2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00

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Copyright (c) 2015 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn
Cones of a diagram in a category
import ..nat_trans ..category
open functor nat_trans eq equiv is_trunc is_equiv iso sigma sigma.ops pi
namespace category
structure cone_obj {I C : Precategory} (F : I ⇒ C) :=
(c : C)
(η : constant_functor I c ⟹ F)
variables {I C D : Precategory} {F : I ⇒ C} {x y z : cone_obj F} {i : I}
definition cone_to_obj [unfold 4] := @cone_obj.c
definition cone_to_nat [unfold 4] (c : cone_obj F) : constant_functor I (cone_to_obj c) ⟹ F :=
cone_obj.η c
local attribute cone_to_obj [coercion]
structure cone_hom (x y : cone_obj F) :=
(f : x ⟶ y)
(p : Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ f = cone_to_nat x i)
definition cone_to_hom [unfold 6] := @cone_hom.f
definition cone_to_eq [unfold 6] (f : cone_hom x y) (i : I)
: cone_to_nat y i ∘ (cone_to_hom f) = cone_to_nat x i :=
cone_hom.p f i
local attribute cone_to_hom [coercion]
definition cone_id [constructor] (x : cone_obj F) : cone_hom x x :=
cone_hom.mk id
(λi, !id_right)
definition cone_comp [constructor] (g : cone_hom y z) (f : cone_hom x y) : cone_hom x z :=
cone_hom.mk (cone_to_hom g ∘ cone_to_hom f)
abstract λi, by rewrite [assoc, +cone_to_eq] end
definition cone_obj_eq (p : cone_to_obj x = cone_to_obj y)
(q : Πi, cone_to_nat x i = cone_to_nat y i ∘ hom_of_eq p) : x = y :=
induction x, induction y, esimp at *, induction p, apply ap (cone_obj.mk c),
apply nat_trans_eq, intro i, exact q i ⬝ !id_right
theorem c_cone_obj_eq (p : cone_to_obj x = cone_to_obj y)
(q : Πi, cone_to_nat x i = cone_to_nat y i ∘ hom_of_eq p) : ap cone_to_obj (cone_obj_eq p q) = p :=
induction x, induction y, esimp at *, induction p,
esimp [cone_obj_eq], rewrite [-ap_compose,↑function.compose,ap_constant]
theorem cone_hom_eq {f f' : cone_hom x y} (q : cone_to_hom f = cone_to_hom f') : f = f' :=
induction f, induction f', esimp at *, induction q, apply ap (cone_hom.mk f),
apply @is_prop.elim, apply pi.is_trunc_pi, intro x, apply is_trunc_eq, -- type class fails
variable (F)
definition precategory_cone [instance] [constructor] : precategory (cone_obj F) :=
@precategory.mk _ cone_hom
abstract begin
intro x y,
assert H : cone_hom x y ≃ Σ(f : x ⟶ y), Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ f = cone_to_nat x i,
{ fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro f, induction f, constructor, assumption},
{ intro v, induction v, constructor, assumption},
{ intro v, induction v, reflexivity},
{ intro f, induction f, reflexivity}},
apply is_trunc.is_trunc_equiv_closed_rev, exact H,
fapply sigma.is_trunc_sigma, intros,
apply is_trunc_succ, apply pi.is_trunc_pi, intros, esimp,
/-exact _,-/ -- type class inference fails here
apply is_trunc_eq,
end end
(λx y z, cone_comp)
abstract begin intros, apply cone_hom_eq, esimp, apply assoc end end
abstract begin intros, apply cone_hom_eq, esimp, apply id_left end end
abstract begin intros, apply cone_hom_eq, esimp, apply id_right end end
definition cone [constructor] : Precategory :=
precategory.Mk (precategory_cone F)
variable {F}
definition cone_iso_pr1 [constructor] (h : x ≅ y) : cone_to_obj x ≅ cone_to_obj y :=
(cone_to_hom (to_hom h))
(cone_to_hom (to_inv h))
(ap cone_to_hom (to_left_inverse h))
(ap cone_to_hom (to_right_inverse h))
definition cone_iso.mk [constructor] (f : cone_to_obj x ≅ cone_to_obj y)
(p : Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ to_hom f = cone_to_nat x i) : x ≅ y :=
fapply iso.MK,
{ exact !cone_hom.mk p},
{ fapply cone_hom.mk,
{ exact to_inv f},
{ intro i, apply comp_inverse_eq_of_eq_comp, exact (p i)⁻¹}},
{ apply cone_hom_eq, esimp, apply left_inverse},
{ apply cone_hom_eq, esimp, apply right_inverse},
variables (x y)
definition cone_iso_equiv [constructor] : (x ≅ y) ≃ Σ(f : cone_to_obj x ≅ cone_to_obj y),
Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ to_hom f = cone_to_nat x i :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro h, exact ⟨cone_iso_pr1 h, cone_to_eq (to_hom h)⟩},
{ intro v, exact cone_iso.mk v.1 v.2},
{ intro v, induction v with f p, fapply sigma_eq: esimp,
{ apply iso_eq, reflexivity},
{ apply is_prop.elimo, apply is_trunc_pi, intro i, apply is_prop_hom_eq}},
{ intro h, esimp, apply iso_eq, apply cone_hom_eq, reflexivity},
definition cone_eq_equiv : (x = y) ≃ Σ(f : cone_to_obj x = cone_to_obj y),
Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ hom_of_eq f = cone_to_nat x i :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro r, fapply sigma.mk, exact ap cone_to_obj r, induction r, intro i, apply id_right},
{ intro v, induction v with p q, induction x with c η, induction y with c' η', esimp at *,
apply cone_obj_eq p, esimp, intro i, exact (q i)⁻¹},
{ intro v, induction v with p q, induction x with c η, induction y with c' η', esimp at *,
induction p, esimp, fapply sigma_eq: esimp,
{ apply c_cone_obj_eq},
{ apply is_prop.elimo, apply is_trunc_pi, intro i, apply is_prop_hom_eq}},
{ intro r, induction r, esimp, induction x, esimp, apply ap02, apply is_prop.elim},
section is_univalent
definition is_univalent_cone {I : Precategory} {C : Category} (F : I ⇒ C)
: is_univalent (cone F) :=
intro x y,
fapply is_equiv_of_equiv_of_homotopy,
{ exact calc
(x = y) ≃ (Σ(f : cone_to_obj x = cone_to_obj y), Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ hom_of_eq f = cone_to_nat x i)
: cone_eq_equiv
... ≃ (Σ(f : cone_to_obj x ≅ cone_to_obj y), Πi, cone_to_nat y i ∘ to_hom f = cone_to_nat x i)
: sigma_equiv_sigma !eq_equiv_iso (λa, !equiv.refl)
... ≃ (x ≅ y) : cone_iso_equiv },
{ intro p, induction p, esimp [equiv.trans,equiv.symm], esimp [sigma_functor],
apply iso_eq, reflexivity}
definition category_cone [instance] [constructor] {I : Precategory} {C : Category} (F : I ⇒ C)
: category (cone_obj F) :=
category.mk _ (is_univalent_cone F)
definition Category_cone [constructor] {I : Precategory} {C : Category} (F : I ⇒ C)
: Category :=
Category.mk _ (category_cone F)
end is_univalent
definition cone_obj_compose [constructor] (G : C ⇒ D) (x : cone_obj F) : cone_obj (G ∘f F) :=
fapply cone_obj.mk,
{ exact G x},
{ fapply change_natural_map,
{ refine ((G ∘fn cone_to_nat x) ∘n _), apply nat_trans_of_eq, fapply functor_eq: esimp,
intro i j k, esimp, rewrite [id_leftright,respect_id]},
{ intro i, esimp, exact G (cone_to_nat x i)},
{ intro i, esimp, rewrite [ap010_functor_eq, ▸*, id_right]}}
end category