Leonardo de Moura 2dca68e645 chore(util/list): add inline functions for commonly used patterns in list processing code
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-08-03 13:51:38 -07:00

196 lines
6.9 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/optional.h"
namespace lean {
\brief Basic list template.
template<typename T>
class list {
class cell {
T m_head;
list m_tail;
template<typename... Fields>
cell(bool, list const & t, Fields&&... head):m_rc(1), m_head(head...), m_tail(t) {}
cell(T const & h, list const & t):m_rc(1), m_head(h), m_tail(t) {}
~cell() {}
T const & head() const { return m_head; }
list const & tail() const { return m_tail; }
void dealloc() { delete this; }
cell * m_ptr;
cell * steal_ptr() { cell * r = m_ptr; m_ptr = nullptr; return r; }
list():m_ptr(nullptr) {}
list(T const & h, list const & t):m_ptr(new cell(h, t)) {}
list(T const & h):m_ptr(new cell(h, list())) {}
list(list const & s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
list(list&& s):m_ptr(s.m_ptr) { s.m_ptr = nullptr; }
list(std::initializer_list<T> const & l):list() {
auto it = l.end();
while (it != l.begin()) {
*this = list(*it, *this);
explicit list(cell * c):m_ptr(c) { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->inc_ref(); }
~list() {
if (m_ptr && m_ptr->dec_ref_core()) {
cell * it = m_ptr;
while (true) {
lean_assert(it->get_rc() == 0);
cell * next = it->m_tail.steal_ptr();
delete it;
if (next && next->dec_ref_core()) {
it = next;
} else {
list & operator=(list const & s) { LEAN_COPY_REF(s); }
list & operator=(list && s) { LEAN_MOVE_REF(s); }
\brief Return internal representation.
This method is useful when we know the list is not going to be deleted and
we want to save a temporary reference to it. Use raw() prevents us from updating the
reference counters.
\warning Use it with care. The main risk of storing references to cell is that
the list may be deleted.
cell * raw() const { return m_ptr; }
/** \brief Return true iff it is not the empty/nil list. */
explicit operator bool() const { return m_ptr != nullptr; }
friend bool is_nil(list const & l) { return l.m_ptr == nullptr; }
friend bool empty(list const & l) { return is_nil(l); }
friend T const & head(list const & l) { lean_assert(!is_nil(l)); return l.m_ptr->m_head; }
friend list const & tail(list const & l) { lean_assert(!is_nil(l)); return l.m_ptr->m_tail; }
/** \brief Pointer equality. Return true iff \c l1 and \c l2 point to the same memory location. */
friend bool is_eqp(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return l1.m_ptr == l2.m_ptr; }
friend bool is_eqp(list const & l1, cell const * l2) { return l1.m_ptr == l2; }
template<typename... Args>
void emplace_front(Args&&... args) {
cell * new_ptr = new cell(true, *this, args...);
if (m_ptr) m_ptr->dec_ref();
m_ptr = new_ptr;
/** \brief Structural equality. */
friend bool operator==(list const & l1, list const & l2) {
cell * it1 = l1.m_ptr;
cell * it2 = l2.m_ptr;
while (it1 != nullptr && it2 != nullptr) {
if (it1 == it2)
return true;
if (it1->m_head != it2->m_head)
return false;
it1 = it1->m_tail.m_ptr;
it2 = it2->m_tail.m_ptr;
return it1 == nullptr && it2 == nullptr;
friend bool operator!=(list const & l1, list const & l2) { return !(l1 == l2); }
/** \brief List iterator object. */
class iterator {
friend class list;
cell const * m_it;
iterator(cell const * it):m_it(it) {}
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef T value_type;
typedef unsigned difference_type;
typedef T const * pointer;
typedef T const & reference;
iterator(iterator const & s):m_it(s.m_it) {}
iterator & operator++() { m_it = m_it->m_tail.m_ptr; return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator tmp(*this); operator++(); return tmp; }
bool operator==(iterator const & s) const { return m_it == s.m_it; }
bool operator!=(iterator const & s) const { return !operator==(s); }
T const & operator*() { lean_assert(m_it); return m_it->m_head; }
T const * operator->() { lean_assert(m_it); return &(m_it->m_head); }
iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_ptr); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(nullptr); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> cons(T const & h, list<T> const & t) { return list<T>(h, t); }
template<typename T> inline T const & car(list<T> const & l) { return head(l); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> const & cdr(list<T> const & l) { return tail(l); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> to_list(T const & v) { return list<T>(v); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> to_list(optional<T> const & v) { return v ? to_list(*v) : list<T>(); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> to_list(T const * v) { return v ? to_list(*v) : list<T>(); }
template<typename T> inline list<T> ptr_to_list(list<T> const * l) { return l ? *l : list<T>(); }
template<typename T> inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, list<T> const & l) {
out << "(";
bool first = true;
list<T> const * ptr = &l;
while (*ptr) {
if (first)
first = false;
out << " ";
out << head(*ptr);
ptr = &tail(*ptr);
out << ")";
return out;
template<typename T> unsigned length(list<T> const & l) {
unsigned r = 0;
list<T> const * it = &l;
while (*it) {
it = &tail(*it);
return r;
/** \brief Return a list containing the elements in the subrange <tt>[begin, end)</tt>. */
template<typename It> list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type>
to_list(It const & begin, It const & end,
list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type> const & ls = list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type>()) {
list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type> r = ls;
auto it = end;
while (it != begin) {
r = cons(*it, r);
return r;
/** \brief Return <tt>reverse(to_list(begin, end))</tt> */
template<typename It> list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type> reverse_to_list(It const & begin, It const & end) {
list<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type> r;
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it)
r = cons(*it, r);
return r;