We move the basic notions of pointed types into init.pointed, to avoid cycles in the import graph. Also adds pointed versions of pi and sigma, with corresponding notation
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Copyright (c) 2016 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob von Raumer, Floris van Doorn
Pointed Pushouts
import .pushout types.pointed
open eq pushout
namespace pointed
definition pointed_pushout [instance] [constructor] {TL BL TR : Type} [HTL : pointed TL]
[HBL : pointed BL] [HTR : pointed TR] (f : TL → BL) (g : TL → TR) : pointed (pushout f g) :=
pointed.mk (inl (point _))
end pointed
open pointed pType
namespace pushout
parameters {TL BL TR : Type*} (f : TL →* BL) (g : TL →* TR)
definition ppushout [constructor] : Type* :=
pointed.mk' (pushout f g)
parameters {f g}
definition pinl [constructor] : BL →* ppushout :=
pmap.mk inl idp
definition pinr [constructor] : TR →* ppushout :=
pmap.mk inr ((ap inr (respect_pt g))⁻¹ ⬝ !glue⁻¹ ⬝ (ap inl (respect_pt f)))
definition pglue (x : TL) : pinl (f x) = pinr (g x) := -- TODO do we need this?
definition prec {P : ppushout → Type} (Pinl : Π x, P (pinl x)) (Pinr : Π x, P (pinr x))
(H : Π x, Pinl (f x) =[pglue x] Pinr (g x)) : (Π y, P y) :=
pushout.rec Pinl Pinr H
variables {TL BL TR : Type*} (f : TL →* BL) (g : TL →* TR)
protected definition psymm [constructor] : ppushout f g ≃* ppushout g f :=
fapply pequiv_of_equiv,
{ apply pushout.symm},
{ exact ap inr (respect_pt f)⁻¹ ⬝ !glue⁻¹ ⬝ ap inl (respect_pt g)}
end pushout