
246 lines
9.1 KiB

Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "kernel/for_each_fn.h"
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "library/trace.h"
#include "library/fun_info_manager.h"
namespace lean {
static name * g_fun_info = nullptr;
void initialize_fun_info_manager() {
g_fun_info = new name("fun_info");
void finalize_fun_info_manager() {
delete g_fun_info;
#define lean_trace_fun_info(Code) lean_trace(*g_fun_info, Code)
static bool is_fun_info_trace_enabled() {
return is_trace_class_enabled(*g_fun_info);
fun_info_manager::fun_info_manager(type_context & ctx):
m_ctx(ctx) {
list<unsigned> fun_info_manager::collect_deps(expr const & type, buffer<expr> const & locals) {
buffer<unsigned> deps;
for_each(type, [&](expr const & e, unsigned) {
if (m_ctx.is_tmp_local(e)) {
unsigned idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < locals.size(); idx++)
if (locals[idx] == e)
if (idx < locals.size() && std::find(deps.begin(), deps.end(), idx) == deps.end())
return has_local(e); // continue the search only if e has locals
std::sort(deps.begin(), deps.end());
return to_list(deps);
/* Store parameter info for fn in \c pinfos and return the dependencies of the resulting type
(if compute_resulting_deps == true). */
list<unsigned> fun_info_manager::get_core(expr const & fn, buffer<param_info> & pinfos,
unsigned max_args, bool compute_resulting_deps) {
expr type = m_ctx.relaxed_try_to_pi(m_ctx.infer(fn));
buffer<expr> locals;
unsigned i = 0;
while (is_pi(type)) {
if (i == max_args)
expr local = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local_from_binding(type);
expr local_type = m_ctx.infer(local);
expr new_type = m_ctx.relaxed_try_to_pi(instantiate(binding_body(type), local));
bool spec = false;
bool is_prop = m_ctx.is_prop(local_type);
bool is_sub = is_prop;
bool is_dep = !closed(binding_body(type));
if (!is_sub) {
// TODO(Leo): check if the following line is a performance bottleneck.
is_sub = static_cast<bool>(m_ctx.mk_subsingleton_instance(local_type));
is_prop, is_sub, is_dep, collect_deps(local_type, locals));
type = new_type;
if (compute_resulting_deps)
return collect_deps(type, locals);
return list<unsigned>();
fun_info fun_info_manager::get(expr const & e) {
auto it = m_cache_get.find(e);
if (it != m_cache_get.end())
return it->second;
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
auto result_deps = get_core(e, pinfos, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), true);
fun_info r(pinfos.size(), to_list(pinfos), result_deps);
m_cache_get.insert(mk_pair(e, r));
return r;
fun_info fun_info_manager::get(expr const & e, unsigned nargs) {
expr_unsigned key(e, nargs);
auto it = m_cache_get_nargs.find(key);
if (it != m_cache_get_nargs.end())
return it->second;
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
auto result_deps = get_core(e, pinfos, nargs, true);
fun_info r(pinfos.size(), to_list(pinfos), result_deps);
m_cache_get_nargs.insert(mk_pair(key, r));
return r;
/* Return true if there is j s.t. pinfos[j] is not a
proposition/subsingleton and it dependends of argument i */
static bool has_nonprop_nonsubsingleton_fwd_dep(unsigned i, buffer<param_info> const & pinfos) {
for (unsigned j = i+1; j < pinfos.size(); j++) {
param_info const & fwd_pinfo = pinfos[j];
if (fwd_pinfo.is_prop() || fwd_pinfo.is_subsingleton())
auto const & fwd_deps = fwd_pinfo.get_dependencies();
if (std::find(fwd_deps.begin(), fwd_deps.end(), i) != fwd_deps.end()) {
return true;
return false;
void fun_info_manager::trace_if_unsupported(expr const & fn, buffer<expr> const & args, unsigned prefix_sz, fun_info const & result) {
if (!is_fun_info_trace_enabled())
fun_info info = get(fn, args.size());
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
to_buffer(info.get_params_info(), pinfos);
/* Check if all remaining arguments are nondependent or
dependent (but all forward dependencies are propositions or subsingletons) */
unsigned i = prefix_sz;
for (; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
param_info const & pinfo = pinfos[i];
if (!pinfo.is_dep())
continue; /* nondependent argument */
if (has_nonprop_nonsubsingleton_fwd_dep(i, pinfos))
break; /* failed i-th argument has a forward dependent that is not a prop nor a subsingleton */
if (i == pinfos.size())
return; // It is *cheap* case
/* Expensive case */
/* We generate a trace message IF it would be possible to compute more precise information.
That is, there is an argument that is a proposition and/or subsingleton, but
the corresponding pinfo is not a marked a prop/subsingleton.
i = 0;
for (param_info const & pinfo : result.get_params_info()) {
if (pinfo.is_prop() || pinfo.is_subsingleton())
expr arg_type = m_ctx.infer(args[i]);
if (m_ctx.is_prop(arg_type) || m_ctx.mk_subsingleton_instance(arg_type)) {
tout() << "approximating function information for '" << fn
<< "', this may affect the effectiveness of the simplifier and congruence closure modules, "
<< "more precise information can be efficiently computed if all parameters are moved to the beginning of the function\n";);
unsigned fun_info_manager::get_specialization_prefix_size(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) {
We say a function is "cheap" if it is of the form:
a) 0 or more dependent parameters p s.t. there is at least one forward dependency x : C[p]
which is not a proposition nor a subsingleton.
b) followed by 0 or more nondependent parameter and/or a dependent parameter
s.t. all forward dependencies are propositions and subsingletons.
We have a caching mechanism for the "cheap" case.
The cheap case cover many commonly used functions
eq : Pi {A : Type} (x y : A), Prop
add : Pi {A : Type} [s : has_add A] (x y : A), A
inv : Pi {A : Type} [s : has_inv A] (x : A) (h : invertible x), A
but it doesn't cover
p : Pi {A : Type} (x : A) {B : Type} (y : B), Prop
I don't think this is a big deal since we can write it as:
p : Pi {A : Type} {B : Type} (x : A) (y : B), Prop
Therefore, we ignore the non-cheap cases, and pretend they are "cheap".
If tracing is enabled, we produce a tracing message whenever we find
a non-cheap case.
This procecure returns the size of group a)
expr_unsigned key(fn, nargs);
auto it = m_cache_prefix.find(key);
if (it != m_cache_prefix.end())
return it->second;
fun_info info = get(fn, nargs);
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
to_buffer(info.get_params_info(), pinfos);
/* Compute "prefix": 0 or more parameters s.t.
at lest one forward dependency is not a proposition or a subsingleton */
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
param_info const & pinfo = pinfos[i];
if (!pinfo.is_dep())
/* search for forward dependency that is not a proposition nor a subsingleton */
if (!has_nonprop_nonsubsingleton_fwd_dep(i, pinfos))
unsigned prefix_sz = i;
m_cache_prefix.insert(mk_pair(key, prefix_sz));
return prefix_sz;
fun_info fun_info_manager::get_specialized(expr const & a) {
buffer<expr> args;
expr const & fn = get_app_args(a, args);
unsigned prefix_sz = get_specialization_prefix_size(fn, args.size());
unsigned num_rest_args = args.size() - prefix_sz;
expr g = a;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_rest_args; i++)
g = app_fn(g);
expr_unsigned key(g, num_rest_args);
auto it = m_cache_get_spec.find(key);
if (it != m_cache_get_spec.end()) {
return it->second;
/* fun_info is not cached */
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
get_core(fn, pinfos, prefix_sz, false);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < prefix_sz; i++) {
pinfos[i].m_specialized = true;
auto result_deps = get_core(g, pinfos, num_rest_args, true);
fun_info r(pinfos.size(), to_list(pinfos), result_deps);
m_cache_get_spec.insert(mk_pair(key, r));
trace_if_unsupported(fn, args, prefix_sz, r);
return r;