Leonardo de Moura 4f2e0c6d7f refactor(frontends/lean): add 'attribute' command
The new command provides a uniform way to set declaration attributes.
It replaces the commands: class, instance, coercion, multiple_instances,
reducible, irreducible
2015-01-24 20:23:21 -08:00

27 lines
962 B

import logic
inductive category (ob : Type) (mor : ob → ob → Type) : Type :=
mk : Π (comp : Π⦃A B C : ob⦄, mor B C → mor A B → mor A C)
(id : Π {A : ob}, mor A A),
(Π {A B C D : ob} {f : mor A B} {g : mor B C} {h : mor C D},
comp h (comp g f) = comp (comp h g) f) →
(Π {A B : ob} {f : mor A B}, comp f id = f) →
(Π {A B : ob} {f : mor A B}, comp id f = f) →
category ob mor
attribute category [class]
namespace category
context sec_cat
parameter A : Type
inductive foo :=
mk : A → foo
attribute foo [class]
parameters {ob : Type} {mor : ob → ob → Type} {Cat : category ob mor}
definition compose := rec (λ comp id assoc idr idl, comp) Cat
definition id := rec (λ comp id assoc idr idl, id) Cat
infixr ∘ := compose
inductive is_section {A B : ob} (f : mor A B) : Type :=
mk : ∀g, g ∘ f = id → is_section f
end sec_cat
end category