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Module: init.types
Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Floris van Doorn, Jakob von Raumer
import .num .wf
-- Empty type
-- ----------
namespace empty
protected theorem elim {A : Type} (H : empty) : A :=
empty.rec (λe, A) H
end empty
protected definition empty.has_decidable_eq [instance] : decidable_eq empty :=
take (a b : empty), decidable.inl (!empty.elim a)
-- Unit type
-- ---------
namespace unit
notation `⋆` := star
end unit
-- Sigma type
-- ----------
notation `Σ` binders `,` r:(scoped P, sigma P) := r
namespace sigma
notation `⟨`:max t:(foldr `,` (e r, mk e r)) `⟩`:0 := t --input ⟨ ⟩ as \< \>
namespace ops
postfix `.1`:(max+1) := pr1
postfix `.2`:(max+1) := pr2
abbreviation pr₁ := @pr1
abbreviation pr₂ := @pr2
end ops
end sigma
-- Sum type
-- --------
namespace sum
infixr ⊎ := sum
infixr + := sum
namespace low_precedence_plus
reserve infixr `+`:25 -- conflicts with notation for addition
infixr `+` := sum
end low_precedence_plus
variables {a b c d : Type}
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_of_imp (H₁ : a ⊎ b) (H₂ : a → c) (H₃ : b → d) : c ⊎ d :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume Ha : a, sum.inl (H₂ Ha))
(assume Hb : b, sum.inr (H₃ Hb))
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_left (H₁ : a ⊎ c) (H : a → b) : b ⊎ c :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume H₂ : a, sum.inl (H H₂))
(assume H₂ : c, sum.inr H₂)
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_right (H₁ : c ⊎ a) (H : a → b) : c ⊎ b :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume H₂ : c, sum.inl H₂)
(assume H₂ : a, sum.inr (H H₂))
end sum
-- Product type
-- ------------
abbreviation pair := @prod.mk
namespace prod
-- notation for n-ary tuples
notation `(` h `,` t:(foldl `,` (e r, prod.mk r e) h) `)` := t
infixr × := prod
namespace ops
infixr * := prod
postfix `.1`:(max+1) := pr1
postfix `.2`:(max+1) := pr2
abbreviation pr₁ := @pr1
abbreviation pr₂ := @pr2
end ops
namespace low_precedence_times
reserve infixr `*`:30 -- conflicts with notation for multiplication
infixr `*` := prod
end low_precedence_times
open prod.ops
definition flip {A B : Type} (a : A × B) : B × A := pair (pr2 a) (pr1 a)
open well_founded
variables {A B : Type}
variable (Ra : A → A → Type)
variable (Rb : B → B → Type)
-- Lexicographical order based on Ra and Rb
inductive lex : A × B → A × B → Type :=
| left : ∀{a₁ b₁} a₂ b₂, Ra a₁ a₂ → lex (a₁, b₁) (a₂, b₂)
| right : ∀a {b₁ b₂}, Rb b₁ b₂ → lex (a, b₁) (a, b₂)
-- Relational product based on Ra and Rb
inductive rprod : A × B → A × B → Type :=
intro : ∀{a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂}, Ra a₁ a₂ → Rb b₁ b₂ → rprod (a₁, b₁) (a₂, b₂)
parameters {A B : Type}
parameters {Ra : A → A → Type} {Rb : B → B → Type}
local infix `≺`:50 := lex Ra Rb
definition lex.accessible {a} (aca : acc Ra a) (acb : ∀b, acc Rb b): ∀b, acc (lex Ra Rb) (a, b) :=
acc.rec_on aca
(λxa aca (iHa : ∀y, Ra y xa → ∀b, acc (lex Ra Rb) (y, b)),
λb, acc.rec_on (acb b)
(λxb acb
(iHb : ∀y, Rb y xb → acc (lex Ra Rb) (xa, y)),
acc.intro (xa, xb) (λp (lt : p ≺ (xa, xb)),
have aux : xa = xa → xb = xb → acc (lex Ra Rb) p, from
@prod.lex.rec_on A B Ra Rb (λp₁ p₂ h, pr₁ p₂ = xa → pr₂ p₂ = xb → acc (lex Ra Rb) p₁)
p (xa, xb) lt
(λa₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ (H : Ra a₁ a₂) (eq₂ : a₂ = xa) (eq₃ : b₂ = xb),
show acc (lex Ra Rb) (a₁, b₁), from
have Ra₁ : Ra a₁ xa, from eq.rec_on eq₂ H,
iHa a₁ Ra₁ b₁)
(λa b₁ b₂ (H : Rb b₁ b₂) (eq₂ : a = xa) (eq₃ : b₂ = xb),
show acc (lex Ra Rb) (a, b₁), from
have Rb₁ : Rb b₁ xb, from eq.rec_on eq₃ H,
have eq₂' : xa = a, from eq.rec_on eq₂ rfl,
eq.rec_on eq₂' (iHb b₁ Rb₁)),
aux rfl rfl)))
-- The lexicographical order of well founded relations is well-founded
definition lex.wf (Ha : well_founded Ra) (Hb : well_founded Rb) : well_founded (lex Ra Rb) :=
well_founded.intro (λp, destruct p (λa b, lex.accessible (Ha a) (well_founded.apply Hb) b))
-- Relational product is a subrelation of the lex
definition rprod.sub_lex : ∀ a b, rprod Ra Rb a b → lex Ra Rb a b :=
λa b H, prod.rprod.rec_on H (λ a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ H₁ H₂, lex.left Rb a₂ b₂ H₁)
-- The relational product of well founded relations is well-founded
definition rprod.wf (Ha : well_founded Ra) (Hb : well_founded Rb) : well_founded (rprod Ra Rb) :=
subrelation.wf (rprod.sub_lex) (lex.wf Ha Hb)
end prod
/- logic using prod and sum -/
variables {a b c d : Type}
open prod sum unit
/- prod -/
definition not_prod_of_not_left (b : Type) (Hna : ¬a) : ¬(a × b) :=
assume H : a × b, absurd (pr1 H) Hna
definition not_prod_of_not_right (a : Type) {b : Type} (Hnb : ¬b) : ¬(a × b) :=
assume H : a × b, absurd (pr2 H) Hnb
definition prod.swap (H : a × b) : b × a :=
pair (pr2 H) (pr1 H)
definition prod_of_prod_of_imp_of_imp (H₁ : a × b) (H₂ : a → c) (H₃ : b → d) : c × d :=
by cases H₁ with aa bb; exact (H₂ aa, H₃ bb)
definition prod_of_prod_of_imp_left (H₁ : a × c) (H : a → b) : b × c :=
by cases H₁ with aa cc; exact (H aa, cc)
definition prod_of_prod_of_imp_right (H₁ : c × a) (H : a → b) : c × b :=
by cases H₁ with cc aa; exact (cc, H aa)
definition prod.comm : a × b ↔ b × a :=
iff.intro (λH, prod.swap H) (λH, prod.swap H)
definition prod.assoc : (a × b) × c ↔ a × (b × c) :=
(assume H, pair
(pr1 (pr1 H))
(pair (pr2 (pr1 H)) (pr2 H)))
(assume H, pair
(pair (pr1 H) (pr1 (pr2 H)))
(pr2 (pr2 H)))
definition prod_unit (a : Type) : a × unit ↔ a :=
iff.intro (assume H, pr1 H) (assume H, pair H star)
definition unit_prod (a : Type) : unit × a ↔ a :=
iff.intro (assume H, pr2 H) (assume H, pair star H)
definition prod_empty (a : Type) : a × empty ↔ empty :=
iff.intro (assume H, pr2 H) (assume H, !empty.elim H)
definition empty_prod (a : Type) : empty × a ↔ empty :=
iff.intro (assume H, pr1 H) (assume H, !empty.elim H)
definition prod_self (a : Type) : a × a ↔ a :=
iff.intro (assume H, pr1 H) (assume H, pair H H)
/- sum -/
definition not_sum (Hna : ¬a) (Hnb : ¬b) : ¬(a ⊎ b) :=
assume H : a ⊎ b, sum.rec_on H
(assume Ha, absurd Ha Hna)
(assume Hb, absurd Hb Hnb)
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_of_imp (H₁ : a ⊎ b) (H₂ : a → c) (H₃ : b → d) : c ⊎ d :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume Ha : a, sum.inl (H₂ Ha))
(assume Hb : b, sum.inr (H₃ Hb))
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_left (H₁ : a ⊎ c) (H : a → b) : b ⊎ c :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume H₂ : a, sum.inl (H H₂))
(assume H₂ : c, sum.inr H₂)
definition sum_of_sum_of_imp_right (H₁ : c ⊎ a) (H : a → b) : c ⊎ b :=
sum.rec_on H₁
(assume H₂ : c, sum.inl H₂)
(assume H₂ : a, sum.inr (H H₂))
definition sum.elim3 (H : a ⊎ b ⊎ c) (Ha : a → d) (Hb : b → d) (Hc : c → d) : d :=
sum.rec_on H Ha (assume H₂, sum.rec_on H₂ Hb Hc)
definition sum_resolve_right (H₁ : a ⊎ b) (H₂ : ¬a) : b :=
sum.rec_on H₁ (assume Ha, absurd Ha H₂) (assume Hb, Hb)
definition sum_resolve_left (H₁ : a ⊎ b) (H₂ : ¬b) : a :=
sum.rec_on H₁ (assume Ha, Ha) (assume Hb, absurd Hb H₂)
definition sum.swap (H : a ⊎ b) : b ⊎ a :=
sum.rec_on H (assume Ha, sum.inr Ha) (assume Hb, sum.inl Hb)
definition sum.comm : a ⊎ b ↔ b ⊎ a :=
iff.intro (λH, sum.swap H) (λH, sum.swap H)
definition sum.assoc : (a ⊎ b) ⊎ c ↔ a ⊎ (b ⊎ c) :=
(assume H, sum.rec_on H
(assume H₁, sum.rec_on H₁
(assume Ha, sum.inl Ha)
(assume Hb, sum.inr (sum.inl Hb)))
(assume Hc, sum.inr (sum.inr Hc)))
(assume H, sum.rec_on H
(assume Ha, (sum.inl (sum.inl Ha)))
(assume H₁, sum.rec_on H₁
(assume Hb, sum.inl (sum.inr Hb))
(assume Hc, sum.inr Hc)))
definition sum_unit (a : Type) : a ⊎ unit ↔ unit :=
iff.intro (assume H, star) (assume H, sum.inr H)
definition unit_sum (a : Type) : unit ⊎ a ↔ unit :=
iff.intro (assume H, star) (assume H, sum.inl H)
definition sum_empty (a : Type) : a ⊎ empty ↔ a :=
(assume H, sum.rec_on H (assume H1 : a, H1) (assume H1 : empty, !empty.elim H1))
(assume H, sum.inl H)
definition empty_sum (a : Type) : empty ⊎ a ↔ a :=
(assume H, sum.rec_on H (assume H1 : empty, !empty.elim H1) (assume H1 : a, H1))
(assume H, sum.inr H)
definition sum_self (a : Type) : a ⊎ a ↔ a :=
(assume H, sum.rec_on H (assume H1, H1) (assume H1, H1))
(assume H, sum.inl H)