Leonardo de Moura f97c260b0b refactor(kernel/environment): add ro_environment
The environment object is a "smart-pointer".
Before this commit, the use of "const &" for environment objects was broken.
For example, suppose we have a function f that should not modify the input environment.
Before this commit, its signature would be
       void f(environment const & env)
This is broken, f's implementation can easilty convert it to a read-write pointer by using
the copy constructor.
       environment rw_env(env);
Now, f can use rw_env to update env.

To fix this issue, we now have ro_environment. It is a shared *const* pointer.
We can convert an environment into a ro_environment, but not the other way around.

ro_environment can also be seen as a form of documentation.
For example, now it is clear that type_inferer is not updating the environment, since its constructor takes a ro_environment.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <leonardo@microsoft.com>
2013-12-12 16:48:34 -08:00

228 lines
6.8 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "util/exception.h"
#include "kernel/printer.h"
#include "kernel/environment.h"
namespace lean {
bool is_atomic(expr const & e) {
switch (e.kind()) {
case expr_kind::Var: case expr_kind::Constant: case expr_kind::Value:
case expr_kind::Type: case expr_kind::MetaVar:
return true;
case expr_kind::App: case expr_kind::Lambda: case expr_kind::Pi:
case expr_kind::Eq: case expr_kind::Let:
return false;
return false;
\brief Very basic printer for expressions.
It is mainly used when debugging code.
struct print_expr_fn {
std::ostream & m_out;
std::ostream & out() { return m_out; }
void print_child(expr const & a, context const & c) {
if (is_atomic(a)) {
print(a, c);
} else {
out() << "(";
print(a, c);
out() << ")";
void print_value(expr const & a) {
void print_type(expr const & a) {
if (a == Type()) {
out() << "Type";
} else {
out() << "(Type " << ty_level(a) << ")";
void print_eq(expr const & a, context const & c) {
print_child(eq_lhs(a), c);
out() << " == ";
print_child(eq_rhs(a), c);
void print_app(expr const & e, context const & c) {
print_child(arg(e, 0), c);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_args(e); i++) {
out() << " ";
print_child(arg(e, i), c);
void print_arrow_body(expr const & a, context const & c) {
if (is_atomic(a) || is_arrow(a))
return print(a, c);
return print_child(a, c);
void print_metavar(expr const & a, context const &) {
out() << "?" << metavar_name(a);
if (metavar_lctx(a)) {
out() << "[";
bool first = true;
for (local_entry const & e : metavar_lctx(a)) {
if (first) first = false; else out() << ", ";
if (e.is_lift()) {
out() << "lift:" << e.s() << ":" << e.n();
} else {
out() << "inst:" << e.s() << " ";
print_child(e.v(), context());
out() << "]";
void print(expr const & a, context const & c) {
switch (a.kind()) {
case expr_kind::MetaVar:
print_metavar(a, c);
case expr_kind::Var: {
auto e = find(c, var_idx(a));
if (e)
out() << e->get_name();
out() << "#" << var_idx(a);
case expr_kind::Constant:
out() << const_name(a);
case expr_kind::App:
print_app(a, c);
case expr_kind::Eq:
print_eq(a, c);
case expr_kind::Lambda:
out() << "fun " << abst_name(a) << " : ";
print_child(abst_domain(a), c);
out() << ", ";
print_child(abst_body(a), extend(c, abst_name(a), abst_domain(a)));
case expr_kind::Pi:
if (!is_arrow(a)) {
out() << "Pi " << abst_name(a) << " : ";
print_child(abst_domain(a), c);
out() << ", ";
print_child(abst_body(a), extend(c, abst_name(a), abst_domain(a)));
} else {
print_child(abst_domain(a), c);
out() << " -> ";
print_arrow_body(abst_body(a), extend(c, abst_name(a), abst_domain(a)));
case expr_kind::Let:
out() << "let " << let_name(a);
if (let_type(a)) {
out() << " : ";
print(*let_type(a), c);
out() << " := ";
print(let_value(a), c);
out() << " in ";
print_child(let_body(a), extend(c, let_name(a), let_value(a)));
case expr_kind::Type:
case expr_kind::Value:
print_expr_fn(std::ostream & out):m_out(out) {}
void operator()(expr const & e, context const & c) {
print(e, c);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, expr const & e) {
print_expr_fn pr(out);
pr(e, context());
return out;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, std::pair<expr const &, context const &> const & p) {
print_expr_fn pr(out);
pr(p.first, p.second);
return out;
static void display_context_core(std::ostream & out, context const & ctx) {
if (!empty(ctx)) {
auto p = lookup_ext(ctx, 0);
context_entry const & head = p.first;
context const & tail_ctx = p.second;
display_context_core(out, tail_ctx);
if (!empty(tail_ctx))
out << "; ";
out << head.get_name();
if (optional<expr> const & d = head.get_domain())
out << " : " << mk_pair(*d, tail_ctx);
if (optional<expr> const & b = head.get_body()) {
out << " := " << mk_pair(*b, tail_ctx);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, context const & ctx) {
out << "[";
display_context_core(out, ctx);
out << "]";
return out;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, object const & obj) {
out << obj.keyword() << " ";
switch (obj.kind()) {
case object_kind::UVarDeclaration:
out << obj.get_name() << " >= " << obj.get_cnstr_level(); break;
case object_kind::Postulate:
out << obj.get_name() << " : " << obj.get_type(); break;
case object_kind::Definition: case object_kind::Builtin:
out << obj.get_name() << " : " << obj.get_type() << " :=\n " << obj.get_value(); break;
case object_kind::BuiltinSet:
out << obj.get_name(); break;
case object_kind::Neutral:
return out;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, ro_environment const & env) {
[&](object const & obj) { out << obj << "\n"; });
return out;
void print(lean::expr const & a) { std::cout << a << std::endl; }
void print(lean::expr const & a, lean::context const & c) { std::cout << mk_pair(a, c) << std::endl; }
void print(lean::context const & c) { std::cout << c << std::endl; }
void print(lean::ro_environment const & e) { std::cout << e << std::endl; }