223 lines
7.8 KiB
223 lines
7.8 KiB
Copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "util/sstream.h"
#include "library/scoped_ext.h"
namespace lean {
typedef std::tuple<name, using_namespace_fn, export_namespace_fn, push_scope_fn, pop_scope_fn> entry;
typedef std::vector<entry> scoped_exts;
static scoped_exts * g_exts = nullptr;
static scoped_exts & get_exts() { return *g_exts; }
void register_scoped_ext(name const & c, using_namespace_fn use, export_namespace_fn ex, push_scope_fn push, pop_scope_fn pop) {
get_exts().emplace_back(c, use, ex, push, pop);
struct scope_mng_ext : public environment_extension {
name_set m_namespace_set; // all namespaces registered in the system
name_set m_opened_namespaces; // set of namespaces marked as "open"
list<name> m_namespaces; // stack of namespaces/sections
list<name> m_headers; // namespace/section header
list<scope_kind> m_scope_kinds;
struct scope_mng_ext_reg {
unsigned m_ext_id;
scope_mng_ext_reg() { m_ext_id = environment::register_extension(std::make_shared<scope_mng_ext>()); }
static scope_mng_ext_reg * g_ext = nullptr;
static scope_mng_ext const & get_extension(environment const & env) {
return static_cast<scope_mng_ext const &>(env.get_extension(g_ext->m_ext_id));
static environment update(environment const & env, scope_mng_ext const & ext) {
return env.update(g_ext->m_ext_id, std::make_shared<scope_mng_ext>(ext));
name const & get_namespace(environment const & env) {
scope_mng_ext const & ext = get_extension(env);
return !is_nil(ext.m_namespaces) ? head(ext.m_namespaces) : name::anonymous();
list<name> const & get_namespaces(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_namespaces;
bool in_section(environment const & env) {
scope_mng_ext const & ext = get_extension(env);
return !is_nil(ext.m_scope_kinds) && head(ext.m_scope_kinds) == scope_kind::Section;
void get_metaclasses(buffer<name> & r) {
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
name const & n = std::get<0>(t);
if (std::find(r.begin(), r.end(), n) == r.end())
bool is_metaclass(name const & n) {
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
if (std::get<0>(t) == n)
return true;
return false;
environment mark_namespace_as_open(environment const & env, name const & n) {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
return update(env, ext);
name_set get_opened_namespaces(environment const & env) {
return get_extension(env).m_opened_namespaces;
environment using_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n, buffer<name> const & metaclasses) {
environment r = env;
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
if (metaclasses.empty() ||
std::find(metaclasses.begin(), metaclasses.end(), std::get<0>(t)) != metaclasses.end())
r = std::get<1>(t)(r, ios, n);
return r;
environment using_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) {
buffer<name> metaclasses;
return using_namespace(env, ios, n, metaclasses);
environment export_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n, buffer<name> const & metaclasses) {
environment r = env;
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
if (metaclasses.empty() ||
std::find(metaclasses.begin(), metaclasses.end(), std::get<0>(t)) != metaclasses.end())
r = std::get<2>(t)(r, ios, n);
return r;
environment export_namespace(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) {
buffer<name> metaclasses;
return export_namespace(env, ios, n, metaclasses);
optional<name> to_valid_namespace_name(environment const & env, name const & n) {
scope_mng_ext const & ext = get_extension(env);
if (ext.m_namespace_set.contains(n))
return optional<name>(n);
for (auto const & ns : ext.m_namespaces) {
name r = ns + n;
if (ext.m_namespace_set.contains(r))
return optional<name>(r);
return optional<name>();
static std::string * g_new_namespace_key = nullptr;
environment add_namespace(environment const & env, name const & ns) {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
if (!ext.m_namespace_set.contains(ns)) {
environment r = update(env, ext);
r = module::add(r, *g_new_namespace_key, [=](environment const &, serializer & s) { s << ns; });
if (ns.is_atomic())
return r;
return add_namespace(r, ns.get_prefix());
} else {
return env;
environment push_scope(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, scope_kind k, name const & n) {
if (k == scope_kind::Namespace && in_section(env))
throw exception("invalid namespace declaration, a namespace cannot be declared inside a section");
name new_n = get_namespace(env);
if (k == scope_kind::Namespace)
new_n = new_n + n;
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
bool save_ns = false;
if (!ext.m_namespace_set.contains(new_n)) {
save_ns = true;
ext.m_namespaces = cons(new_n, ext.m_namespaces);
ext.m_headers = cons(n, ext.m_headers);
ext.m_scope_kinds = cons(k, ext.m_scope_kinds);
environment r = update(env, ext);
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
r = std::get<3>(t)(r, ios, k);
if (k == scope_kind::Namespace)
r = using_namespace(r, ios, new_n);
if (save_ns)
r = module::add(r, *g_new_namespace_key, [=](environment const &, serializer & s) { s << new_n; });
return r;
static void namespace_reader(deserializer & d, shared_environment &,
std::function<void(asynch_update_fn const &)> &,
std::function<void(delayed_update_fn const &)> & add_delayed_update) {
name n;
d >> n;
add_delayed_update([=](environment const & env, io_state const &) -> environment {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
return update(env, ext);
environment pop_scope_core(environment const & env, io_state const & ios) {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
if (is_nil(ext.m_namespaces))
return env;
scope_kind k = head(ext.m_scope_kinds);
ext.m_namespaces = tail(ext.m_namespaces);
ext.m_headers = tail(ext.m_headers);
ext.m_scope_kinds = tail(ext.m_scope_kinds);
environment r = update(env, ext);
for (auto const & t : get_exts()) {
r = std::get<4>(t)(r, ios, k);
return r;
environment pop_scope(environment const & env, io_state const & ios, name const & n) {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
if (is_nil(ext.m_namespaces))
throw exception("invalid end of scope, there are no open namespaces/sections");
if (n != head(ext.m_headers))
throw exception(sstream() << "invalid end of scope, begin/end mistmatch, scope starts with '"
<< head(ext.m_headers) << "', and ends with '" << n << "'");
return pop_scope_core(env, ios);
bool has_open_scopes(environment const & env) {
scope_mng_ext ext = get_extension(env);
return !is_nil(ext.m_namespaces);
void initialize_scoped_ext() {
g_exts = new scoped_exts();
g_ext = new scope_mng_ext_reg();
g_new_namespace_key = new std::string("nspace");
register_module_object_reader(*g_new_namespace_key, namespace_reader);
void finalize_scoped_ext() {
delete g_new_namespace_key;
delete g_exts;
delete g_ext;