see #922
772 lines
29 KiB
772 lines
29 KiB
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include "util/thread.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
#include "library/choice.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
#include "library/pp_options.h"
#include "library/tactic/proof_state.h"
#include "library/tactic/expr_to_tactic.h"
#include "frontends/lean/info_manager.h"
namespace lean {
class info_data;
enum class info_kind { Type = 0, ExtraType, Synth, Overload, Coercion, Symbol, Identifier, ProofState };
bool operator<(info_kind k1, info_kind k2) { return static_cast<unsigned>(k1) < static_cast<unsigned>(k2); }
class info_data_cell {
unsigned m_column;
void dealloc() { delete this; }
friend info_data;
virtual info_data_cell * instantiate(substitution &) const { return nullptr; }
info_data_cell():m_column(0), m_rc(0) {}
info_data_cell(unsigned c):m_column(c), m_rc(0) {}
virtual ~info_data_cell() {}
/** \brief Return true iff the information is considered "cheap"
If the column number is not provided in the method info_manager::display,
then only "cheap" information is displayed.
virtual bool is_cheap() const { return true; }
virtual info_kind kind() const = 0;
unsigned get_column() const { return m_column; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const = 0;
virtual int compare(info_data_cell const & d) const {
if (m_column != d.m_column)
return m_column < d.m_column ? -1 : 1;
if (kind() != d.kind())
return kind() < d.kind() ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
class info_data {
info_data_cell * m_ptr;
info_data(info_data_cell * c):m_ptr(c) { lean_assert(c); m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
info_data(info_data const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
info_data(info_data && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
~info_data() { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref(); }
friend void swap(info_data & a, info_data & b) { std::swap(a.m_ptr, b.m_ptr); }
info_data & operator=(info_data const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
info_data & operator=(info_data && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
int compare(info_data const & d) const { return m_ptr->compare(*d.m_ptr); }
int compare(info_data_cell const & d) const { return m_ptr->compare(d); }
info_data instantiate(substitution & s) const;
unsigned get_column() const { return m_ptr->get_column(); }
bool is_cheap() const { return m_ptr->is_cheap(); }
void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const { m_ptr->display(ios, line); }
info_data_cell const * raw() const { return m_ptr; }
info_kind kind() const { return m_ptr->kind(); }
struct tmp_info_data : public info_data_cell {
tmp_info_data(unsigned c):info_data_cell(c) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { lean_unreachable(); }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const &, unsigned) const { lean_unreachable(); } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
static info_data * g_dummy = nullptr;
void initialize_info_manager() {
g_dummy = new info_data(new tmp_info_data(0));
void finalize_info_manager() {
delete g_dummy;
info_data::info_data():info_data(*g_dummy) {}
info_data info_data::instantiate(substitution & s) const {
if (auto r = m_ptr->instantiate(s)) {
return info_data(r);
} else {
return *this;
class type_info_data : public info_data_cell {
expr m_expr;
type_info_data() {}
type_info_data(unsigned c, expr const & e):info_data_cell(c), m_expr(e) {}
expr const & get_type() const { return m_expr; }
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Type; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- TYPE|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
ios << m_expr << endl;
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
virtual info_data_cell * instantiate(substitution & s) const {
expr e = s.instantiate(m_expr);
return is_eqp(e, m_expr) ? nullptr : new type_info_data(get_column(), e);
class extra_type_info_data : public info_data_cell {
expr m_expr;
expr m_type;
extra_type_info_data() {}
extra_type_info_data(unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t):info_data_cell(c), m_expr(e), m_type(t) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::ExtraType; }
virtual bool is_cheap() const { return false; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- EXTRA_TYPE|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
ios << m_expr << endl;
ios << "--" << endl;
ios << m_type << endl;
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
virtual info_data_cell * instantiate(substitution & s) const {
expr e = s.instantiate(m_expr);
expr t = s.instantiate(m_type);
return is_eqp(e, m_expr) && is_eqp(t, m_type) ? nullptr : new extra_type_info_data(get_column(), e, t);
class synth_info_data : public type_info_data {
synth_info_data(unsigned c, expr const & e):type_info_data(c, e) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Synth; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- SYNTH|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
ios << m_expr << endl;
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
virtual info_data_cell * instantiate(substitution & s) const {
expr e = s.instantiate(m_expr);
return is_eqp(e, m_expr) ? nullptr : new synth_info_data(get_column(), e);
expr const & get_expr() const { return m_expr; }
class overload_info_data : public info_data_cell {
expr m_choices;
overload_info_data(unsigned c, expr const & e):info_data_cell(c), m_choices(e) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Overload; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- OVERLOAD|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
options os = ios.get_options();
os = os.update_if_undef(get_pp_full_names_name(), true);
auto new_ios = ios.update_options(os);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < get_num_choices(m_choices); i++) {
if (i > 0)
ios << "--\n";
new_ios << get_choice(m_choices, i) << endl;
new_ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
class overload_notation_info_data : public info_data_cell {
list<expr> m_alts;
overload_notation_info_data(unsigned c, list<expr> const & as):info_data_cell(c), m_alts(as) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Overload; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- OVERLOAD|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
options os = ios.get_options();
os = os.update_if_undef(get_pp_full_names_name(), true);
os = os.update_if_undef(get_pp_notation_name(), false);
auto new_ios = ios.update_options(os);
bool first = true;
for (expr const & e : m_alts) {
if (first) first = false; else ios << "--\n";
new_ios << e << endl;
new_ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
class coercion_info_data : public info_data_cell {
expr m_expr;
expr m_type;
coercion_info_data(unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t):
info_data_cell(c), m_expr(e), m_type(t) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Coercion; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- COERCION|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
options os = ios.get_options();
os = os.update_if_undef(get_pp_coercions_name(), true);
ios.update_options(os) << m_expr << endl << "--" << endl << m_type << endl;
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
virtual info_data_cell * instantiate(substitution & s) const {
expr e = s.instantiate(m_expr);
expr t = s.instantiate(m_type);
return is_eqp(e, m_expr) && is_eqp(t, m_type) ? nullptr : new coercion_info_data(get_column(), e, t);
class symbol_info_data : public info_data_cell {
name m_symbol;
symbol_info_data(unsigned c, name const & s):info_data_cell(c), m_symbol(s) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Symbol; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- SYMBOL|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
ios << m_symbol << "\n";
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
class identifier_info_data : public info_data_cell {
name m_full_id;
identifier_info_data(unsigned c, name const & full_id):info_data_cell(c), m_full_id(full_id) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::Identifier; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- IDENTIFIER|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
ios << m_full_id << "\n";
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
class proof_state_info_data : public info_data_cell {
proof_state m_ps;
proof_state_info_data(unsigned c, proof_state const & ps):info_data_cell(c), m_ps(ps) {}
virtual info_kind kind() const { return info_kind::ProofState; }
virtual bool is_cheap() const { return false; }
virtual void display(io_state_stream const & ios, unsigned line) const {
ios << "-- PROOF_STATE|" << line << "|" << get_column() << "\n";
bool first = true;
substitution s = m_ps.get_subst();
for (goal const & g : m_ps.get_goals()) {
if (first)
first = false;
ios << "--" << endl;
ios << g.instantiate(s) << endl;
ios << "-- ACK" << endl;
info_data mk_type_info(unsigned c, expr const & e) { return info_data(new type_info_data(c, e)); }
info_data mk_extra_type_info(unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) { return info_data(new extra_type_info_data(c, e, t)); }
info_data mk_synth_info(unsigned c, expr const & e) { return info_data(new synth_info_data(c, e)); }
info_data mk_overload_info(unsigned c, expr const & e) { return info_data(new overload_info_data(c, e)); }
info_data mk_overload_notation_info(unsigned c, list<expr> const & a) { return info_data(new overload_notation_info_data(c, a)); }
info_data mk_coercion_info(unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) { return info_data(new coercion_info_data(c, e, t)); }
info_data mk_symbol_info(unsigned c, name const & s) { return info_data(new symbol_info_data(c, s)); }
info_data mk_identifier_info(unsigned c, name const & full_id) { return info_data(new identifier_info_data(c, full_id)); }
info_data mk_proof_state_info(unsigned c, proof_state const & ps) { return info_data(new proof_state_info_data(c, ps)); }
struct info_data_cmp {
int operator()(info_data const & i1, info_data const & i2) const { return i1.compare(i2); }
struct info_manager::imp {
typedef rb_tree<info_data, info_data_cmp> info_data_set;
/** \brief Saved environment + options for a given line and iteration
Whenever "lean server" starts processing a file again, we bump the iteration.
struct env_info {
unsigned m_line;
unsigned m_column;
mutable unsigned m_iteration;
environment m_env;
options m_options;
env_info():m_line(0), m_iteration(0) {}
env_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, unsigned i, environment const & env, options const & o):
m_line(l), m_column(c), m_iteration(i), m_env(env), m_options(o) {}
friend bool operator<(env_info const & i1, env_info const & i2) {
if (i1.m_line != i2.m_line)
return i1.m_line < i2.m_line;
return i1.m_column < i2.m_column;
mutex m_mutex;
bool m_block_new_info;
std::vector<info_data_set> m_line_data;
std::vector<bool> m_line_valid;
std::set<env_info> m_env_info;
unsigned m_iteration; // current interation
unsigned m_processed_upto;
imp():m_block_new_info(false), m_iteration(0), m_processed_upto(0) {}
void block_new_info(bool f) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
m_block_new_info = f;
void synch_line(unsigned l) {
lean_assert(l > 0);
if (l >= m_line_data.size()) {
m_line_valid.resize(l+1, false);
void save_environment_options(unsigned l, unsigned c, environment const & env, options const & o) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
// erase all entries in m_env_info such that e.m_line <= l and e.m_column <= c and e.m_iteration < m_iteration
auto it = m_env_info.begin();
auto end = m_env_info.end();
while (it != end) {
if (it->m_line > l || (it->m_line == l && it->m_column > c)) {
} else if ((it->m_line < l || (it->m_line == l && it->m_column <= c)) &&
it->m_iteration < m_iteration) {
} else {
env_info info(l, c, m_iteration, env, o);
static bool is_tactic_type(expr const & e) {
expr const * it = &e;
while (is_pi(*it)) {
it = &binding_body(*it);
return *it == get_tactic_type() || *it == get_tactic_expr_type() || *it == get_tactic_expr_list_type();
void add_type_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) {
if (is_tactic_type(e))
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_type_info(c, e));
void add_extra_type_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) {
if (is_tactic_type(t))
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_extra_type_info(c, e, t));
void add_synth_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_synth_info(c, e));
void add_overload_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_overload_info(c, e));
void add_overload_notation_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, list<expr> const & a) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_overload_notation_info(c, a));
void add_coercion_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_coercion_info(c, e, t));
void erase_coercion_info(unsigned l, unsigned c) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].erase(mk_coercion_info(c, expr(), expr()));
void add_symbol_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, name const & s) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_symbol_info(c, s));
static bool is_tactic_id(name const & id) {
if (id.is_atomic())
return id == get_tactic_name();
return is_tactic_id(id.get_prefix());
void add_identifier_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, name const & full_id) {
if (is_tactic_id(full_id))
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_identifier_info(c, full_id));
void add_proof_state_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, proof_state const & ps) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
m_line_data[l].insert(mk_proof_state_info(c, ps));
void remove_proof_state_info(unsigned start_line, unsigned start_col, unsigned end_line, unsigned end_col) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info || m_line_data.empty())
if (end_line >= m_line_data.size())
end_line = m_line_data.size() - 1;
for (unsigned i = start_line; i <= end_line; i++) {
info_data_set const & curr_set = m_line_data[i];
if (curr_set.find_if([](info_data const & info) { return info.kind() == info_kind::ProofState; })) {
info_data_set new_curr_set;
curr_set.for_each([&](info_data const & info) {
if (info.kind() == info_kind::ProofState) {
if ((i == start_line && info.get_column() < start_col) ||
(i == end_line && info.get_column() >= end_col))
} else {
m_line_data[i] = new_curr_set;
static info_data_set instantiate(info_data_set const & s, substitution & subst) {
info_data_set r;
s.for_each([&](info_data const & d) {
return r;
void instantiate(substitution const & s) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
substitution tmp_s = s;
unsigned sz = m_line_data.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
m_line_data[i] = instantiate(m_line_data[i], tmp_s);
void merge(info_manager::imp const & m, bool overwrite) {
if (m.m_line_data.empty())
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
unsigned sz = m.m_line_data.size();
for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
info_data_set s = m.m_line_data[i];
if (s.empty())
if (!overwrite && m_line_valid[i])
s.for_each([&](info_data const & d) {
if (overwrite || !m_line_data[i].contains(d))
void insert_line(unsigned l) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
lean_assert(m_line_data.size() == m_line_valid.size());
if (m_processed_upto > l - 1)
m_processed_upto = l - 1;
unsigned i = m_line_data.size();
while (i > l) {
m_line_data[i] = m_line_data[i-1];
m_line_valid[i] = m_line_valid[i-1];
m_line_valid[l] = false;
void remove_line(unsigned l) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
lean_assert(m_line_data.size() == m_line_valid.size());
lean_assert(l > 0);
if (l >= m_line_data.size())
for (unsigned i = l; i < m_line_data.size() - 1; i++) {
m_line_data[i] = m_line_data[i+1];
m_line_valid[i] = m_line_valid[i+1];
if (m_processed_upto > l - 1)
m_processed_upto = l - 1;
void invalidate_line_col_core(unsigned l, optional<unsigned> const & c) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
lean_assert(m_line_data.size() == m_line_valid.size());
if (m_processed_upto > l - 1)
m_processed_upto = l - 1;
if (!c) {
m_line_data[l] = info_data_set();
} else {
info_data_set new_set;
m_line_data[l].for_each([&](info_data const & d) {
if (d.get_column() < *c)
m_line_data[l] = new_set;
m_line_valid[l] = false;
void invalidate_line(unsigned l) {
invalidate_line_col_core(l, optional<unsigned>());
void invalidate_line_col(unsigned l, unsigned c) {
invalidate_line_col_core(l, optional<unsigned>(c));
void set_processed_upto(unsigned l) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
m_processed_upto = l;
void start_from(unsigned l) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
m_processed_upto = l;
for (auto it = m_env_info.begin(); it != m_env_info.end(); ++it) {
if (it->m_line < l)
it->m_iteration = m_iteration;
m_block_new_info = false;
void commit_upto(unsigned l, bool valid) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_block_new_info)
for (unsigned i = m_processed_upto; i < l && i < m_line_valid.size(); i++)
m_line_valid[i] = valid;
m_processed_upto = l;
bool is_invalidated(unsigned l) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
lean_assert(m_line_data.size() == m_line_valid.size());
if (l >= m_line_valid.size())
return true;
return !m_line_valid[l];
void display_core(environment const & env, options const & o, io_state const & ios, unsigned line,
optional<unsigned> const & col) {
m_line_data[line].for_each([&](info_data const & d) {
io_state_stream out = regular(env, ios).update_options(o);
if ((!col && d.is_cheap()) || (col && d.get_column() == *col))
d.display(out, line);
void display(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, unsigned line, optional<unsigned> const & col) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (line >= m_line_data.size() || m_line_data[line].empty()) {
// do nothing
} else if (m_env_info.empty()) {
display_core(env, ios.get_options(), ios, line, col);
} else {
auto it = m_env_info.begin();
auto end = m_env_info.end();
lean_assert(it != end);
if (it->m_line > line) {
display_core(env, ios.get_options(), ios, line, col);
while (true) {
lean_assert(it->m_line <= line);
lean_assert(it != end);
auto next = it;
if (next == end || next->m_line > line) {
display_core(it->m_env, join(it->m_options, ios.get_options()), ios, line, col);
it = next;
optional<pair<environment, options>> get_final_env_opts() {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (m_env_info.empty()) {
return optional<pair<environment, options>>();
} else {
auto it = m_env_info.end();
return optional<pair<environment, options>>(mk_pair(it->m_env, it->m_options));
optional<pair<environment, options>> get_closest_env_opts(unsigned linenum) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
auto it = m_env_info.begin();
if (it == m_env_info.end())
return optional<pair<environment, options>>();
if (it->m_line > linenum)
return optional<pair<environment, options>>(it->m_env, it->m_options);
while (true) {
lean_assert(it != m_env_info.end() && it->m_line <= linenum);
auto next = it;
if (next == m_env_info.end())
return optional<pair<environment, options>>(mk_pair(it->m_env, it->m_options));
if (next->m_line > linenum)
return optional<pair<environment, options>>(mk_pair(next->m_env, next->m_options));
it = next;
optional<expr> get_type_at(unsigned line, unsigned col) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (line >= m_line_data.size())
return none_expr();
if (auto it = m_line_data[line].find(mk_type_info(col, expr())))
return some_expr(static_cast<type_info_data const *>(it->raw())->get_type());
return none_expr();
optional<expr> get_meta_at(unsigned line, unsigned col) {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
if (line >= m_line_data.size())
return none_expr();
if (auto it = m_line_data[line].find(mk_synth_info(col, expr())))
return some_expr(static_cast<synth_info_data const *>(it->raw())->get_expr());
return none_expr();
unsigned get_processed_upto() {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
return m_processed_upto;
void clear() {
lock_guard<mutex> lc(m_mutex);
m_iteration = 0;
m_processed_upto = 0;
info_manager::info_manager():m_ptr(new imp()) {}
info_manager::~info_manager() {}
void info_manager::add_type_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) { m_ptr->add_type_info(l, c, e); }
void info_manager::add_extra_type_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) { m_ptr->add_extra_type_info(l, c, e, t); }
void info_manager::add_synth_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) { m_ptr->add_synth_info(l, c, e); }
void info_manager::add_overload_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e) { m_ptr->add_overload_info(l, c, e); }
void info_manager::add_overload_notation_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, list<expr> const & a) { m_ptr->add_overload_notation_info(l, c, a); }
void info_manager::add_coercion_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, expr const & e, expr const & t) { m_ptr->add_coercion_info(l, c, e, t); }
void info_manager::erase_coercion_info(unsigned l, unsigned c) { m_ptr->erase_coercion_info(l, c); }
void info_manager::add_symbol_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, name const & s) { m_ptr->add_symbol_info(l, c, s); }
void info_manager::add_identifier_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, name const & full_id) {
m_ptr->add_identifier_info(l, c, full_id);
void info_manager::add_proof_state_info(unsigned l, unsigned c, proof_state const & ps) {
m_ptr->add_proof_state_info(l, c, ps);
void info_manager::instantiate(substitution const & s) { m_ptr->instantiate(s); }
void info_manager::merge(info_manager const & m, bool overwrite) { m_ptr->merge(*m.m_ptr, overwrite); }
void info_manager::insert_line(unsigned l) { m_ptr->insert_line(l); }
void info_manager::remove_line(unsigned l) { m_ptr->remove_line(l); }
void info_manager::invalidate_line(unsigned l) { m_ptr->invalidate_line(l); }
void info_manager::invalidate_line_col(unsigned l, unsigned c) { m_ptr->invalidate_line_col(l, c); }
void info_manager::commit_upto(unsigned l, bool valid) { m_ptr->commit_upto(l, valid); }
void info_manager::set_processed_upto(unsigned l) { m_ptr->set_processed_upto(l); }
bool info_manager::is_invalidated(unsigned l) const { return m_ptr->is_invalidated(l); }
void info_manager::save_environment_options(unsigned l, unsigned c, environment const & env, options const & o) {
m_ptr->save_environment_options(l, c, env, o);
void info_manager::clear() { m_ptr->clear(); }
optional<pair<environment, options>> info_manager::get_final_env_opts() const { return m_ptr->get_final_env_opts(); }
optional<pair<environment, options>> info_manager::get_closest_env_opts(unsigned linenum) const { return m_ptr->get_closest_env_opts(linenum); }
void info_manager::display(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, unsigned line, optional<unsigned> const & col) const {
m_ptr->display(env, ios, line, col);
unsigned info_manager::get_processed_upto() const { return m_ptr->m_processed_upto; }
optional<expr> info_manager::get_type_at(unsigned line, unsigned col) const { return m_ptr->get_type_at(line, col); }
optional<expr> info_manager::get_meta_at(unsigned line, unsigned col) const { return m_ptr->get_meta_at(line, col); }
void info_manager::block_new_info() { m_ptr->block_new_info(true); }
void info_manager::start_from(unsigned l) { m_ptr->start_from(l); }
void info_manager::remove_proof_state_info(unsigned start_line, unsigned start_col, unsigned end_line, unsigned end_col) {
m_ptr->remove_proof_state_info(start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col);