Leonardo de Moura 1c8e78e3ae fix(kernel/justification): typo
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-04-24 15:08:10 -07:00

141 lines
5.4 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/rc.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "util/sexpr/format.h"
#include "kernel/expr.h"
#include "kernel/formatter.h"
#include "kernel/pos_info_provider.h"
namespace lean {
class substitution;
struct justification_cell;
\brief When a set of constraints cannot be solved, we must print some "error" message to the user.
The pp_jst_fn is a generic funciton that produces these messages. We can associate these functions
to justification objects.
typedef std::function<format(formatter const &, options const &, pos_info_provider const *, substitution const &)> pp_jst_fn;
\brief Objects used to justify unification (and level) constraints and metavariable assignments.
There are 4 basic kinds of justification:
- None: the null justification.
- Asserted: a justification produced by the type checker.
- Assumption: for case-splits inside the elaborator and other constraint solvers.
- Composite: the combination of two other justification objects.
A composite justification is used, for example, to justify a constraint produced by
replacing a metavariable ?M by its assignment in a constraint C.
class justification {
justification_cell * m_ptr;
justification(justification_cell * ptr);
justification(justification const & s);
justification(justification && s);
friend void swap(justification & a, justification & b) { std::swap(a.m_ptr, b.m_ptr); }
bool is_none() const;
bool is_asserted() const;
bool is_assumption() const;
bool is_composite() const;
justification_cell * raw() const { return m_ptr; }
justification & operator=(justification const & s);
justification & operator=(justification && s);
\brief Convert this justification into a format object. This method is usually used to report
"error" messages to users.
format pp(formatter const & fmt, options const & opts, pos_info_provider const * p, substitution const & s);
\brief Return an expression associated with the justification object.
optional<expr> get_main_expr() const;
friend justification mk_composite(justification const & j1, justification const & j2, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
friend justification mk_composite1(justification const & j1, justification const & j2);
friend justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
friend justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx);
friend justification mk_justification(optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
\brief Simpler version of pp_jst_fn
typedef std::function<format(formatter const &, options const &, substitution const &)> pp_jst_sfn;
/** \brief Return a format object containing position information for the given expression (if available) */
format to_pos(optional<expr> const & e, pos_info_provider const * p);
\brief Combine the two given justifications into a new justification object, and use
the given function to convert the justification into a format object.
justification mk_composite(justification const & j1, justification const & j2, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
\brief Similar to \c mk_composite, but uses \c j1.pp to convert the
resulting justification into a format object.
justification mk_composite1(justification const & j1, justification const & j2);
\brief Alias for \c mk_composite1
justification mk_substitution_justification(justification const & j1, justification const & j2);
\brief Create a "case-split" justification with the given \c idx.
justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx, optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
\brief Similar to the previous function, but fn just returns the format object "assumption idx", and s is the none.
justification mk_assumption_justification(unsigned idx);
\brief Create a justification for constraints produced by the type checker.
justification mk_justification(optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_fn const & fn);
\brief Create a justification for constraints produced by the type checker.
It is similar to the previous function, but the position of \c s will be automatically included.
justification mk_justification(optional<expr> const & s, pp_jst_sfn const & fn);
inline justification mk_justification(expr const & s, pp_jst_sfn const & fn) {
return mk_justification(some_expr(s), fn);
\brief Return the first child of a composite justification.
\pre j.is_composite()
justification const & composite_child1(justification const & j);
\brief Return the second child of a composite justification.
\pre j.is_composite()
justification const & composite_child2(justification const & j);
\brief Return the index of an assumption justification.
\pre j.is_assumption()
unsigned assumption_idx(justification const & j);
/** \brief Return true iff \c j depends on the assumption with index \c i. */
bool depends_on(justification const & j, unsigned i);
/** \brief Printer for debugging purposes */
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, justification const & j);