Leonardo de Moura 048151487e feat(kernel): use Pi as forall/implication
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-01-08 00:38:39 -08:00

18 lines
720 B

Set: pp::colors
Set: pp::unicode
Assumed: f
λ (A B : Type) (a : B), f B a
Failed to solve
A : Type, a : ?M::0, B : Type ⊢ ?M::0[lift:0:2] ≺ B
(line: 4: pos: 42) Type of argument 2 must be convertible to the expected type in the application of
with arguments:
Assumed: myeq
myeq (∀ (A : Type), A → A) (λ (A : Type) (a : A), a) (λ (B : Type) (b : B), b)
myeq (∀ (A : Type), A → A) (λ (A : Type) (a : A), a) (λ (B : Type) (b : B), b) : Bool
Assumed: R
Assumed: h
λ (H : Bool) (f1 g1 : ∀ A : Type, R A) (G : ∀ A : Type, myeq (R A) (f1 A) (g1 A)), h f1 :
Bool → (∀ (f1 g1 : ∀ A : Type, R A), (∀ A : Type, myeq (R A) (f1 A) (g1 A)) → Bool)