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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
module Ahmed.LogicalRelations where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
data type : Set where
bool : type
_-→_ : type → type → type
data ctx : Set where
nil : ctx
_,_ : ctx → type → ctx
data var : ctx → type → Set where
zero : ∀ {Γ τ} → var (Γ , τ) τ
suc : ∀ {Γ τ₁ τ₂} → var Γ τ₂ → var (Γ , τ₁) τ₂
data term : ctx → type → Set where
true : ∀ {Γ} → term Γ bool
false : ∀ {Γ} → term Γ bool
`_ : ∀ {Γ τ} → var Γ τ → term Γ τ
λ[_]_ : ∀ {Γ τ₂} → (τ₁ : type) → (e : term (Γ , τ₁) τ₂) → term Γ (τ₁ -→ τ₂)
_∙_ : ∀ {Γ τ₁ τ₂} → term Γ (τ₁ -→ τ₂) → term Γ τ₁ → term Γ τ₂
length : ctx → ℕ
length nil = zero
length (ctx , _) = suc (length ctx)
extend : ∀ {Γ Δ}
→ (∀ {τ} → var Γ τ → var Δ τ)
→ (∀ {τ₁ τ₂} → var (Γ , τ₂) τ₁ → var (Δ , τ₂) τ₁)
extend ρ zero = zero
extend ρ (suc c) = suc (ρ c)
rename : ∀ {Γ Δ}
→ (∀ {τ} → var Γ τ → var Δ τ)
→ (∀ {τ} → term Γ τ → term Δ τ)
rename ρ true = true
rename ρ false = false
rename ρ (` x) = ` (ρ x)
rename ρ (λ[ τ₁ ] c) = λ[ τ₁ ] rename (extend ρ) c
rename ρ (c ∙ c₁) = rename ρ c ∙ rename ρ c₁
extends : ∀ {Γ Δ}
→ (∀ {τ} → var Γ τ → term Δ τ)
→ (∀ {τ₁ τ₂} → var (Γ , τ₂) τ₁ → term (Δ , τ₂) τ₁)
extends σ zero = ` zero
extends σ (suc x) = rename suc (σ x)
subst : ∀ {Γ Δ}
→ (∀ {τ} → var Γ τ → term Δ τ)
→ (∀ {τ} → term Γ τ → term Δ τ)
subst ρ true = true
subst ρ false = false
subst ρ (` x) = ρ x
subst ρ (λ[ τ₁ ] x) = λ[ τ₁ ] subst (extends ρ) x
subst ρ (x ∙ x₁) = subst ρ x ∙ subst ρ x₁
_[_] : ∀ {Γ τ₁ τ₂} → term (Γ , τ₂) τ₁ → term Γ τ₂ → term Γ τ₁
_[_] {Γ} {τ₁} {τ₂} e e₁ = subst σ e
σ : ∀ {τ} → var (Γ , τ₂) τ → term Γ τ
σ zero = e₁
σ (suc x) = ` x
data value : ∀ {Γ τ} → term Γ τ → Set where
true : ∀ {Γ} → value {Γ} true
false : ∀ {Γ} → value {Γ} false
λ[_]_ : ∀ {Γ τ₁ τ₂} {e : term (Γ , τ₁) τ₂} → value (λ[ τ₁ ] e)
data step : ∀ {Γ τ} → term Γ τ → term Γ τ → Set where
β-λ : ∀ {Γ τ₁ τ₂ v} → (e : term (Γ , τ₁) τ₂) → value v
→ step ((λ[ τ₁ ] e) ∙ v) (e [ v ])
@ -1,26 +1,79 @@
{-# OPTIONS --prop #-}
module Ahmed.Day1 where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; trans; sym; cong; cong-app)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; step-≡; _∎)
data type : Set where
bool : type
_-→_ : type -> type -> type
_-→_ : type → type → type
data term : Set where
true : term
data ctx : ℕ → Set where
nil : ctx zero
_,_ : ∀ {n} → ctx n → type → ctx (suc n)
data ctx : Set where
nil : ctx
cons : ctx -> type -> ctx
data term : (n : ℕ) → Set where
`_ : ∀ {n} → (m : Fin n) → term n
true : ∀ {n} → term n
false : ∀ {n} → term n
λ[_]_ : ∀ {n} → (τ₁ : type) (e : term (suc n)) → term n
_∙_ : ∀ {n} → term n → term n → term n
data substitution : Set where
nil : substitution
cons : substitution -> term -> substitution
lookup : ∀ {n} → Fin n → ctx n → type
-- lookup {n} Γ
isGoodSubstitution : (Γ : ctx) -> (γ : substitution) -> Set
isGoodSubstitution nil nil = ⊤
isGoodSubstitution nil (cons γ x) = ⊥
isGoodSubstitution (cons Γ x) nil = ⊥
isGoodSubstitution (cons Γ x) (cons γ x₁) = {! !}
data typing : ∀ {n} {Γ : ctx n} → term n → type → Set where
`_ : ∀ {n Γ τ} → (m : Fin n) → lookup m Γ ≡ τ → typing {n} {Γ} (` m) τ
true : ∀ {n Γ} → typing {n} {Γ} true bool
false : ∀ {n Γ} → typing {n} {Γ} false bool
data is-value : ∀ {n} → (e : term n) → Set where
true : ∀ {n} → is-value {n} true
false : ∀ {n} → is-value {n} false
λ[_]_ : ∀ {n} → (τ : type) → (e : term (suc n)) → is-value {n} (λ[ τ ] e)
value = ∀ {n} → Σ (term n) (is-value)
lift-term : ∀ {n} → term n → term (suc n)
lift-term {n} (` m) = ` (suc m)
lift-term {n} true = true
lift-term {n} false = false
lift-term {n} (λ[ τ₁ ] e) = λ[ τ₁ ] lift-term e
lift-term {n} (e ∙ e₁) = lift-term e ∙ lift-term e₁
subst : ∀ {n} → (e : term (suc n)) → (v : term n) → term n
subst {n} (` zero) v = v
subst {n} (` suc m) v = ` m
subst true v = true
subst false v = false
subst (λ[ τ ] e) v = λ[ τ ] subst e (lift-term v)
subst (e₁ ∙ e₂) v = subst e₁ v ∙ subst e₂ v
data step : ∀ {n} → term n → term n → Set where
β-step : ∀ {n τ e e₂} → step {n} ((λ[ τ ] e) ∙ e₂) (subst e e₂)
-- irreducible : ∀ {n} → (e : term) → ∃[ e' ] mapsto e'
-- type-soundness : ∀ {e τ} →
value-relation : ∀ {n} → (τ : type) → (e : term n) → Set
expr-relation : ∀ {n} → (τ : type) → (e : term n) → Set
value-relation bool true = ⊤
value-relation bool false = ⊤
value-relation (τ₁ -→ τ₂) ((λ[ τ ] e) ∙ v) = expr-relation τ₂ {! !}
value-relation _ _ = ⊥
expr-relation {n} τ e = {! !}
semantic-soundness : ∀ {n} (Γ : ctx n) → (τ : type) → (e : term n) → Set
-- semantic-soundness {n} Γ τ e = (γ : substitution n) → expr-relation τ {! !}
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#show: doc => conf("Logical Relations", doc)
#let safe = $"safe"$
#let ref = "ref"
== Lecture 1
@ -474,4 +475,10 @@ Type = ${ I in "Nat" -> P("CValue")}$
(CValue = Closed values)
$V_(k, S) db("ref" tau) = { l | l in V_(k-1) db(tau) }$
$V_(k, S) db("ref" tau) = { l | l in V_(k-1) db(tau) }$
== Lecture 4
$V_k db(ref tau) = { l | S(L) in V db(tau)}$
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#import "../common.typ": *
#import "@preview/prooftrees:0.1.0": *
#show: doc => conf("Rule-based languages from modular design to modular verification", doc)
#import "@preview/finite:0.3.0" as finite: automaton
== Lecture 1
*Definition (module).* $(S."type", {R}_(i in S), {v m}, {a m})$
- States
- $R subset S times S$. these are transitions, very similar to automata
- $a m subset S times NN times S$. argument methods. One argument always, type natural number. "If I'm in a state, and then I call some action, then I end up in a new state"
- $v m subset S times NN times NN$. value methods are the only way to observe anything in the system. Observations are always of type nat for now.
*Example (coffee-tea machine).*
layout: finite.layout.snake.with(columns: 3),
q1: (q2: "put"),
q2: (q3: "coffee", q4: "tea"),
q3: (q3: "see"),
q4: (q4: "see"),
This is encoded as:
$({1, 2, 3, 4}, {}, {
"getTea" = {(2, star, 4)},
"getCoffee" = {(2, star, 3)},
"putMoney" = {(1, 1, 2)},
}, {
"see" = {(3, star, "coffee"), (4, star, "tea")}
Similarity to automata
- Finite states
Differences from automata
- Sliced transitions between things that change the state of the system and ones that observe the state of the system
We are interested in modeling the basic blocks of hardware as this kind of machine.
We will write a language to plug together these modules into bigger modules.
*Example (register).*
$ (NN, {}, &{"write" = {(x, y, y) | forall x, y in NN^2}} \
&{"read" = {(x, z, x) | forall x, z in NN^2}}) $
Infinite transitions are ok but there needs to be a finite number of them.
*Example (infinite atomic memory).* This can't be expressed in hardware.
$ (NN -> NN, {}, &{"write" = {(f, ("idx", v), f') | forall y. "idx" = j -> f j = f' j, f' "idx" = v}}, \
&{"read" = {(f, "arg", f("arg")) | forall f, "arg"}})
*Example (queue).* $([NN], {}, {"enqueue", "dequeue"}, {"first"})$
== #strike[Equivalence] Refinement
If both sides can be refined into each other then they are equivalent.
- One way is to construct the language of the automata
*Definition (traces of a module/behaviors).*
Silent transition: $s_0 mapsto s_1$
Observations about the state must be added to the trace as well.
Trace looks like $["enqueue" (1), "first" () -> 1]$ for a queue.
*Definition (Refinement).* A module $M$ refines $M'$ iff $db(M) subset.eq db(M')$.
*Definition (weak simulation).* A module $M$ simulates $M'$
$ M op(subset.sq.eq)_phi M'$
s.t $phi : S_M times S_M'$ (relation between state of $M$ and state of $M'$).
$phi$ witnesses that $M'$ simulates $M$ iff $(m_0, m'_0) in phi$
#let arg = "arg"
#let sset = "set"
- Base case: $forall v in cal(V), forall arg, forall sset, (m_0, arg, sset) in v ==> (m'_0, arg, sset)$
- Inductive case: $forall m in S_M, m' in S_M', (m, m') in phi ==> forall "am" in a_m, forall arg, m mapsto^("am"(arg)) m_2 ==> (m' mapsto^("am"(arg)) m'_2)$
$ (M op(subset.sq.eq)_phi M') ==> db(M) subset db(M') $
=== Composing
Compose $M_1$, $M_2$, and $M_3$ into a bigger module.
axi[$(m, f("arg"), m') in "enq"_M$],
uni[$m."enqE"("arg") --> m'$],
axi[$(m, f("arg"), m') in "enq"_M$],
uni[$m."deq"("arg") --> m'$],
@ -481,4 +481,157 @@ Pointer:
axi[$Delta tack.r e : arrow.b^k_m A_k$],
axi[$Gamma , x : A_k tack.r e' : C_r$],
nary(3)[$Delta Gamma tack.r "match" e with wrap(x) => e' : C_r$],
== Lecture 4
SAX : Semi-Axiomatic Sequence Calculus
$ f : A_L -> B_L , x : A_L tack.r C_U $
So we are using linear resources to create an unrestricted resource.
Can't actually build this because $Gamma >= m$ and $U > L$.
So in this case we woudl want to build:
$ f : A_L -> B_L , x : A_L tack.r arrow.b^U_L C_U $
=== Linear logic
Two modes: $U > L$, $!A = op(arrow.b)^U_L op(arrow.t)^U_L A$
Linear + non-linear logic (LNL) (Benton '95)
#let downshift(a, b) = $op(arrow.b)^#a_#b$
#let upshift(a, b) = $op(arrow.t)^#b_#a$
JS$._4$ $V > T : square A = op(arrow.b)^V_T op(arrow.t)^V_T A$ (comonad) \
Lax logic: $T > L : circle A = op(arrow.t)^T_L op(arrow.b)^T_L A$ (monad)
If you wanted proof irrelevance, you would have proof relevance and proof irrelevance as modes.
== Lecture 5
#let cell(a,V) = $"cell" #a " " #V$
#let proc = "proc"
#let cut = "cut"
#let write = "write"
#let read = "read"
#let call = "call"
$A times B, & A -> B \
1, \
+{l: A_l}, & \&{l : A_l} \
arrow.b A, & arrow.t A $
Continuations: $K ::= (x, y) => P | () => P | (l(x) => P_l)_(l in L) | wrap(x) => P$
Values: $V ::= (a, b) | () | k(a) | wrap(a)$
Programs: $P ::= write c S | read c S | cut x P ; Q | id a " " b | call f " " a$
Storable: $S ::= V | K$
=== Dynamics
Format: $cell a_1 V_1, cell a_2 V_2, ..., proc P_1, proc P_2$
- Cells are not ordered, but the procedures are ordered
- Only writing to empty cells, mutating a cell is a different process
- $proc (cut x P(x); Q(x)) mapsto cell(a, square), proc (P(a)), proc (Q(a))$
- $cell(a, square), proc (write a S) mapsto cell(a, S)$
- $cell(a, square), cell(b, S) , proc (id a b) mapsto cell(a, V)$
- $cell(c, S), proc (read c k) mapsto proc (S triangle.r S)$
- where
- $(a, b) &triangle.r ((x, y) => P(x, y)) = P(a, b) \
() &triangle.r (() => P) = P \
k(a) &triangle.r (l(x) => P_l(x))_(l in L) \
wrap(a) &triangle.r (wrap(x) => P(x)) = P(a)
Remarks: this is substructural because if you have the left side, then the arrow is a linear arrow.
#let linarrow = $multimap$
axi[$Gamma,A tack.r B$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r A linarrow B$]
axi[$Gamma, x tack.r P :: (y : B)$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r write c ((x, y) => P) :: (c : A linarrow B)$],
uni[$A, A linarrow B tack.r B$]
uni[$a : A, c : A linarrow B tack.r read c (a,b) :: (b : B)$]
axi[$Gamma tack.r A$],
axi[$Gamma tack.r B$],
bin[$Gamma tack.r A & B$],
uni[$A & B tack.r A$],
uni[$A & B tack.r B$],
axi[$(forall l in L) (Gamma tack.r P_l : (x : A_l))$],
uni[$Gamma tack.r write c (l(x) => P) :: (c : &{l : A_l}_(l in L))$],
axi[$k in L$],
uni[$c : &{l:A_l}_(l in L) tack.r read c (k(a)) :: (a : A_k)$]
The final configuration of a program is all programs are used, all cells are used
$ dot tack.r P :: (d_0 : A) $
Cut elimination is not compatible with some semi-axiomatic sequent calculus.
=== Recover from cut elimination
https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/papers/fscd20a.pdf \
Can't eliminate all cuts, cannot eliminate cuts that are subformulas (SNIPS) of the things you're trying to prove.
snip rule
#tree(axi[], uni[$underline(A), underline(B) tack.r A times.circle B$])
#tree(axi[], uni[$underline(A) tack.r A plus.circle B$])
#tree(axi[], uni[$underline(B) tack.r A plus.circle B$])
axi[$Delta tack.r A$],
axi[$Gamma , underline(A) tack.r C$],
bin[$Delta, Gamma tack.r C$]
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