1- FIXED structure foo := (bar : Type) -- the name of structures is not highlighted 2- NOT FIXED check foo-- this comment is not highlighted 3- FIXED check Type.{5} -- Type is not highlighted 4- FIXED definition bar{thisishighlighted : Type} := foo 5- FIXED definition bar2 {thetypeofthisvariableisnothighlighted :Type} := foo Have no idea what is going on with 2. I'm not sure if this is our bug, or Emacs code we depend on.
155 lines
7.8 KiB
155 lines
7.8 KiB
;; Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;; Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
;; Author: Leonardo de Moura
;; Soonho Kong
(require 'rx)
(defconst lean-keywords
'("import" "reducible" "irreducible" "tactic_hint" "protected" "private" "opaque" "definition" "renaming"
"hiding" "exposing" "parameter" "parameters" "begin" "proof" "qed" "conjecture" "constant" "constants"
"hypothesis" "lemma" "corollary" "variable" "variables" "print" "theorem" "example"
"context" "open" "as" "export" "axiom" "inductive" "with" "structure" "record" "universe" "universes"
"alias" "help" "environment" "options" "precedence" "reserve" "postfix" "prefix"
"calc_trans" "calc_subst" "calc_refl" "calc_symm"
"infix" "infixl" "infixr" "notation" "eval" "check" "exit" "coercion" "end"
"using" "namespace" "instance" "class" "section" "fields"
"set_option" "add_rewrite" "extends" "include" "omit" "classes" "instances" "coercions" "raw")
"lean keywords")
(defconst lean-syntax-table
(let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
;; Matching parens
(modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){" st)
;; comment
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "_ 14nb" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "_ 123" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" st)
;; Word constituent
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f ?g ?h ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m
?n ?o ?p ?q ?r ?s ?t ?u ?v ?w ?x ?y ?z
?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M
?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z))
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?0 ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9))
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?α ?β ?γ ?δ ?ε ?ζ ?η ?θ ?ι ?κ ;;?λ
?μ ?ν ?ξ ?ο ?π ?ρ ?ς ?σ ?τ ?υ
?φ ?χ ?ψ ?ω))
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?ϊ ?ϋ ?ό ?ύ ?ώ ?Ϗ ?ϐ ?ϑ ?ϒ ?ϓ ?ϔ ?ϕ ?ϖ
?ϗ ?Ϙ ?ϙ ?Ϛ ?ϛ ?Ϝ ?ϝ ?Ϟ ?ϟ ?Ϡ ?ϡ ?Ϣ ?ϣ
?Ϥ ?ϥ ?Ϧ ?ϧ ?Ϩ ?ϩ ?Ϫ ?ϫ ?Ϭ ?ϭ ?Ϯ ?ϯ ?ϰ
?ϱ ?ϲ ?ϳ ?ϴ ?ϵ ?϶ ?Ϸ ?ϸ ?Ϲ ?Ϻ ?ϻ))
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?ἀ ?ἁ ?ἂ ?ἃ ?ἄ ?ἅ ?ἆ ?ἇ ?Ἀ ?Ἁ ?Ἂ ?Ἃ ?Ἄ
?Ἅ ?Ἆ ?Ἇ ?ἐ ?ἑ ?ἒ ?ἓ ?ἔ ?ἕ ? ? ?Ἐ ?Ἑ
?Ἒ ?Ἓ ?Ἔ ?Ἕ ? ? ?ἠ ?ἡ ?ἢ ?ἣ ?ἤ ?ἥ
?ἦ ?ἧ ?Ἠ ?Ἡ ?Ἢ ?Ἣ ?Ἤ ?Ἥ ?Ἦ ?Ἧ ?ἰ ?ἱ
?ἲ ?ἳ ?ἴ ?ἵ ?ἶ ?ἷ ?Ἰ ?Ἱ ?Ἲ ?Ἳ ?Ἴ ?Ἵ ?Ἶ ?Ἷ
?ὀ ?ὁ ?ὂ ?ὃ ?ὄ ?ὅ ? ? ?Ὀ ?Ὁ ?Ὂ ?Ὃ
?Ὄ ?Ὅ ? ? ?ὐ ?ὑ ?ὒ ?ὓ ?ὔ ?ὕ ?ὖ ?ὗ
? ?Ὑ ? ?Ὓ ? ?Ὕ ? ?Ὗ ?ὠ ?ὡ ?ὢ
?ὣ ?ὤ ?ὥ ?ὦ ?ὧ ?Ὠ ?Ὡ ?Ὢ ?Ὣ ?Ὤ ?Ὥ ?Ὦ
?Ὧ ?ὰ ?ά ?ὲ ?έ ?ὴ ?ή ?ὶ ?ί ?ὸ ?ό ?ὺ ?ύ ?ὼ
?ώ ? ? ?ᾀ ?ᾁ ?ᾂ ?ᾃ ?ᾄ ?ᾅ ?ᾆ ?ᾇ ?ᾈ
?ᾉ ?ᾊ ?ᾋ ?ᾌ ?ᾍ ?ᾎ ?ᾏ ?ᾐ ?ᾑ ?ᾒ ?ᾓ ?ᾔ
?ᾕ ?ᾖ ?ᾗ ?ᾘ ?ᾙ ?ᾚ ?ᾛ ?ᾜ ?ᾝ ?ᾞ ?ᾟ ?ᾠ ?ᾡ ?ᾢ
?ᾣ ?ᾤ ?ᾥ ?ᾦ ?ᾧ ?ᾨ ?ᾩ ?ᾪ ?ᾫ ?ᾬ ?ᾭ ?ᾮ ?ᾯ ?ᾰ
?ᾱ ?ᾲ ?ᾳ ?ᾴ ? ?ᾶ ?ᾷ ?Ᾰ ?Ᾱ ?Ὰ ?Ά ?ᾼ ?᾽
?ι ?᾿ ?῀ ?῁ ?ῂ ?ῃ ?ῄ ? ?ῆ ?ῇ ?Ὲ ?Έ ?Ὴ
?Ή ?ῌ ?῍ ?῎ ?῏ ?ῐ ?ῑ ?ῒ ?ΐ ? ? ?ῖ ?ῗ
?Ῐ ?Ῑ ?Ὶ ?Ί ? ?῝ ?῞ ?῟ ?ῠ ?ῡ ?ῢ ?ΰ ?ῤ ?ῥ
?ῦ ?ῧ ?Ῠ ?Ῡ ?Ὺ ?Ύ ?Ῥ ?῭ ?΅ ?` ? ? ?ῲ ?ῳ
?ῴ ? ?ῶ ?ῷ ?Ὸ ?Ό ?Ὼ ?Ώ ?ῼ ?´ ?῾))
(--map (modify-syntax-entry it "w" st)
(list ?℀ ?℁ ?ℂ ?℃ ?℄ ?℅ ?℆ ?ℇ ?℈ ?℉ ?ℊ ?ℋ ?ℌ ?ℍ ?ℎ
?ℏ ?ℐ ?ℑ ?ℒ ?ℓ ?℔ ?ℕ ?№ ?℗ ?℘ ?ℙ ?ℚ ?ℛ ?ℜ ?ℝ
?℞ ?℟ ?℠ ?℡ ?™ ?℣ ?ℤ ?℥ ?Ω ?℧ ?ℨ ?℩ ?K ?Å ?ℬ
?ℭ ?℮ ?ℯ ?ℰ ?ℱ ?Ⅎ ?ℳ ?ℴ ?ℵ ?ℶ ?ℷ ?ℸ ?ℹ ?℺ ?℻
?ℼ ?ℽ ?ℾ ?ℿ ?⅀ ?⅁ ?⅂ ?⅃ ?⅄ ?ⅅ ?ⅆ ?ⅇ ?ⅈ ?ⅉ ?⅊
?⅋ ?⅌ ?⅍ ?ⅎ ?⅏))
(modify-syntax-entry ?' "w" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" st)
;; Lean operator chars
(mapc #'(lambda (ch) (modify-syntax-entry ch "_" st))
;; Whitespace is whitespace
(modify-syntax-entry ?\ " " st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\t " " st)
;; Strings
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "/" st)
(defconst lean-font-lock-defaults
`((;; Keywords
(,(rx word-start (or "calc" "have" "obtains" "show" "by" "in" "let" "forall" "fun"
"exists" "if" "then" "else" "assume" "take" "obtain" "from") word-end)
. font-lock-keyword-face)
;; String
("\"[^\"]*\"" . 'font-lock-string-face)
;; Constants
(,(rx symbol-start (or "#" "@" "->" "∼" "↔" "/" "==" "=" ":=" "<->" "/\\" "\\/" "∧" "∨" "≠" "<" ">" "≤" "≥" "¬" "<=" ">=" "⁻¹" "⬝" "▸" "+" "*" "-" "/") symbol-end)
. 'font-lock-constant-face)
(,(rx symbol-start (or "λ" "→" "∃" "∀" ":=") symbol-end) . 'font-lock-constant-face )
;; universe/inductive/theorem... "names"
(,(rx word-start
(group (or "inductive" "structure" "record" "theorem" "axiom" "lemma" "hypothesis" "definition" "constant"))
(zero-or-more (or whitespace "(" "{" "["))
(group (zero-or-more (not (any " \t\n\r{([")))))
(2 'font-lock-function-name-face))
("\\(set_option\\)[ \t]*\\([^ \t\n]*\\)" (2 'font-lock-constant-face))
;; place holder
(,(rx symbol-start "_" symbol-end) . 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)
;; modifiers
(,(rx (or "\[persistent\]" "\[notation\]" "\[visible\]" "\[instance\]" "\[class\]"
"\[coercion\]" "\[reducible\]" "\[off\]" "\[none\]" "\[on\]")) . 'font-lock-doc-face)
(,(rx "\[priority" (zero-or-more (not (any "\]"))) "\]") . font-lock-doc-face)
;; tactics
(,(rx (not (any "\.")) word-start
(or "\\b.*_tac" "Cond" "or_else" "then" "try" "when" "assumption" "eassumption" "rapply" "apply" "rename" "intro" "intros"
"generalize" "back" "beta" "done" "exact" "repeat" "whnf" "rotate" "rotate_left" "rotate_right")
. 'font-lock-constant-face)
;; Types
(,(rx word-start (or "Prop" "Type" "Type'" "Type₊" "Type₁" "Type₂" "Type₃") symbol-end) . 'font-lock-type-face)
(,(rx word-start (group "Type") ".") (1 'font-lock-type-face))
;; sorry
(,(rx word-start "sorry" word-end) . 'font-lock-warning-face)
;; extra-keywords
(,(rx (or "∎")) . 'font-lock-keyword-face)
;; lean-keywords
(, (concat "\\(" (regexp-opt lean-keywords 'words) "\\)")
(1 'font-lock-keyword-face)))))
;; Syntax Highlighting for Lean Info Mode
(defconst lean-info-font-lock-defaults
(let ((new-entries
`(;; Please add more after this:
(,(rx word-start (group (+ wordchar)) word-end (+ white) ":")
(1 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
(,(rx white ":" white)
. 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(,(rx "⊢" white)
. 'font-lock-keyword-face)
(,(rx "[" (group "stale") "]")
(1 'font-lock-warning-face))
(,(rx line-start "No Goal" line-end)
. 'font-lock-constant-face)))
(inherited-entries (car lean-font-lock-defaults)))
`(,(-concat new-entries inherited-entries))))
(provide 'lean-syntax)