Leonardo de Moura c11fd6b0d2 fix(tests/lean/run): adjust tests
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-08-25 21:39:46 -07:00

48 lines
774 B

import logic
namespace N1
variable num : Type.{1}
variable foo : num → num → num
end N1
namespace N2
variable val : Type.{1}
variable foo : val → val → val
end N2
using N1
using N2
variables a b : num
variables x y : val
check foo a b
check foo x y
variable f : num → val
coercion f
check foo a x
check foo x y
check foo x a
check foo a b
theorem T1 : foo a b = N1.foo a b
:= refl _
definition aux1 := foo a b -- System elaborated it to N1.foo a b
#erase_cache T2
theorem T2 : aux1 = N1.foo a b
:= refl _
using N1
definition aux2 := foo a b -- Now N1 is in the end of the queue, this is elaborated to N2.foo (f a) (f b)
check aux2
theorem T3 : aux2 = N2.foo (f a) (f b)
:= refl aux2
check foo a b
theorem T4 : foo a b = N2.foo a b
:= refl _