80 lines
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80 lines
3.2 KiB
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "library/app_builder.h"
#include "library/fun_info_manager.h"
namespace lean {
enum class congr_arg_kind {
/* It is a parameter for the congruence lemma, the parit occurs in the left and right hand sides. */
/* It is not a parameter for the congruence lemma, the lemma was specialized for this parameter.
This only happens if the parameter is a subsingleton/proposition, and other parameters depend on it. */
/* The lemma contains three parameters for this kind of argument a_i, b_i and (eq_i : a_i = b_i).
a_i and b_i represent the left and right hand sides, and eq_i is a proof for their equality. */
/* congr-simp lemma contains only one parameter for this kind of argument, and congr-lemmas contains two.
They correspond to arguments that are subsingletons/propositions. */
/* The lemma contains three parameters for this kind of argument a_i, b_i and (eq_i : a_i == b_i).
a_i and b_i represent the left and right hand sides, and eq_i is a proof for their heterogeneous equality. */
class congr_lemma {
expr m_type;
expr m_proof;
list<congr_arg_kind> m_arg_kinds;
congr_lemma(expr const & type, expr const & proof, list<congr_arg_kind> const & ks):
m_type(type), m_proof(proof), m_arg_kinds(ks) {}
expr const & get_type() const { return m_type; }
expr const & get_proof() const { return m_proof; }
list<congr_arg_kind> const & get_arg_kinds() const { return m_arg_kinds; }
bool all_eq_kind() const;
class congr_lemma_manager {
struct imp;
std::unique_ptr<imp> m_ptr;
congr_lemma_manager(app_builder & b, fun_info_manager & fm);
typedef congr_lemma result;
type_context & ctx();
unsigned get_specialization_prefix_size(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs);
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn);
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs);
/* Create a specialized theorem using (a prefix of) the arguments of the given application. */
optional<result> mk_specialized_congr_simp(expr const & a);
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn);
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs);
/* Create a specialized theorem using (a prefix of) the arguments of the given application. */
optional<result> mk_specialized_congr(expr const & a);
optional<result> mk_hcongr(expr const & fn);
optional<result> mk_hcongr(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs);
/** \brief If R is an equivalence relation, construct the congruence lemma
R a1 a2 -> R b1 b2 -> (R a1 b1) <-> (R a2 b2) */
optional<result> mk_rel_iff_congr(expr const & R);
/** \brief Similar to previous one.
It returns none if propext is not available.
R a1 a2 -> R b1 b2 -> (R a1 b1) = (R a2 b2) */
optional<result> mk_rel_eq_congr(expr const & R);
void initialize_congr_lemma_manager();
void finalize_congr_lemma_manager();