Leonardo de Moura daf7075ce4 refactor(builtin/sum): use new 'have' expression to formalize optional-types
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2014-02-06 09:15:12 -08:00

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-- Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Author: Leonardo de Moura
import macros
import subtype
using subtype
-- We are encoding the (optional A) as a subset of A → Bool where
-- none is the predicate that is false everywhere
-- some(a) is the predicate that is true only at a
definition optional_pred (A : (Type U)) := (λ p : A → Bool, (∀ x, ¬ p x) exists_unique p)
definition optional (A : (Type U)) := subtype (A → Bool) (optional_pred A)
namespace optional
theorem some_pred {A : (Type U)} (a : A) : optional_pred A (λ x, x = a)
:= or_intror
(∀ x, ¬ x = a)
(exists_intro a
(and_intro (refl a) (take y, assume H : y ≠ a, H)))
theorem none_pred (A : (Type U)) : optional_pred A (λ x, false)
:= or_introl (take x, not_false_trivial) (exists_unique (λ x, false))
theorem inhab (A : (Type U)) : inhabited (optional A)
:= subtype_inhabited (exists_intro (λ x, false) (none_pred A))
definition none {A : (Type U)} : optional A
:= abst (λ x, false) (inhab A)
definition some {A : (Type U)} (a : A) : optional A
:= abst (λ x, x = a) (inhab A)
definition is_some {A : (Type U)} (n : optional A) := ∃ x : A, some x = n
theorem injectivity {A : (Type U)} {a a' : A} : some a = some a' → a = a'
:= assume Heq : some a = some a',
have eq_reps : (λ x, x = a) = (λ x, x = a'),
from abst_inj (inhab A) (some_pred a) (some_pred a') Heq,
show a = a',
from (congr1 a eq_reps) ◂ (refl a)
theorem distinct {A : (Type U)} (a : A) : some a ≠ none
:= assume N : some a = none,
have eq_reps : (λ x, x = a) = (λ x, false),
from abst_inj (inhab A) (some_pred a) (none_pred A) N,
show false,
from (congr1 a eq_reps) ◂ (refl a)
definition value {A : (Type U)} (n : optional A) (H : is_some n) : A
:= ε (inhabited_ex_intro H) (λ x, some x = n)
theorem is_some_some {A : (Type U)} (a : A) : is_some (some a)
:= exists_intro a (refl (some a))
theorem not_is_some_none {A : (Type U)} : ¬ is_some (@none A)
:= assume N : is_some (@none A),
obtain (w : A) (Hw : some w = @none A),
from N,
show false,
from absurd Hw (distinct w)
theorem value_some {A : (Type U)} (a : A) (H : is_some (some a)) : value (some a) H = a
:= have eq1 : some (value (some a) H) = some a,
from eps_ax (inhabited_ex_intro H) a (refl (some a)),
show value (some a) H = a,
from injectivity eq1
theorem false_pred {A : (Type U)} {p : A → Bool} (H : ∀ x, ¬ p x) : p = λ x, false
:= funext (λ x, eqf_intro (H x))
theorem singleton_pred {A : (Type U)} {p : A → Bool} {w : A} (H : p w ∧ ∀ y, y ≠ w → ¬ p y) : p = (λ x, x = w)
:= funext (take x, iff_intro
(assume Hpx : p x,
show x = w,
from refute (assume N : x ≠ w,
show false,
from absurd Hpx (and_elimr H x N)))
(assume Heq : x = w,
show p x,
from subst (and_eliml H) (symm Heq)))
theorem dichotomy {A : (Type U)} (n : optional A) : n = none ∃ a, n = some a
:= have pred : optional_pred A (rep n),
from P_rep n,
show n = none ∃ a, n = some a,
from or_elim pred
(assume Hl : ∀ x : A, ¬ rep n x,
have rep_n_eq : rep n = λ x, false,
from false_pred Hl,
have rep_none_eq : rep none = λ x, false,
from rep_abst (inhab A) (λ x, false) (none_pred A),
show n = none ∃ a, n = some a,
from or_introl (rep_inj (trans rep_n_eq (symm rep_none_eq)))
(∃ a, n = some a))
(assume Hr : ∃ x, rep n x ∧ ∀ y, y ≠ x → ¬ rep n y,
obtain (w : A) (Hw : rep n w ∧ ∀ y, y ≠ w → ¬ rep n y),
from Hr,
have rep_n_eq : rep n = λ x, x = w,
from singleton_pred Hw,
have rep_some_eq : rep (some w) = λ x, x = w,
from rep_abst (inhab A) (λ x, x = w) (some_pred w),
have n_eq_some : n = some w,
from rep_inj (trans rep_n_eq (symm rep_some_eq)),
show n = none ∃ a, n = some a,
from or_intror (n = none)
(exists_intro w n_eq_some))
theorem induction {A : (Type U)} {P : optional A → Bool} (H1 : P none) (H2 : ∀ x, P (some x)) : ∀ n, P n
:= take n, or_elim (dichotomy n)
(assume Heq : n = none,
show P n,
from subst H1 (symm Heq))
(assume Hex : ∃ a, n = some a,
obtain (w : A) (Hw : n = some w),
from Hex,
show P n,
from subst (H2 w) (symm Hw))
set_opaque some true
set_opaque none true
set_opaque is_some true
set_opaque value true
set_opaque optional true
set_opaque optional_pred true
definition optional_inhabited := optional::inhab
add_rewrite optional::is_some_some optional::not_is_some_none optional::distinct optional::value_some