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2024-06-11 02:56:36 +00:00
#import "../common.typ": *
#import "@preview/prooftrees:0.1.0": *
#show: doc => conf("Probabilistic Programming", doc)
#import "@preview/simplebnf:0.1.0": *
#let prob = "probability"
#let tt = "tt"
#let ff = "ff"
#let tru = "true"
#let fls = "false"
#let ret = "return"
#let flip = "flip"
#let real = "real"
#let Env = "Env"
#let Bool = "Bool"
#let dbp(x) = $db(#x)_p$
#let dbe(x) = $db(#x)_e$
#let sharpsat = $\#"SAT"$
#let sharpP = $\#"P"$
- Juden Pearl - Probabilistic graphical models
*Definition.* Probabilistic programs are programs that denote #prob distributions.
x <- flip 1/2
x <- flip 1/2
return x if y
$x$ is a random variable that comes from a coin flip. Instead of having a value, the output is a _function_ that equals
db( #[```
x <- flip 1/2
x <- flip 1/2
return x if y
cases(tt mapsto 3/4, ff mapsto 1/4) $
tt is "semantic" true and ff is "semantic" false
Sample space $Omega = {tt, ff}$, #prob distribution on $Omega$ -> [0, 1]
Semantic brackets $db(...)$
=== TinyPPL
Prod( $p$, annot: $sans("Pure program")$, {
Or[$ifthenelse(p, p, p)$][_conditional_]
Or[$p or p$][_conjunction_]
Or[$p and p$][_disjunction_]
Or[$e$ $e$][_application_]
Prod( $e$, annot: $sans("Probabilistic program")$, {
Or[$x arrow.l e, e$][_assignment_]
Or[$ret p$][_return_]
Or[$flip real$][_random_]
Semantics of pure terms
- $dbe(p) : Env -> Bool$
- $dbe(x) ([x mapsto tt]) = tt$
- $dbe(tru) (rho) = tt$
- $dbe(p_1 and p_2) (rho) = dbe(p_1) (rho) and dbe(p_2) (rho)$
- the second $and$ is a "semantic" $and$
env is a mapping from identifiers to B
Semantics of probabilistic terms
- $dbe(e) : Env -> ({tt, ff} -> [0, 1])$
- $dbe(flip 1/2) (rho) = [tt mapsto 1/2, ff mapsto 1/2]$
- $dbe(ret p) (rho) = v mapsto cases(1 "if" dbp(p) (rho) = v, 0 "else")$
// - $dbe(x <- e_1 \, e_2) (rho) = dbp(e_2) (rho ++ [x mapsto dbp(e_1)])$
- $dbe(x <- e_1 \, e_2) (rho) = v' mapsto sum_(v in {tt, ff}) dbe(e_1) (rho) (v) times db(e_2) (rho [x mapsto v])(v')$
- "monadic semantics" of PPLs
- https://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~jgmorrs/eecs762f19/papers/ramsay-pfeffer.pdf
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571066119300246
Getting back a probability distribution
=== Tractability
What is the complexity class of computing these? #sharpP
- Input: boolean formula $phi$
- Output: number of solutions to $phi$
- $sharpsat(x or y) = 3$
This language is actually incredibly intractable. There is a reduction from TinyPPL to #sharpsat
- Given a formula like $phi = (x or y) and (y or z)$
- Write a program where each variable is assigned a $flip 1/2$:
$x <- flip 1\/2 \
y <- flip 1\/2 \
z <- flip 1\/2 \
ret (x or y) and (y or z)$
How hard is this?
$#sharpsat (phi) = 2^("# vars") times db("encoded program") (emptyset) (tt)$
*Question.* Why do we care about the computational complexity of our denotational semantics?
_Answer._ Gives us a lower bound on our operational semantics.
*Question.* What's the price of adding features like product/sum types?
_Answer._ Any time you add a syntactic construct, it comes at a price.
=== Systems in the wild
- Stan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_(software)
- https://www.tensorflow.org/probability Google
2024-06-12 13:22:36 +00:00
- https://pyro.ai/ Uber
=== Tiny Cond
Observe, can prune worlds that can't happen.
Un-normalized semantics where the probabilities of things don't sum to 1.
#let observe = "observe"
$ db(observe p \; e) (rho) (v) = cases(
db(e) (rho) (v) "if" db(p) (rho) = tt,
0 "else",
) $
To normalize, divide by the sum
$ db(e)(rho)(v) = frac(db(e) (rho) (v), db(e) (rho) (tt) + db(e) (rho) (ff)) $
== Operational sampling semantics
Expectation of a random variable, $EE$
$ EE_Pr[f] = sum^N_w Pr(w) times f(w) \
approx 1/N sum^N_(w tilde Pr) f(w)
Approximate with a finite sample, where $w$ ranges over the sample
To prove our runtime strategy sound, we're going to relate it to an _expectation_.
=== Big step semantics
#let bigstep(sigma, e, v) = $#sigma tack.r #e arrow.b.double #v$
$ sigma tack.r angle.l e . rho angle.r arrow.b.double v $
$tack.r$ read as "in the context of"
We externalized the randomness and put it all in $sigma$
This is like pattern matching:
$ v :: bigstep(sigma, flip 1/2, v )$
== Lecture 3
=== Rejection sampling
=== Search
$x <- flip 1/2 \
y <- ifthenelse(x, flip 1/3, flip 1/4) \
z <- ifthenelse(y, flip 1/6, flip 1/7) \
ret z$
You can draw a search tree of probabilities. Add up the probabilities to get the probability that a program returns a specific value.
You can share $z$ since it doesn't depend directly on $x$. This builds a *binary decision diagram*.