The new command provides a uniform way to set declaration attributes. It replaces the commands: class, instance, coercion, multiple_instances, reducible, irreducible
66 lines
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66 lines
1.6 KiB
import logic
variable {A : Type}
variable f : A → A → A
variable one : A
variable inv : A → A
infixl `*` := f
postfix `^-1`:100 := inv
definition is_assoc := ∀ a b c, (a*b)*c = a*b*c
definition is_id := ∀ a, a*one = a
definition is_inv := ∀ a, a*a^-1 = one
inductive group_struct [class] (A : Type) : Type :=
mk : Π (mul : A → A → A) (one : A) (inv : A → A), is_assoc mul → is_id mul one → is_inv mul one inv → group_struct A
inductive group : Type :=
mk : Π (A : Type), group_struct A → group
definition carrier (g : group) : Type
:= group.rec (λ c s, c) g
attribute carrier [coercion]
definition group_to_struct [instance] (g : group) : group_struct (carrier g)
:= group.rec (λ (A : Type) (s : group_struct A), s) g
check group_struct
definition mul {A : Type} [s : group_struct A] (a b : A) : A
:= group_struct.rec (λ mul one inv h1 h2 h3, mul) s a b
infixl `*` := mul
variable G1 : group
variable G2 : group
variables a b c : G2
variables d e : G1
check a * b * b
check d * e
constant G : group.{1}
constants a b : G
definition val : G := a*b
check val
constant pos_real : Type.{1}
constant rmul : pos_real → pos_real → pos_real
constant rone : pos_real
constant rinv : pos_real → pos_real
axiom H1 : is_assoc rmul
axiom H2 : is_id rmul rone
axiom H3 : is_inv rmul rone rinv
definition real_group_struct [instance] : group_struct pos_real
:= rmul rone rinv H1 H2 H3
constants x y : pos_real
check x * y
set_option pp.implicit true
print "---------------"
theorem T (a b : pos_real): (rmul a b) = a*b
:= eq.refl (rmul a b)