Leonardo de Moura 57c0006916 chore(*): cleanup lean builtin symbols, replace :: with _
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2014-01-09 08:33:52 -08:00

18 lines
727 B

import macros -- loads the λ, λ, obtain macros
using Nat -- using the Nat namespace (it allows us to suppress the Nat:: prefix)
axiom Induction : ∀ P : Nat → Bool, P 0 → (∀ n, P n → P (n + 1)) → ∀ n, P n.
-- induction on n
theorem Comm1 : ∀ n m, n + m = m + n
:= Induction
_ -- I use a placeholder because I do not want to write the P
(λ m, -- Base case
calc 0 + m = m : add_zerol m
... = m + 0 : symm (add_zeror m))
(λ n iH m, -- Inductive case
calc n + 1 + m = (n + m) + 1 : add_succl n m
... = (m + n) + 1 : { iH } -- Error is here
... = m + (n + 1) : symm (add_succr m n))