We still need a lot of polishing.
632 lines
27 KiB
632 lines
27 KiB
Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include "kernel/instantiate.h"
#include "kernel/abstract.h"
#include "library/util.h"
#include "library/trace.h"
#include "library/locals.h"
#include "library/constants.h"
#include "library/replace_visitor.h"
#include "library/relation_manager.h"
#include "library/expr_unsigned_map.h"
#include "library/congr_lemma_manager.h"
namespace lean {
bool congr_lemma::all_eq_kind() const {
return std::all_of(m_arg_kinds.begin(), m_arg_kinds.end(),
[](congr_arg_kind k) { return k == congr_arg_kind::Eq; });
struct congr_lemma_manager::imp {
app_builder & m_builder;
fun_info_manager & m_fmanager;
type_context & m_ctx;
typedef expr_unsigned key;
typedef expr_unsigned_map<result> cache;
cache m_simp_cache;
cache m_simp_cache_spec;
cache m_cache;
cache m_cache_spec;
cache m_rel_cache[2];
relation_info_getter m_relation_info_getter;
expr infer(expr const & e) { return m_ctx.infer(e); }
expr whnf(expr const & e) { return m_ctx.whnf(e); }
expr relaxed_whnf(expr const & e) { return m_ctx.relaxed_whnf(e); }
/** \brief (Try to) cast expression \c e to the given type using the equations \c eqs.
\c deps contains the indices of the relevant equalities.
\remark deps is sorted. */
expr cast(expr const & e, expr const & type, list<unsigned> const & deps, buffer<optional<expr>> const & eqs) {
if (!deps)
return e;
unsigned d = head(deps);
auto major = eqs[d];
if (!major) {
return cast(e, type, tail(deps), eqs);
} else {
expr lhs, rhs;
lean_verify(is_eq(mlocal_type(*major), lhs, rhs));
// We compute the new type by replacing rhs with lhs, and major with (refl lhs).
expr motive, new_type;
bool use_drec;
if (depends_on(type, *major)) {
// Since the type depends on the major, we must use dependent elimination.
// and the motive just abstract rhs and *major
use_drec = true;
motive = Fun(rhs, Fun(*major, type));
// We compute new_type by replacing rhs with lhs and *major with eq.refl(lhs) in type.
new_type = instantiate(abstract_local(type, rhs), lhs);
expr refl = m_builder.mk_eq_refl(lhs);
new_type = instantiate(abstract_local(new_type, *major), refl);
} else {
// type does not depend on the *major.
// So, the motive is just (fun rhs, type), and
// new_type just replaces rhs with lhs.
use_drec = false;
motive = Fun(rhs, type);
new_type = instantiate(abstract_local(type, rhs), lhs);
expr minor = cast(e, new_type, tail(deps), eqs);
if (use_drec) {
return m_builder.mk_eq_drec(motive, minor, *major);
} else {
return m_builder.mk_eq_rec(motive, minor, *major);
bool has_cast(buffer<congr_arg_kind> const & kinds) {
return std::find(kinds.begin(), kinds.end(), congr_arg_kind::Cast) != kinds.end();
/** \brief Create simple congruence theorem using just congr, congr_arg, and congr_fun lemmas.
\pre There are no "cast" arguments. */
expr mk_simple_congr_proof(expr const & fn, buffer<expr> const & lhss,
buffer<optional<expr>> const & eqs, buffer<congr_arg_kind> const & kinds) {
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (kinds[i] != congr_arg_kind::Fixed)
expr g = mk_app(fn, i, lhss.data());
if (i == kinds.size())
return m_builder.mk_eq_refl(g);
lean_assert(kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Eq);
expr pr = m_builder.mk_congr_arg(g, *eqs[i]);
for (; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Eq) {
pr = m_builder.mk_congr(pr, *eqs[i]);
} else {
lean_assert(kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Fixed);
pr = m_builder.mk_congr_fun(pr, lhss[i]);
return pr;
/** \brief Given a the set of hypotheses \c eqs, build a proof for <tt>lhs = rhs</tt> using \c eq.drec and \c eqs.
\remark eqs are the proofs for the Eq arguments.
\remark This is an auxiliary method used by mk_congr_simp. */
expr mk_congr_proof(unsigned i, expr const & lhs, expr const & rhs, buffer<optional<expr>> const & eqs) {
if (i == eqs.size()) {
return m_builder.mk_eq_refl(rhs);
} else if (!eqs[i]) {
return mk_congr_proof(i+1, lhs, rhs, eqs);
} else {
expr major = *eqs[i];
expr x_1, x_2;
lean_verify(is_eq(mlocal_type(major), x_1, x_2));
expr motive_eq = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
expr motive = Fun(x_2, Fun(major, motive_eq));
// We compute the new_rhs by replacing x_2 with x_1 and major with (eq.refl x_1) in rhs.
expr new_rhs = instantiate(abstract_local(rhs, x_2), x_1);
expr x1_refl = m_builder.mk_eq_refl(x_1);
new_rhs = instantiate(abstract_local(new_rhs, major), x1_refl);
expr minor = mk_congr_proof(i+1, lhs, new_rhs, eqs);
return m_builder.mk_eq_drec(motive, minor, major);
void trace_too_many_arguments(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) {
lean_trace("congruence_manager", tout() << "failed to generate lemma for (" << fn << ") with " << nargs
<< " arguments, too many arguments\n";);
void trace_app_builder_failure(expr const & fn) {
lean_trace("congruence_manager", tout() << "failed to generate lemma for (" << fn << "), "
<< " failed to build proof (enable 'trace.app_builder' for details\n";);
/** \brief Create a congruence lemma that is useful for the simplifier.
In this kind of lemma, if the i-th argument is a Cast argument, then the lemma
contains an input a_i representing the i-th argument in the left-hand-side, and
it appears with a cast (e.g., eq.drec ... a_i ...) in the right-hand-side.
The idea is that the right-hand-side of this lemma "tells" the simplifier
how the resulting term looks like. */
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, buffer<param_info> const & pinfos, buffer<congr_arg_kind> const & kinds) {
try {
expr fn_type = relaxed_whnf(infer(fn));
name e_name("e");
buffer<expr> lhss;
buffer<expr> rhss; // it contains the right-hand-side argument
buffer<optional<expr>> eqs; // for Eq args, it contains the equality
buffer<expr> hyps; // contains lhss + rhss + eqs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
if (!is_pi(fn_type)) {
trace_too_many_arguments(fn, pinfos.size());
return optional<result>();
expr lhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type), binding_domain(fn_type));
switch (kinds[i]) {
case congr_arg_kind::Eq: {
expr rhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type), binding_domain(fn_type));
expr eq_type = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
expr eq = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(e_name.append_after(eqs.size()+1), eq_type);
case congr_arg_kind::Fixed:
case congr_arg_kind::FixedNoParam:
lean_unreachable(); // TODO(Leo): not implemented yet
case congr_arg_kind::Cast: {
expr rhs_type = mlocal_type(lhs);
rhs_type = instantiate_rev(abstract_locals(rhs_type, lhss.size()-1, lhss.data()), rhss.size(), rhss.data());
expr rhs = cast(lhs, rhs_type, pinfos[i].get_dependencies(), eqs);
fn_type = relaxed_whnf(instantiate(binding_body(fn_type), lhs));
expr lhs = mk_app(fn, lhss);
expr rhs = mk_app(fn, rhss);
expr eq = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
expr congr_type = Pi(hyps, eq);
expr congr_proof;
if (has_cast(kinds)) {
congr_proof = mk_congr_proof(0, lhs, rhs, eqs);
} else {
congr_proof = mk_simple_congr_proof(fn, lhss, eqs, kinds);
congr_proof = Fun(hyps, congr_proof);
return optional<result>(congr_type, congr_proof, to_list(kinds));
} catch (app_builder_exception &) {
return optional<result>();
/** \brief Create a congruence lemma for the congruence closure module.
In this kind of lemma, if the i-th argument is a Cast argument, then the lemma
contains two inputs a_i and b_i representing the i-th argument in the left-hand-side and
This lemma is based on the congruence lemma for the simplifier.
It uses subsinglenton elimination to show that the congr-simp lemma right-hand-side
is equal to the right-hand-side of this lemma. */
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn, optional<result> const & simp_lemma,
buffer<param_info> const & pinfos, buffer<congr_arg_kind> const & kinds) {
try {
expr fn_type1 = whnf(infer(fn));
expr fn_type2 = fn_type1;
name e_name("e");
buffer<expr> lhss;
buffer<expr> rhss; // it contains the right-hand-side argument
buffer<optional<expr>> eqs; // for Eq args, it contains the equality
buffer<expr> hyps; // contains lhss + rhss + eqs
buffer<expr> simp_lemma_args;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
if (!is_pi(fn_type1)) {
trace_too_many_arguments(fn, pinfos.size());
return optional<result>();
expr lhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type1), binding_domain(fn_type1));
expr rhs;
switch (kinds[i]) {
case congr_arg_kind::Eq: {
lean_assert(m_ctx.is_def_eq(binding_domain(fn_type1), binding_domain(fn_type2)));
rhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type2), binding_domain(fn_type2));
expr eq_type = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
expr eq = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(e_name.append_after(eqs.size()+1), eq_type);
case congr_arg_kind::Fixed:
rhs = lhs;
case congr_arg_kind::FixedNoParam:
lean_unreachable(); // TODO(Leo): not implemented yet
case congr_arg_kind::Cast: {
rhs = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(fn_type2), binding_domain(fn_type2));
fn_type1 = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(fn_type1), lhs));
fn_type2 = whnf(instantiate(binding_body(fn_type2), rhs));
expr pr1 = mk_app(simp_lemma->get_proof(), simp_lemma_args);
expr type1 = simp_lemma->get_type();
while (is_pi(type1))
type1 = binding_body(type1);
type1 = instantiate_rev(type1, simp_lemma_args.size(), simp_lemma_args.data());
expr lhs1, rhs1;
lean_verify(is_eq(type1, lhs1, rhs1));
// build proof2
expr rhs2 = mk_app(fn, rhss);
expr eq = m_builder.mk_eq(lhs1, rhs2);
expr congr_type = Pi(hyps, eq);
// build proof that rhs1 = rhs2
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Cast && !pinfos[i].is_prop())
if (i == kinds.size()) {
// rhs1 and rhs2 are definitionally equal
expr congr_proof = Fun(hyps, pr1);
return optional<result>(congr_type, congr_proof, to_list(kinds));
buffer<expr> rhss1;
get_app_args_at_most(rhs1, rhss.size(), rhss1);
lean_assert(rhss.size() == rhss1.size());
expr a = mk_app(fn, i, rhss1.data());
expr pr2 = m_builder.mk_eq_refl(a);
for (; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Cast && !pinfos[i].is_prop()) {
expr r1 = rhss1[i];
expr r2 = rhss[i];
expr r1_eq_r2 = m_builder.mk_app(get_subsingleton_elim_name(), r1, r2);
pr2 = m_builder.mk_congr(pr2, r1_eq_r2);
} else {
pr2 = m_builder.mk_congr_fun(pr2, rhss[i]);
expr congr_proof = Fun(hyps, m_builder.mk_eq_trans(pr1, pr2));
return optional<result>(congr_type, congr_proof, to_list(kinds));
} catch (app_builder_exception &) {
return optional<result>();
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs, fun_info const & finfo) {
auto r = m_simp_cache.find(key(fn, nargs));
if (r != m_simp_cache.end())
return optional<result>(r->second);
list<unsigned> const & result_deps = finfo.get_result_dependencies();
buffer<congr_arg_kind> kinds;
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
to_buffer(finfo.get_params_info(), pinfos);
kinds.resize(pinfos.size(), congr_arg_kind::Eq);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
if (std::find(result_deps.begin(), result_deps.end(), i) != result_deps.end()) {
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
} else if (pinfos[i].is_subsingleton()) {
// See comment at mk_congr.
if (!pinfos[i].is_prop() && pinfos[i].is_dep())
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Cast;
} else if (pinfos[i].is_inst_implicit()) {
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pinfos.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = i+1; j < pinfos.size(); j++) {
auto j_deps = pinfos[j].get_dependencies();
if (std::find(j_deps.begin(), j_deps.end(), i) != j_deps.end() &&
kinds[j] == congr_arg_kind::Eq) {
// We must fix i because there is a j that depends on i,
// and j is not fixed nor a cast-fixed.
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
auto new_r = mk_congr_simp(fn, pinfos, kinds);
if (new_r) {
m_simp_cache.insert(mk_pair(key(fn, nargs), *new_r));
return new_r;
} else if (has_cast(kinds)) {
// remove casts and try again
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Cast)
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
auto new_r = mk_congr_simp(fn, pinfos, kinds);
if (new_r) {
m_simp_cache.insert(mk_pair(key(fn, nargs), *new_r));
return new_r;
} else {
return new_r;
} else {
return new_r;
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs, fun_info const & finfo) {
auto r = m_cache.find(key(fn, nargs));
if (r != m_cache.end())
return optional<result>(r->second);
optional<result> simp_lemma = mk_congr_simp(fn, nargs);
if (!simp_lemma)
return optional<result>();
buffer<congr_arg_kind> kinds;
buffer<param_info> pinfos;
to_buffer(simp_lemma->get_arg_kinds(), kinds);
to_buffer(finfo.get_params_info(), pinfos);
// For congr lemmas we have the following restriction:
// if a Cast arg is subsingleton, it is not a proposition,
// and it is a dependent argument, then we mark it as fixed.
// This restriction doesn't affect the standard library,
// but it simplifies the implementation.
lean_assert(kinds.size() == pinfos.size());
bool has_cast = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kinds.size(); i++) {
if (!pinfos[i].is_prop() && pinfos[i].is_subsingleton() && pinfos[i].is_dep()) {
kinds[i] = congr_arg_kind::Fixed;
if (kinds[i] == congr_arg_kind::Cast)
has_cast = true;
if (!has_cast) {
m_cache.insert(mk_pair(key(fn, nargs), *simp_lemma));
return simp_lemma; // simp_lemma will be identical to regular congr lemma
auto new_r = mk_congr(fn, simp_lemma, pinfos, kinds);
if (new_r)
m_cache.insert(mk_pair(key(fn, nargs), *new_r));
return new_r;
void pre_specialize(expr const & a, expr & g, unsigned & prefix_sz, unsigned & num_rest_args) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get_specialized(a);
prefix_sz = 0;
for (param_info const & pinfo : finfo.get_params_info()) {
if (!pinfo.specialized())
num_rest_args = finfo.get_arity() - prefix_sz;
g = a;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_rest_args; i++) {
g = app_fn(g);
result mk_specialize_result(result const & r, unsigned prefix_sz) {
list<congr_arg_kind> new_arg_kinds = r.get_arg_kinds();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < prefix_sz; i++)
new_arg_kinds = cons(congr_arg_kind::FixedNoParam, new_arg_kinds);
return result(r.get_type(), r.get_proof(), new_arg_kinds);
imp(app_builder & b, fun_info_manager & fm):
m_builder(b), m_fmanager(fm), m_ctx(fm.ctx()),
m_relation_info_getter(mk_relation_info_getter(fm.ctx().env())) {}
type_context & ctx() { return m_ctx; }
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn, nargs);
return mk_congr_simp(fn, nargs, finfo);
optional<result> mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn);
return mk_congr_simp(fn, finfo.get_arity(), finfo);
optional<result> mk_specialized_congr_simp(expr const & a) {
expr g; unsigned prefix_sz, num_rest_args;
pre_specialize(a, g, prefix_sz, num_rest_args);
key k(g, num_rest_args);
auto it = m_simp_cache_spec.find(k);
if (it != m_simp_cache_spec.end())
return optional<result>(it->second);
auto r = mk_congr_simp(g, num_rest_args);
if (!r)
return optional<result>();
result new_r = mk_specialize_result(*r, prefix_sz);
m_simp_cache_spec.insert(mk_pair(k, new_r));
return optional<result>(new_r);
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn, nargs);
return mk_congr(fn, nargs, finfo);
optional<result> mk_congr(expr const & fn) {
fun_info finfo = m_fmanager.get(fn);
return mk_congr(fn, finfo.get_arity(), finfo);
optional<result> mk_specialized_congr(expr const & a) {
expr g; unsigned prefix_sz, num_rest_args;
pre_specialize(a, g, prefix_sz, num_rest_args);
key k(g, num_rest_args);
auto it = m_cache_spec.find(k);
if (it != m_cache_spec.end())
return optional<result>(it->second);
auto r = mk_congr(g, num_rest_args);
if (!r) {
return optional<result>();
result new_r = mk_specialize_result(*r, prefix_sz);
m_cache_spec.insert(mk_pair(k, new_r));
return optional<result>(new_r);
/** \brief Given an equivalence relation \c R, create the congruence lemma
forall a1 a2 b1 b2, R a1 a2 -> R b1 b2 -> (R a1 b1 <-> R a2 b2)
If is_iff == false, then, it creates the lemma
forall a1 a2 b1 b2, R a1 a2 -> R b1 b2 -> (R a1 b1 = R a2 b2)
Propositional extensionality is used when is_iff == false */
optional<result> mk_rel_congr(expr const & R, bool is_iff) {
try {
if (!is_constant(R))
return optional<result>();
name const & R_name = const_name(R);
auto info = m_relation_info_getter(R_name);
if (!info)
return optional<result>();
unsigned arity = info->get_arity();
key k(R, arity);
auto r = m_rel_cache[is_iff].find(k);
if (r != m_rel_cache[is_iff].end())
return optional<result>(r->second);
buffer<expr> hyps;
buffer<congr_arg_kind> kinds;
expr a1, b1, a2, b2;
expr H1, H2;
expr R_type = infer(R);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
R_type = relaxed_whnf(R_type);
if (!is_pi(R_type))
return optional<result>();
expr h = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(R_type), binding_domain(R_type));
if (i == info->get_lhs_pos()) {
a1 = h;
a2 = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(R_type), binding_domain(R_type));
H1 = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local("H1", m_builder.mk_rel(R_name, a1, a2));
} else if (i == info->get_rhs_pos()) {
b1 = h;
b2 = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(binding_name(R_type), binding_domain(R_type));
H2 = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local("H2", m_builder.mk_rel(R_name, b1, b2));
} else {
R_type = instantiate(binding_body(R_type), h);
expr lhs = m_builder.mk_rel(R_name, a1, b1);
expr rhs = m_builder.mk_rel(R_name, a2, b2);
// (H1 : R a1 a2) -> (H2 : R b1 b2) -> (R a1 b1 <-> R a2 b2)
expr type = is_iff ? m_builder.mk_iff(lhs, rhs) : m_builder.mk_eq(lhs, rhs);
type = Pi(hyps, type);
/* Proof:
(λ H : R a1 b1, trans (symm H1) (trans H H2))
(λ H : R a2 b2, trans H1 (trans H (symm H2)))
expr H;
H = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(lhs);
expr p1 = Fun(H, m_builder.mk_trans(R_name, m_builder.mk_symm(R_name, H1), m_builder.mk_trans(R_name, H, H2)));
H = m_ctx.mk_tmp_local(rhs);
expr p2 = Fun(H, m_builder.mk_trans(R_name, H1, m_builder.mk_trans(R_name, H, m_builder.mk_symm(R_name, H2))));
expr pr = m_builder.mk_app(get_iff_intro_name(), p1, p2);
if (!is_iff)
pr = m_builder.mk_app(get_propext_name(), pr);
pr = Fun(hyps, pr);
result res(type, pr, to_list(kinds));
m_rel_cache[is_iff].insert(mk_pair(k, res));
return optional<result>(res);
} catch (app_builder_exception &) {
return optional<result>();
optional<result> mk_rel_iff_congr(expr const & R) {
return mk_rel_congr(R, true);
optional<result> mk_rel_eq_congr(expr const & R) {
return mk_rel_congr(R, false);
congr_lemma_manager::congr_lemma_manager(app_builder & b, fun_info_manager & fm):
m_ptr(new imp(b, fm)) {
congr_lemma_manager::~congr_lemma_manager() {
type_context & congr_lemma_manager::ctx() { return m_ptr->ctx(); }
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr_simp(fn);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr_simp(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr_simp(fn, nargs);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_specialized_congr_simp(expr const & a) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_specialized_congr_simp(a);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr(expr const & fn) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr(fn);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_congr(expr const & fn, unsigned nargs) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_congr(fn, nargs);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_specialized_congr(expr const & fn) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_specialized_congr(fn);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_rel_iff_congr(expr const & R) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_rel_iff_congr(R);
auto congr_lemma_manager::mk_rel_eq_congr(expr const & R) -> optional<result> {
return m_ptr->mk_rel_eq_congr(R);
void initialize_congr_lemma_manager() {
void finalize_congr_lemma_manager() {