Kleene algebra with tests is an algebraic framework that can be used to reason about imperative programs. It has been applied across a wide variety of areas including program transformations, concurrency control, compiler optimizations, cache control, networking, and more. In these lectures, we will provide an overview of Kleene Algebra with Tests, including the syntax, semantics, and the coalgebraic theory underlying decision procedures for program equivalence. We will illustrate how it can be used as a core framework for program verification, including successful extensions and fundamental limitations.
columns: (1fr, auto, 1fr),
align: (auto, center, auto),
while a & b do
while a do
while a & b do
while a do
if b then
Study equivalence of uninterpreted simple imperative programs.
- For every symbol there's also an expression that's the same thing.
This is an abuse of notation
- $db(e + f) = db(e) union db(f)$
- $db(#[$e ; f$]) = db(e) circle.filled db(f)$
- $forall (U, V : 2^(A^*)) U circle.filled V = { u v | u in U , v in V }$
- this is word concatenation
- $db(e^*) = union.big_(n in bb(N)) db(e)^n$
These are the denotational semantics of regular expressions.
- $(1 + a) ; (1 + b) mapsto {epsilon , a , b, a b }$
- $(a + b)^* mapsto {a , b}^*$
- $(a^* b)^* a^* mapsto {a , b}^*$
These last two are equal $(a + b)^* equiv (a^* b)^* a^*$ because they have the same denotational semantics.
This is _denesting_.
These denesting rules can also be applied to programs such as the example at the start.
For regular expressions and extensions of regular expressions, you can come up with some finite number of 3-bar equations to prove any equivalence between regular expressions.
*Definition (Kleene's Theorem).*
Let $L$ be a regular language.
Then the following are equivalent:
1. $L = db(e)$ for some regexp $e$
2. $L$ is accepted by a DFA
Regular languages do not include things like $A^n B^n$.
See: #link("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chomsky_hierarchy")[Chomsky Hierarchy of languages].
- Regular sets are constructed with a similar construction as regular expressions.
Talking about the other direction from Kleene's theorem.
$ A_e mapsto e $
mapping an automaton $A_e$ to a regular expression $e$.
Let DFA have states $S$ and transition function $S mapsto S^A$. This can be represented by a matrix.
The matrix is indexed on rows and columns by the states. Then in the cell for each row $i$ and column $j$, put all of the letters of the alphabet that can be used to transition between the states. For example, if you can use $a$ and $b$, put $a+b$ in the matrix.
This allows you to do matrix operations in order to do operations on regular expressions. This shows that the transition function actually has more structure than just an arbitrary function.
Repeatedly delete states until 2 states left, replacing the transitions with regular expressions.
What does it mean to delete states?
*State elimination method.* Need at least 3 states.
layout: finite.layout.snake.with(columns: 2),
q0: (q1:("a"), q2: "b"),
q1: (q1: "a", q0: "b"),
q2: (q1: "a", q2: "b"),
Delete q2, by merging its transition $b b^* a$.
final: "q0",
q0: (q1: "a + bb*a"),
q1: (q1: "a", q0: "b")
Matrix method is more robust than the state elimination method.
*Question.* Is it possible to write a finite number of equations to answer the question $e_1 eq.quest e_2$
$(K, 0, 1, +, op(\;), (..)*)$ satisfies the following:
- K is some set
- Semi-ring
- Joint semi-lattice
- + is idempotent ($e + e equiv e$)
- + is commutative ($e + f equiv f + e$)
- + is associative ($(e + f) + g equiv e + (f + g)$)
- + has a 0 element ($e + 0 equiv e$)
- Monoid
- ; is associative ($(e ; g) ; g equiv e ; (f ; g)$)
- ; has a 1 element ($e ; 1 equiv e equiv 1 ; e$)
- ; has an absorbent element ($e ; 0 equiv 0 equiv 0 ; e$)
- ; distributes over +, both from the right and the left
- $e ; (f + g) equiv e ; f + e ; g$ AND $(e + f) ; g equiv e ; g + f ; g$
- \* is a fix point ($e^* equiv 1 + e ; e^*$)
- \* can be unfolded on the left or the right ($e^* equiv 1 + e^* ; e$)
$e^*$ is a _least_ fix point
#rect[$e <= f$ iff $e + f equiv f$]
axi[$e;x+f <= x$],
uni[$e^*;f <= x$]
This forms an #link("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiom_schema")[axiom schema].
- $x^* x^* equiv x^*$
- $x^* equiv (x^*)^*$
- $x y equiv y z arrow.r.long.double x^* y equiv y z^*$
- $(a + b)^* equiv (a^* b)^* a^*$
Need to do it in 2 steps ($<=, >=$).
This structure is useful because there are many structures like this. For example ${2^(A^*), emptyset, {epsilon}, union, circle.filled, (..)^*}$ the set of all languages is a Kleene algebra.