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2024-06-03 19:00:06 +00:00
#import "@preview/prooftrees:0.1.0": *
#set page(width: 5in, height: 8in, margin: 0.4in)
#let ifthenelse(e, e1, e2) = $"if" #e "then" #e1 "else" #e2$
#let subst(x, v, e) = $#e [#v\/#x]$
#let isValue(x) = $#x "value"$
#let mapstostar = $op(arrow.r.long.bar)^*$
#let safe = $"safe"$
#let db(x) = $bracket.l.double #x bracket.r.double$
2024-06-03 19:24:07 +00:00
#let TODO = text(fill: red)[*TODO*]
2024-06-03 19:00:06 +00:00
= Mon. Jun 3 \@ 14:00
== Logical relations
Logical relations are used to prove things about programs
- Unary equivalence
- Example: Prove termination of the STLC
- Example: Prove type soundness / safety (these lectures)
- Binary equivalence
- Example: are two programs going to behave the same when you put them in some different context? (*contextual equivalence*)
Representation independence
- Example: suppose u implement a stack and have 2 different implementations. Prove that it doesn't matter which implementation you use.
- Parametricity for existential types "there exists a stack such that these properties are true"
- Parametricity
- Security levels of data in a security programming language
- Establish that high-security data never flows to low-security observers (*non-interference*)
You can also relate source terms to target terms in different languages.
This can be used to prove compiler correctness.
== Type safety / soundness
Unary realizability relations for FFI. "all well-behaved terms from language A can be used in language B without causing problems with either language"
- $tau ::= "bool" | tau_1 arrow.r tau_2$
- $e ::= x | "true" | "false" | ifthenelse(e, e_1, e_2) | lambda (x : tau) . e | e_1 " " e_2$
- $v ::= "true" | "false" | lambda (x:tau) . e$
- $E ::= [dot] | "if" E "then" e_1 "else" e_2 | E " " e_2 | v " " E$
Operational semantics
#let mapsto = $arrow.r.long.bar$
#rect[$e mapsto e'$]
uni[$ifthenelse("true", e_1, e_2) mapsto e_1$]
uni[$ifthenelse("false", e_1, e_2) mapsto e_2$]
uni[$(lambda (x:tau) e) v mapsto subst(x, v, e)$]
axi[$e mapsto e'$],
uni[$E[e] mapsto E[e']$]
$Gamma ::= dot | Gamma , x : A$
#rect[$Gamma tack.r e : tau$]
uni[$Gamma tack.r "true" : "bool"$]
uni[$Gamma tack.r "false" : "bool"$]
axi[$Gamma tack.r e : "bool"$],
axi[$Gamma tack.r e_1 : tau$],
axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2 : tau$],
tri[$Gamma tack.r ifthenelse(e, e_1, e_2) : tau$]
axi[$Gamma(x) = tau$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r x : tau$]
axi[$Gamma , x : tau tack.r e : tau_2$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r lambda (x : tau_1) . e : tau_1 arrow.r tau_2 $]
axi[$Gamma tack.r e_1 : tau_2 arrow.r tau$],
axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2 : tau_2$],
bin[$Gamma tack.r e_1 e_2 : tau$],
#quote(block: true, attribution: [Milner])[
Well-typed programs do not go wrong
What does "going wrong" mean? It means getting stuck. You can't take another step and it's not a value.
*Definition (Type Soundness).* If $dot tack.r e : tau$, then
$forall(e' . e mapstostar e')$ either $isValue(e')$ or $exists e'' . e' mapsto e''$
*Definition (Progress).* If $dot tack.r e : tau$ then either $isValue(e)$ or $exists e' . (e mapsto e')$.
*Definition (Preservation).* If $dot tack.r e : tau$ and $e mapsto e'$ then $dot tack.r e' : tau$.
Progress and preservation are a _technique_ for proving type soundness, by just using the two functions over and over.
== Logical relations
$ P_tau(e) $
A unary relation on any expression $e$ and its corresponding type $tau$.
(There are also binary relations $R_tau (e_1, e_2)$)
The property we're interested in is: $safe(e)$
- If $dot tack.r e:tau$ then $safe(e)$
*Definition (safe).* $safe(e) :equiv forall e' . (e mapstostar e') arrow.r.double isValue(e') or exists e'' . (e' mapsto e'')$
2024-06-03 19:24:07 +00:00
*Definition (Semantic Type Soundness).* $dot tack.r e : tau$ then $safe(e)$
2024-06-03 19:00:06 +00:00
Common technique:
- Focus on the values, when do values belong to the relation, when are they safe?
- Then check expressions. When do expressions belong to the relation, and when are they safe?
$ V db(tau_1) = { v | ... } \
V db("bool") = { "true" , "false" } \
V db(tau_1 arrow.r tau_2) = { lambda (x : tau_1) . e | ... }
Can't have just arbitrary $lambda (x : tau_1) . e$ under $V db(tau_1 arrow.r tau_2)$.
The body also needs to be well-typed.
V db(tau_1 arrow.r tau_2) = { lambda (x : tau_1) . e | forall v in V db(tau_1) . subst(x, v, e) in Epsilon db(tau_2) } \
2024-06-03 19:24:07 +00:00
Epsilon db(tau) = { e | forall e' . e mapstostar e' and "irreducible"(e') arrow.r.double e' in V db(tau)} \
"irreducible"(e) :equiv cancel(exists) e' . e mapsto e'
2024-06-03 19:00:06 +00:00
*Example of code from Rust.*
Unsafe code blocks are an example of a something that may not be _syntactically well-formed_, but are still represented by logical relations because they behave the same at the boundary.
2024-06-03 19:24:07 +00:00
The difference between semantic soundness with logical relations vs. progress and preservation is that you don't need to prove anything about intermediate states of running programs.
Can't just work with closed terms because of this rule:
axi[$Gamma , x : tau tack.r e : tau_2$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r lambda (x : tau_1) . e : tau_1 arrow.r tau_2 $]
(Slightly more general theorem)
#rect(width: 100%)[
*Definition (Fundamental property of logical relations).*
Theorem we are trying to prove
Gamma tack.r e : tau arrow.r.double Gamma tack.r.double e : tau
- "syntactically well typed means semantically well typed"
Focus on terms with open variables
Use $gamma$ as a substitution from variables to values.
#rect[$G db(Gamma)$]
- $G db(dot) = { emptyset }$
- $G #db[$Gamma , x : tau$] = { gamma[x mapsto v] | gamma in G db(Gamma) and v in V db(tau)}$
"sound inputs will give you sound outputs". This is the important case
Now define semantic soundness:
Gamma tack.r.double e : tau :equiv forall (gamma in G db(Gamma)) . gamma(e) in Epsilon db(tau)$
#set enum(numbering: "a.")
1. $dot tack.r e : tau arrow.r.double e in Epsilon db(tau)$
- this cannot be proved by focusing on closed terms alone
- This is why the fundamental property must be used, in the case of $Gamma = dot$, then the substitution $gamma$ is empty and the result is $e in Epsilon db(tau)$
2. $e in Epsilon db(tau) arrow.r.double safe(e)$
#set enum(numbering: "1.")
To prove A:
_Proof._ By induction on typing derivations
Case example:
uni[$Gamma tack.r "true" : "bool"$]
Show $Gamma tack.r.double "true" : "bool"$. Suppose $gamma in G db(Gamma)$.
Show $gamma("true") in Epsilon db("bool") equiv "true" in Epsilon db("bool")$.
Suffices to show $"true" in V db("bool")$, which is true by definition.
False is proved similarly.
Case example:
axi[$Gamma(x) = tau$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r x : tau$]
Show $Gamma tack.r.double x : tau$. #TODO
To prove B:
_Proof._ Suppose $e'$ s.t. $e mapstostar e'$ .
- Case : $not "irreducible" (e')$ then $exists e'' . e' mapsto e''$
- Case : $"irreducible" (e')$ then $isValue(e')$ trivially.