Motivation: prod is used internally in the definitional package. If we define prod as a structure, then Lean will tag pr1 and pr2 as projections. This creates problems when we add special support for projections in the elaborator. The heuristics avoid some case-splits that are currently performed, and without them some files break.
25 lines
453 B
25 lines
453 B
open nat prod
set_option pp.coercions true
definition s : nat × nat := pair 10 20
structure test :=
(A : Type) (a : A) (B : A → Type) (b : B a)
definition s2 := ⦃ test, a := 3, b := 10 ⦄
eval s2
definition s3 := {| test, a := 20, s2 |}
eval s3
definition s4 := ⦃ test, A := nat, B := λ a, nat, a := 10, b := 10 ⦄
definition s5 : Σ a : nat, a > 0 :=
⦃ sigma, pr1 := 10, pr2 := of_is_true trivial ⦄
eval s5
check ⦃ unit ⦄