Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
264 lines
9 KiB
264 lines
9 KiB
Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <cstring>
#include "rc.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "sexpr.h"
#include "name.h"
#include "mpz.h"
#include "mpq.h"
#include "escaped.h"
namespace lean {
/** \brief Base class used to represent S-expression cells. */
struct sexpr_cell {
void dealloc();
sexpr_kind m_kind;
unsigned m_hash;
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind k, unsigned h):m_rc(1), m_kind(k), m_hash(h) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: string atom */
struct sexpr_string : public sexpr_cell {
std::string m_value;
sexpr_string(char const * v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::STRING, hash_str(strlen(v), v, 13)),
m_value(v) {}
sexpr_string(std::string const & v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::STRING, hash_str(v.size(), v.c_str(), 13)),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: int atom */
struct sexpr_int : public sexpr_cell {
int m_value;
sexpr_int(int v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::INT, v),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: bool atom */
struct sexpr_bool : public sexpr_cell {
bool m_value;
sexpr_bool(bool v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::BOOL, v),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: double atom */
struct sexpr_double : public sexpr_cell {
double m_value;
sexpr_double(double v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::DOUBLE, static_cast<unsigned>(v)),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: hierarchical name atom */
struct sexpr_name : public sexpr_cell {
name m_value;
sexpr_name(name const & v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::NAME, v.hash()),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: multi-precision integer atom */
struct sexpr_mpz : public sexpr_cell {
mpz m_value;
sexpr_mpz(mpz const & v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::MPZ, v.hash()),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: multi-precision rational atom */
struct sexpr_mpq : public sexpr_cell {
mpq m_value;
sexpr_mpq(mpq const & v):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::MPQ, v.hash()),
m_value(v) {}
/** \brief S-expression cell: cons cell (aka pair) */
struct sexpr_cons : public sexpr_cell {
sexpr m_head;
sexpr m_tail;
sexpr_cons(sexpr const & h, sexpr const & t):
sexpr_cell(sexpr_kind::CONS, hash(h.hash(), t.hash())),
m_tail(t) {}
void sexpr_cell::dealloc() {
switch (m_kind) {
case sexpr_kind::NIL: lean_unreachable(); break;
case sexpr_kind::STRING: delete static_cast<sexpr_string*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::BOOL: delete static_cast<sexpr_bool*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::INT: delete static_cast<sexpr_int*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::DOUBLE: delete static_cast<sexpr_double*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::NAME: delete static_cast<sexpr_name*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::MPZ: delete static_cast<sexpr_mpz*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::MPQ: delete static_cast<sexpr_mpq*>(this); break;
case sexpr_kind::CONS: delete static_cast<sexpr_cons*>(this); break;
sexpr::sexpr(char const * v):m_ptr(new sexpr_string(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(std::string const & v):m_ptr(new sexpr_string(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(bool v):m_ptr(new sexpr_bool(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(int v):m_ptr(new sexpr_int(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(double v):m_ptr(new sexpr_double(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(name const & v):m_ptr(new sexpr_name(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(mpz const & v):m_ptr(new sexpr_mpz(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(mpq const & v):m_ptr(new sexpr_mpq(v)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(sexpr const & h, sexpr const & t):m_ptr(new sexpr_cons(h, t)) {}
sexpr::sexpr(sexpr const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) {
if (m_ptr)
sexpr::sexpr(sexpr && s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) {
s.m_ptr = nullptr;
sexpr::~sexpr() {
if (m_ptr)
sexpr_kind sexpr::kind() const { return m_ptr ? m_ptr->m_kind : sexpr_kind::NIL; }
sexpr const & head(sexpr const & s) { lean_assert(is_cons(s)); return static_cast<sexpr_cons*>(s.m_ptr)->m_head; }
sexpr const & tail(sexpr const & s) { lean_assert(is_cons(s)); return static_cast<sexpr_cons*>(s.m_ptr)->m_tail; }
std::string const & sexpr::get_string() const { return static_cast<sexpr_string*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
bool sexpr::get_bool() const { return static_cast<sexpr_bool*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
int sexpr::get_int() const { return static_cast<sexpr_int*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
double sexpr::get_double() const { return static_cast<sexpr_double*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
name const & sexpr::get_name() const { return static_cast<sexpr_name*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
mpz const & sexpr::get_mpz() const { return static_cast<sexpr_mpz*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
mpq const & sexpr::get_mpq() const { return static_cast<sexpr_mpq*>(m_ptr)->m_value; }
unsigned sexpr::hash() const { return m_ptr == nullptr ? 23 : m_ptr->m_hash; }
sexpr & sexpr::operator=(sexpr const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(sexpr, s); }
sexpr & sexpr::operator=(sexpr && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(sexpr, s); }
bool is_list(sexpr const & s) {
if (is_nil(s))
return true;
if (!is_cons(s))
return false;
sexpr const * curr = &s;
while (true) {
curr = &tail(*curr);
if (is_nil(*curr))
return true;
if (!is_cons(*curr))
return false;
unsigned length(sexpr const & s) {
unsigned r = 0;
sexpr const * curr = &s;
while (true) {
if (is_nil(*curr))
return r;
curr = &tail(*curr);
bool operator==(sexpr const & a, sexpr const & b) {
if (is_eqp(a, b))
return true;
sexpr_kind ka = a.kind();
sexpr_kind kb = b.kind();
if (ka != kb)
return false;
if (a.hash() != b.hash())
return false;
switch (ka) {
case sexpr_kind::NIL: return true;
case sexpr_kind::STRING: return to_string(a) == to_string(b);
case sexpr_kind::BOOL: return to_bool(a) == to_bool(b);
case sexpr_kind::INT: return to_int(a) == to_int(b);
case sexpr_kind::DOUBLE: return to_double(a) == to_double(b);
case sexpr_kind::NAME: return to_name(a) == to_name(b);
case sexpr_kind::MPZ: return to_mpz(a) == to_mpz(b);
case sexpr_kind::MPQ: return to_mpq(a) == to_mpq(b);
case sexpr_kind::CONS: return head(a) == head(b) && tail(a) == tail(b);
return false;
int cmp(sexpr const & a, sexpr const & b) {
if (is_eqp(a, b))
return 0;
sexpr_kind ka = a.kind();
sexpr_kind kb = b.kind();
if (ka != kb)
return ka < kb ? -1 : 1;
if (a.hash() == b.hash()) {
if (a == b)
return 0;
switch (ka) {
case sexpr_kind::NIL: return 0;
case sexpr_kind::STRING: return strcmp(to_string(a).c_str(), to_string(b).c_str());
case sexpr_kind::BOOL: return to_bool(a) == to_bool(b) ? 0 : (!to_bool(a) && to_bool(b) ? -1 : 1);
case sexpr_kind::INT: return to_int(a) == to_int(b) ? 0 : (to_int(a) < to_int(b) ? -1 : 1);
case sexpr_kind::DOUBLE: return to_double(a) == to_double(b) ? 0 : (to_double(a) < to_double(b) ? -1 : 1);
case sexpr_kind::NAME: return cmp(to_name(a), to_name(b));
case sexpr_kind::MPZ: return cmp(to_mpz(a), to_mpz(b));
case sexpr_kind::MPQ: return cmp(to_mpq(a), to_mpq(b));
case sexpr_kind::CONS: {
int r = cmp(head(a), head(b));
if (r != 0)
return r;
return cmp(tail(a), tail(b));
return 0;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, sexpr const & s) {
switch (s.kind()) {
case sexpr_kind::NIL: out << "nil"; break;
case sexpr_kind::STRING: out << "\"" << escaped(to_string(s).c_str()) << "\""; break;
case sexpr_kind::BOOL: out << (to_bool(s) ? "true" : "false"); break;
case sexpr_kind::INT: out << to_int(s); break;
case sexpr_kind::DOUBLE: out << to_double(s); break;
case sexpr_kind::NAME: out << to_name(s); break;
case sexpr_kind::MPZ: out << to_mpz(s); break;
case sexpr_kind::MPQ: out << to_mpq(s); break;
case sexpr_kind::CONS: {
out << "(";
sexpr const * curr = &s;
while (true) {
out << head(*curr);
curr = &tail(*curr);
if (is_nil(*curr)) {
} else if (!is_cons(*curr)) {
out << " . ";
out << *curr;
} else {
out << " ";
out << ")";
return out;
bool operator==(sexpr const & a, name const & b) { return is_name(a) && to_name(a) == b; }
bool operator==(sexpr const & a, mpz const & b) { return is_mpz(a) && to_mpz(a) == b; }
bool operator==(sexpr const & a, mpq const & b) { return is_mpq(a) && to_mpq(a) == b; }
void print(lean::sexpr const & n) { std::cout << n << "\n"; }