This commit adds truncated 2-quotients, groupoid quotients, Eilenberg MacLane spaces, chain complexes, the long exact sequence of homotopy groups, the Freudenthal Suspension Theorem, Whitehead's principle, and the computation of homotopy groups of almost all spheres which are known in HoTT.
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184 lines
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Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn
Partially ported from the standard library
open eq eq.ops decidable
namespace bool
local attribute bor [reducible]
local attribute band [reducible]
theorem dichotomy (b : bool) : b = ff ⊎ b = tt :=
bool.cases_on b (sum.inl rfl) (sum.inr rfl)
theorem cond_ff {A : Type} (t e : A) : cond ff t e = e :=
theorem cond_tt {A : Type} (t e : A) : cond tt t e = t :=
theorem eq_tt_of_ne_ff : Π {a : bool}, a ≠ ff → a = tt
| @eq_tt_of_ne_ff tt H := rfl
| @eq_tt_of_ne_ff ff H := absurd rfl H
theorem eq_ff_of_ne_tt : Π {a : bool}, a ≠ tt → a = ff
| @eq_ff_of_ne_tt tt H := absurd rfl H
| @eq_ff_of_ne_tt ff H := rfl
theorem absurd_of_eq_ff_of_eq_tt {B : Type} {a : bool} (H₁ : a = ff) (H₂ : a = tt) : B :=
absurd (H₁⁻¹ ⬝ H₂) ff_ne_tt
theorem tt_bor (a : bool) : bor tt a = tt :=
notation a || b := bor a b
theorem bor_tt (a : bool) : a || tt = tt :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem ff_bor (a : bool) : ff || a = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem bor_ff (a : bool) : a || ff = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem bor_self (a : bool) : a || a = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem bor.comm (a b : bool) : a || b = b || a :=
by cases a; repeat (cases b | reflexivity)
theorem bor.assoc (a b c : bool) : (a || b) || c = a || (b || c) :=
match a with
| ff := by rewrite *ff_bor
| tt := by rewrite *tt_bor
theorem or_of_bor_eq {a b : bool} : a || b = tt → a = tt ⊎ b = tt :=
bool.rec_on a
(suppose ff || b = tt,
have b = tt, from !ff_bor ▸ this,
sum.inr this)
(suppose tt || b = tt,
sum.inl rfl)
theorem bor_inl {a b : bool} (H : a = tt) : a || b = tt :=
by rewrite H
theorem bor_inr {a b : bool} (H : b = tt) : a || b = tt :=
bool.rec_on a (by rewrite H) (by rewrite H)
theorem ff_band (a : bool) : ff && a = ff :=
theorem tt_band (a : bool) : tt && a = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem band_ff (a : bool) : a && ff = ff :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem band_tt (a : bool) : a && tt = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem band_self (a : bool) : a && a = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem band.comm (a b : bool) : a && b = b && a :=
bool.cases_on a
(bool.cases_on b rfl rfl)
(bool.cases_on b rfl rfl)
theorem band.assoc (a b c : bool) : (a && b) && c = a && (b && c) :=
match a with
| ff := by rewrite *ff_band
| tt := by rewrite *tt_band
theorem band_elim_left {a b : bool} (H : a && b = tt) : a = tt :=
sum.elim (dichotomy a)
(suppose a = ff,
(calc ff = ff && b : ff_band
... = a && b : this
... = tt : H)
(suppose a = tt, this)
theorem band_intro {a b : bool} (H₁ : a = tt) (H₂ : b = tt) : a && b = tt :=
by rewrite [H₁, H₂]
theorem band_elim_right {a b : bool} (H : a && b = tt) : b = tt :=
band_elim_left (!band.comm ⬝ H)
theorem bnot_bnot (a : bool) : bnot (bnot a) = a :=
bool.cases_on a rfl rfl
theorem bnot_empty : bnot ff = tt :=
theorem bnot_unit : bnot tt = ff :=
theorem eq_tt_of_bnot_eq_ff {a : bool} : bnot a = ff → a = tt :=
bool.cases_on a (by contradiction) (λ h, rfl)
theorem eq_ff_of_bnot_eq_tt {a : bool} : bnot a = tt → a = ff :=
bool.cases_on a (λ h, rfl) (by contradiction)
definition bxor (x:bool) (y:bool) := cond x (bnot y) y
/- HoTT-related stuff -/
open is_equiv equiv function is_trunc option unit decidable
definition is_equiv_bnot [constructor] [instance] [priority 500] : is_equiv bnot :=
exact bnot,
all_goals (intro b;cases b), do 6 reflexivity
-- all_goals (focus (intro b;cases b;all_goals reflexivity)),
definition bnot_ne : Π(b : bool), bnot b ≠ b
| bnot_ne tt := ff_ne_tt
| bnot_ne ff := ne.symm ff_ne_tt
definition equiv_bnot [constructor] : bool ≃ bool := bnot _
definition eq_bnot : bool = bool := ua equiv_bnot
definition eq_bnot_ne_idp : eq_bnot ≠ idp :=
assume H : eq_bnot = idp,
have H2 : bnot = id, from !cast_ua_fn⁻¹ ⬝ ap cast H,
absurd (ap10 H2 tt) ff_ne_tt
theorem is_set_bool : is_set bool := _
theorem not_is_prop_bool_eq_bool : ¬ is_prop (bool = bool) :=
λ H, eq_bnot_ne_idp !is_prop.elim
definition bool_equiv_option_unit [constructor] : bool ≃ option unit :=
fapply equiv.MK,
{ intro b, cases b, exact none, exact some star},
{ intro u, cases u, exact ff, exact tt},
{ intro u, cases u with u, reflexivity, cases u, reflexivity},
{ intro b, cases b, reflexivity, reflexivity},
/- pointed and truncated bool -/
open pointed
definition pointed_bool [instance] [constructor] : pointed bool :=
| ff
definition pbool [constructor] : Set* :=
|' bool
definition tbool [constructor] : Set := bool _
notation `bool*` := pbool
end bool