Leonardo de Moura ce674d2d43 feat(library/tactic): execute Lua tactics using coroutines
This is very important when several Lua tactics are implemented in the
same Lua State object.  In this case, even if we use the par
combinator, a Lua tactic will block the other Lua tactics running in
the same Lua State object.

With this commit, a Lua tactic can use yield to allow other tactics
in the same State object to execute.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-11-28 13:09:33 -08:00

129 lines
4.9 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <lua.hpp>
namespace lean {
// =======================================
// Lua 5.1 and 5.2 compatibility
// The following helper functions make sure
// we can compile using Lua 5.1 or 5.2
void setfuncs(lua_State * L, luaL_Reg const * l, int nup);
bool testudata(lua_State * L, int idx, char const * mt);
int load(lua_State * L, lua_Reader reader, void * data, char const * source);
size_t objlen(lua_State * L, int idx);
void dofile(lua_State * L, char const * fname);
void dostring(lua_State * L, char const * str);
void pcall(lua_State * L, int nargs, int nresults, int errorfun);
\brief Return true iff coroutine is done, false if it has yielded,
and throws an exception if error.
bool resume(lua_State * L, int nargs);
int lessthan(lua_State * L, int idx1, int idx2);
int equal(lua_State * L, int idx1, int idx2);
int get_nonnil_top(lua_State * L);
// =======================================
// =======================================
// Goodies/Macros for automating Lua binding
// generation.
\brief Wrapper for invoking function f, and catching Lean exceptions.
int safe_function_wrapper(lua_State * L, lua_CFunction f);
template<lua_CFunction F> int safe_function(lua_State * L) {
return safe_function_wrapper(L, F);
template<lua_CFunction F> void set_global_function(lua_State * L, char const * name) {
lua_pushcfunction(L, safe_function<F>);
lua_setglobal(L, name);
#define SET_GLOBAL_FUN(F, N) set_global_function<F>(L, N)
// Auxiliary macro for creating a Lua table that stores enumeration values
#define SET_ENUM(N, V) lua_pushstring(L, N); lua_pushinteger(L, static_cast<int>(V)); lua_settable(L, -3)
int push_ ## NAME(lua_State * L, TREF val) { \
void * mem = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(T)); \
new (mem) T(val); \
luaL_getmetatable(L, NAME ## _mt); \
lua_setmetatable(L, -2); \
return 1; \
#define DECL_PUSH(T) \
DECL_PUSH_CORE(T, T, T const &) \
#define DECL_GC(T) static int T ## _gc(lua_State * L) { static_cast<T*>(lua_touserdata(L, 1))->~T(); return 0; }
#define DECL_PRED(T) \
bool is_ ## T(lua_State * L, int idx) { return testudata(L, idx, T ## _mt); } \
static int T ## _pred(lua_State * L) { \
lua_pushboolean(L, is_ ## T(L, 1)); \
return 1; \
\brief Create basic declarations for adding a new kind of userdata in Lua
T is a Lean object type.
For example, if T == expr, it produces an implementation for the
following declarations
constexpr char const * expr_mt = "expr";
expr & to_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
bool is_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
static int expr_pred(lua_State * L);
static int expr_gc(lua_State * L);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr const & e);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr && e);
#define DECL_UDATA(T) \
constexpr char const * T ## _mt = #T; \
T & to_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i) { return *static_cast<T*>(luaL_checkudata(L, i, T ## _mt)); } \
\brief Similar to DECL_UDATA, but it only declares the functions.
For example, if T == expr, it produces the following declarations:
class expr;
expr & to_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
bool is_expr(lua_State * L, int i);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr const & e);
int push_expr(lua_State * L, expr && e);
#define UDATA_DEFS_CORE(T) \
T & to_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i); \
bool is_ ## T(lua_State * L, int i); \
int push_ ## T(lua_State * L, T const & e); \
int push_ ## T(lua_State * L, T && e);
#define UDATA_DEFS(T) \
class T; \
// =======================================
// =======================================
// Goodies for installing code for migrating objects
// between different lua_State objects
typedef void (*lua_migrate_fn)(lua_State * src, int i, lua_State * tgt);
\brief Set the field ___migrate in the metatable at position \c i with \c fn.
void set_migrate_fn_field(lua_State * src, int i, lua_migrate_fn fn);
\brief Return the value of the ___migrate field from metatable
for the userdata at position \c i.
lua_migrate_fn get_migrate_fn(lua_State * src, int i);