length(s);
unsigned len_ctx = m_ctx.size();
lean_assert(k >= len_ctx);
if (k > len_ctx)
lctx = add_lift(lctx, len_s, k - len_ctx);
expr r = update_metavar(m, lctx);
buffer<expr> subst;
for (auto e : s) {
subst.push_back(reify(e, k));
std::reverse(subst.begin(), subst.end());
return instantiate(r, subst.size(), subst.data());
/** \brief Normalize the expression \c a in a context composed of stack \c s and \c k binders. */
svalue normalize(expr const & a, value_stack const & s, unsigned k) {
flet<unsigned> l(m_depth, m_depth+1);
if (m_depth > m_max_depth)
throw kernel_exception(env(), "normalizer maximum recursion depth exceeded");
bool shared = false;
if (is_shared(a)) {
shared = true;
auto it = m_cache.find(a);
if (it != m_cache.end())
return it->second;
svalue r;
switch (a.kind()) {
case expr_kind::MetaVar:
r = svalue(updt_metavar(a, s, k));
case expr_kind::Var:
r = lookup(s, var_idx(a));
case expr_kind::Constant: {
object const & obj = env().get_object(const_name(a));
if (obj.is_definition() && !obj.is_opaque()) {
r = normalize(obj.get_value(), value_stack(), 0);
} else {
r = svalue(a);
case expr_kind::Type: case expr_kind::Value:
r = svalue(a);
case expr_kind::App: {
svalue f = normalize(arg(a, 0), s, k);
unsigned i = 1;
unsigned n = num_args(a);
while (true) {
if (f.is_closure()) {
// beta reduction
expr const & fv = to_expr(f);
cache::mk_scope sc(m_cache);
value_stack new_s = extend(stack_of(f), normalize(arg(a, i), s, k));
f = normalize(abst_body(fv), new_s, k);
if (i == n - 1) {
r = f;
} else {
buffer<expr> new_args;
expr new_f = reify(f, k);
for (; i < n; i++)
new_args.push_back(reify(normalize(arg(a, i), s, k), k));
if (is_value(new_f)) {
expr m;
if (to_value(new_f).normalize(new_args.size(), new_args.data(), m)) {
r = normalize(m, s, k);
r = svalue(mk_app(new_args));
case expr_kind::Eq: {
expr new_lhs = reify(normalize(eq_lhs(a), s, k), k);
expr new_rhs = reify(normalize(eq_rhs(a), s, k), k);
if (is_value(new_lhs) && is_value(new_rhs)) {
r = svalue(mk_bool_value(new_lhs == new_rhs));
} else {
r = svalue(mk_eq(new_lhs, new_rhs));
case expr_kind::Lambda:
r = svalue(a, s);
case expr_kind::Pi: {
expr new_t = reify(normalize(abst_domain(a), s, k), k);
expr new_b;
cache::mk_scope sc(m_cache);
new_b = reify(normalize(abst_body(a), extend(s, svalue(k)), k+1), k+1);
r = svalue(mk_pi(abst_name(a), new_t, new_b));
case expr_kind::Let: {
svalue v = normalize(let_value(a), s, k);
cache::mk_scope sc(m_cache);
r = normalize(let_body(a), extend(s, v), k+1);
if (shared) {
m_cache.insert(a, r);
return r;
void set_ctx(context const & ctx) {
if (!is_eqp(ctx, m_ctx)) {
m_ctx = ctx;
imp(environment const & env, unsigned max_depth):
m_env(env.to_weak_ref()) {
m_max_depth = max_depth;
m_depth = 0;
expr operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx) {
unsigned k = m_ctx.size();
return reify(normalize(e, value_stack(), k), k);
void clear() { m_ctx = context(); m_cache.clear(); }
normalizer::normalizer(environment const & env, unsigned max_depth):m_ptr(new imp(env, max_depth)) {}
normalizer::normalizer(environment const & env):normalizer(env, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) {}
normalizer::normalizer(environment const & env, options const & opts):normalizer(env, get_normalizer_max_depth(opts)) {}
normalizer::~normalizer() {}
expr normalizer::operator()(expr const & e, context const & ctx) { return (*m_ptr)(e, ctx); }
void normalizer::clear() { m_ptr->clear(); }
expr normalize(expr const & e, environment const & env, context const & ctx) {
return normalizer(env)(e, ctx);
Eta-reduction + Cumulativity + Set theoretic interpretation is unsound.
f : (Type 2) -> (Type 2)
(fun (x : (Type 1)) (f x)) : (Type 1) -> (Type 2)
The domains of these two terms are different. So, they must have different denotations.
However, by eta-reduction, we have:
(fun (x : (Type 1)) (f x)) == f
For now, we will disable it.
REMARK: we can workaround this problem by applying only when the domain of f is equal
to the domain of the lambda abstraction.
Cody Roux suggested we use Eta-expanded normal forms.
Remark: The source code for eta-reduction can be found in the commit 519a290f320c6a