For example, the pointed suspension operation was called Susp before this commit, but now is called psusp
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Copyright (c) 2016 Jakob von Raumer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jakob von Raumer
The Smash Product of Types
import hit.pushout .wedge .cofiber .susp .sphere
open eq pushout prod pointed pType is_trunc
definition product_of_wedge [constructor] (A B : Type*) : pwedge A B →* A ×* B :=
intro x, induction x with [a, b], exact (a, point B), exact (point A, b),
do 2 reflexivity
definition psmash (A B : Type*) := pcofiber (product_of_wedge A B)
open sphere susp unit
namespace smash
protected definition prec {X Y : Type*} {P : psmash X Y → Type}
(pxy : Π x y, P (inr (x, y))) (ps : P (inl ⋆))
(px : Π x, pathover P ps (glue (inl x)) (pxy x (point Y)))
(py : Π y, pathover P ps (glue (inr y)) (pxy (point X) y))
(pg : pathover (λ x, pathover P ps (glue x) (@prod.rec X Y (λ x, P (inr x)) pxy
(pushout.elim (λ a, (a, Point Y)) (pair (Point X)) (λ x, idp) x)))
(px (Point X)) (glue ⋆) (py (Point Y))) : Π s, P s :=
intro s, induction s, induction x, exact ps,
induction x with [x, y], exact pxy x y,
induction x with [x, y, u], exact px x, exact py y,
induction u, exact pg,
protected definition prec_on {X Y : Type*} {P : psmash X Y → Type} (s : psmash X Y)
(pxy : Π x y, P (inr (x, y))) (ps : P (inl ⋆))
(px : Π x, pathover P ps (glue (inl x)) (pxy x (point Y)))
(py : Π y, pathover P ps (glue (inr y)) (pxy (point X) y))
(pg : pathover (λ x, pathover P ps (glue x) (@prod.rec X Y (λ x, P (inr x)) pxy
(pushout.elim (λ a, (a, Point Y)) (pair (Point X)) (λ x, idp) x)))
(px (Point X)) (glue ⋆) (py (Point Y))) : P s :=
smash.prec pxy ps px py pg s
/- definition smash_bool (X : Type*) : psmash X pbool ≃* X :=
{ fconstructor,
{ intro x, fapply cofiber.pelim_on x, clear x, exact point X, intro p,
cases p with [x', b], cases b with [x, x'], exact point X, exact x',
clear x, intro w, induction w with [y, b], reflexivity,
cases b, reflexivity, reflexivity, esimp,
apply eq_pathover, refine !ap_constant ⬝ph _, cases x, esimp, apply hdeg_square,
apply inverse, apply concat, apply ap_compose (λ a, prod.cases_on a _),
apply concat, apply ap _ !elim_glue, reflexivity },
reflexivity },
{ fapply is_equiv.adjointify,
{ intro x, apply inr, exact pair x },
{ intro x, reflexivity },
{ intro s, esimp, induction s,
{ cases x, apply (glue (inr⁻¹ },
{ cases x with [x, b], cases b,
apply inverse, apply concat, apply (glue (inl x))⁻¹, apply (glue (inr,
reflexivity },
{ esimp, apply eq_pathover, induction x,
esimp, apply hinverse, krewrite ap_id, apply move_bot_of_left,
krewrite con.right_inv,
refine _ ⬝hp !(ap_compose (λ a, inr (pair a _)))⁻¹,
apply transpose, apply square_of_eq_bot, rewrite [con_idp, con.left_inv],
apply inverse, apply concat, apply ap (ap _),
} } }
definition susp_equiv_circle_smash (X : Type*) : psusp X ≃* psmash (psphere 1) X :=
{ fconstructor, intro x, induction x, },
end smash