Unquoted tokens inherit their spacing from the respective reserved definition.
200 lines
8.2 KiB
200 lines
8.2 KiB
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/lua.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "library/head_map.h"
#include "frontends/lean/token_table.h"
#include "frontends/lean/parser_pos_provider.h"
namespace lean {
class parser;
class io_state_stream;
namespace notation {
typedef std::function<expr(parser &, unsigned, expr const *, pos_info const &)> parse_fn;
enum class action_kind { Skip, Expr, Exprs, Binder, Binders, ScopedExpr, Ext, LuaExt };
struct action_cell;
\brief Action that must be performed after a token is consumed.
The possible actions are:
- Skip: do nothing, just consume the token.
- Expr: parse a Lean expression using a given right-binding-power (rbp).
- Exprs: parse a sequence of expressions separated by a given token.
The expressions are parsed using the given right-binding-power (rbp).
The multiple expressions are combined into a single expression by folding them
using an expression (rec) with two free variables and an initial element, fold left and right are supported.
- Binder: parse a single Lean binder.
- Binders: parse a sequence of Lean binders.
- ScopedExpr: parse an expression using the previous binder(s).
The resulting expression is computed using an expression (rec) with one free variable.
- Ext: invokes an external procedure parse_fn. This is used to define notation that does
complicated notation.
The parse_table datastructure applies "left factoring" when actions are "compatible".
\remark Ext actions are never compatible with anything.
class action {
action_cell * m_ptr;
explicit action(action_cell * ptr);
static action g_skip_action;
static action g_binder_action;
static action g_binders_action;
action(action const & s);
action(action && s);
action & operator=(action const & s);
action & operator=(action && s);
friend void initialize_parse_table();
friend action mk_expr_action(unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_binders_action(unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_binder_action(unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_exprs_action(name const & sep, expr const & rec, optional<expr> const & ini,
optional<name> const & terminator, bool right, unsigned rbp);
friend action mk_scoped_expr_action(expr const & rec, unsigned rbp, bool lambda);
friend action mk_ext_action_core(parse_fn const & fn);
friend action mk_ext_action(parse_fn const & fn);
friend action mk_ext_lua_action(char const * lua_fn);
action_kind kind() const;
unsigned rbp() const;
name const & get_sep() const;
expr const & get_rec() const;
optional<expr> const & get_initial() const;
optional<name> const & get_terminator() const;
bool is_fold_right() const;
bool use_lambda_abstraction() const;
parse_fn const & get_parse_fn() const;
std::string const & get_lua_fn() const;
bool is_equal(action const & a) const;
bool is_equivalent(action const & a) const;
// We say two actions are compatible if the parser can decide which one to choose by looking at the next token.
bool is_compatible(action const & a) const;
void display(io_state_stream & out) const;
/** \brief Return true iff the action is not Ext or LuaExt */
bool is_simple() const;
inline bool operator==(action const & a1, action const & a2) { return a1.is_equal(a2); }
inline bool operator!=(action const & a1, action const & a2) { return !a1.is_equal(a2); }
action mk_skip_action();
action mk_expr_action(unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_exprs_action(name const & sep, expr const & rec, optional<expr> const & ini, optional<name> const & terminator, bool right,
unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_binder_action(unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_binders_action(unsigned rbp = 0);
action mk_scoped_expr_action(expr const & rec, unsigned rbp = 0, bool lambda = true);
action mk_ext_action_core(parse_fn const & fn);
action mk_ext_action(parse_fn const & fn);
action mk_ext_lua_action(char const * lua_fn);
/** \brief Apply \c f to expressions embedded in the given action */
action replace(action const & a, std::function<expr(expr const &)> const & f);
class transition {
name m_token;
name m_pp_token;
action m_action;
transition(name const & t, action const & a, name pp_token = name::anonymous()):
m_token(t), m_pp_token(pp_token ? pp_token : t), m_action(a) {}
name const & get_token() const { return m_token; }
name const & get_pp_token() const { return m_pp_token; }
action const & get_action() const { return m_action; }
bool is_simple() const { return m_action.is_simple(); }
bool is_safe_ascii() const { return m_token.is_safe_ascii(); }
inline bool operator==(transition const & t1, transition const & t2) {
return t1.get_token() == t2.get_token() && t1.get_action() == t2.get_action();
inline bool operator!=(transition const & t1, transition const & t2) {
return !(t1 == t2);
/** \brief Apply \c f to expressions embedded in the given transition */
transition replace(transition const & t, std::function<expr(expr const &)> const & f);
class accepting {
unsigned m_prio;
list<action> m_postponed; // exprs and scoped_expr actions
expr m_expr; // resulting expression
accepting(unsigned prio, list<action> const & post, expr const & e):
m_prio(prio), m_postponed(post), m_expr(e) {}
unsigned get_prio() const { return m_prio; }
list<action> const & get_postponed() const { return m_postponed; }
expr const & get_expr() const { return m_expr; }
void display(io_state_stream & out, unsigned num, transition const * ts, list<accepting> const & es, bool nud,
optional<token_table> const & tt);
\brief Parse table "transition rules" for implementing a Pratt's parser.
The table supports "left factoring" in the methods \c add and \c merge.
class parse_table {
struct cell;
cell * m_ptr;
explicit parse_table(cell * c);
parse_table add_core(unsigned num, transition const * ts, expr const & a, unsigned priority, bool overload, buffer<action> & postponed) const;
void for_each(buffer<transition> & ts, std::function<void(unsigned, transition const *,
list<accepting> const &)> const & fn) const;
parse_table(bool nud = true);
parse_table(parse_table const & s);
parse_table(parse_table && s);
parse_table & operator=(parse_table const & n);
parse_table & operator=(parse_table&& n);
bool is_nud() const;
parse_table add(unsigned num, transition const * ts, expr const & a, unsigned priority, bool overload) const;
parse_table add(std::initializer_list<transition> const & ts, expr const & a) const {
return add(ts.size(), ts.begin(), a, LEAN_DEFAULT_NOTATION_PRIORITY, true);
parse_table merge(parse_table const & s, bool overload) const;\
list<pair<transition, parse_table>> find(name const & tk) const;
list<accepting> const & is_accepting() const;
void for_each(std::function<void(unsigned, transition const *, list<accepting> const &)> const & fn) const;
void display(io_state_stream & out, optional<token_table> const & tk) const;
/** \brief Given a notation definition, return the "head symbol" of
every instance of the given notation.
\remark The result is none if the notation uses actions implemented in C++ or Lua.
The result is none if the denotation is a variable.
optional<head_index> get_head_index(unsigned num, transition const * ts, expr const & a);
void initialize_parse_table();
void finalize_parse_table();
typedef notation::parse_table parse_table;
void open_parse_table(lua_State * L);
inline void initialize_parse_table() { notation::initialize_parse_table(); }
inline void finalize_parse_table() { notation::finalize_parse_table(); }