#import "../common.typ": * #import "@preview/prooftrees:0.1.0": * #import "@preview/algo:0.3.3": algo, i, d, comment, code #show: doc => conf(doc) #let n(t) = text(fill: rgb("#aa3333"))[#t] #let evalto = $arrow.r.hook$ #let with = $op(\&)$ = Adjoint Functional Programming == Lecture 1. Linear functional programming - Origins of linearity is from linear logic - from 1987 or before #let isValue(x) = $#x "value"$ Language to be studied is called "snax" - Features - Substructural programming - Inference - Overloading? writing the same function that works both linearly and non-linearly - "Proof-theoretic compiler" - Everything up til the target C is either natural deduction, sequent calculus, etc. - Types - "if there's something you don't need in the language, don't put it in the language" - no empty type - unit type - 1 - #tree(axi[], uni[$() : 1$]) - #tree(axi[], uni[$isValue(())$]) - + - #tree(axi[$e : A$], uni[$"inl" e : A + B$]) - #tree(axi[$e : B$], uni[$"inr" e : A + B$]) - #tree(axi[$isValue("v")$], uni[$isValue("inl" v)$]) - #tree(axi[$isValue("v")$], uni[$isValue("inr" v)$]) - $A + B :equiv +\{"inl":A, "inr": B\}$ - label set $L eq.not emptyset$ , finite - finiteness is important - nat = $+\{ "zero" : 1 , "succ" : "nat" \}$ - recursion is required to define an infinite amount of things - "equirecursive" types - nat is "equal" to the recursive definition in some sense - k - $\{(k \in l) e : A_e}{k(e) : +\{l : A_l\}_{l : L}}$ - $ceil(0) = "zero" ()$ - Computational rules Define negation of booleans $"not" (x : "bool") : "bool" \ "not" x = "match" x "with" \ | "true" u arrow.r "false" u\ | "false" u arrow.r "true" u \ $ Function definitiosn like these operate at the meta level. Avoid introducing function types today. Linear functional programming means *every variable must be used exactly once.* *NOTE:* Above cannot be defined $"true" u arrow.r "false" ()$, since $u$ is not used. DOn't need a garbage collector for linear functional programming language #tree( axi[$e : +{l : A_l}_(l in L)$], axi[$x : A_l$], axi[$tack.r e_l : C(l in L)$], nary(3)[$"match" e "with" (l(x) arrow.r.double e_l)_(l in L) : C$], ) Cannot write a function $"duplicate"(x) = (x , x)$ because of linear programming #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r e_1: A$], axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2 : B$], bin[$Delta,Gamma tack.r (e_1, e_2) : A times B$], ) so introducing contexts $Gamma :equiv (dot) | Gamma , x : A$ where the variable $x$ must be unique. #tree(axi[], uni[$x : A tack.r x : A$]) *NOTE:* Left side is $x : A$, not $Gamma , x : A$ because those others would be unused, violating the single use rule. #tree( axi[$Delta , e : A times B$], axi[$Gamma , x : A, y : B tack.r e' : C$], nary(2)[$Delta , Gamma tack.r "match" e "with" (x , y) => e' : C$], ) Have to split your variables to check $e$ and $e'$. This is not the way to implement it. To implement it, check $"FV"(e)$ and $"FV"(e')$. These correspond to $Delta$ and $Gamma$ respectively. This is expensive. - An easier way is to have each judgement give back another context containing the variables not use. Called a "subtractive" approach. - Additive approach returns the variables used, and then check to make sure variables don't exist on the output. GOing backk #tree( axi[], uni[$dot tack.r () : 1$], ) // #tree( // axi[$Delta tack.r e : +{l : A_l}_(l in L)$], // axi[$Gamma $] // ) Defining plus: - $"plus" (x : "nat") (y : "nat") : "nat" \ "plus" x " " y = "match" x "with" \ | "zero" () arrow.r.double #text(fill: red)[$"zero" ()$] \ | "succ" x' arrow.r.double "succ" ("plus" x' y) $ This is problematic because it doesn't use up $y$ in the first branch. - $"plus" (x : "nat") (y : "nat") : "nat" \ "plus" x " " y = "match" x "with" \ | "zero" () arrow.r.double y \ | "succ" x' arrow.r.double "succ" ("plus" x' y) $ This uses up all inputs exactly. #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e : A_k (k in L)$], uni[$Gamma tack.r k(e) : +{l : A_l}_(l in L)$], ) #pagebreak() == Lecture 2 Type system - Proving something different than type soundness; we want to demonstrate that no garbage is created. - Set up a close correspondence between the static rules for inference and dynamic rules for evaluation. - This should be _very_ close ideally. At runtime, if you have $Gamma tack.r e : A$ - $e$ is what you're executing - you don't want to carry $A$ around during runtime - $Gamma$ corresponds to a set of variables (you need this) $eta : Gamma$ #rect[$eta : Gamma$] #tree(axi[], uni[$(dot) : (dot)$]) #tree(axi[$eta : Gamma$], axi[$dot tack.r v : A$], bin[$eta , x mapsto v : Gamma , x : A$]) ("environment" refers to $eta$, while context refers to $Gamma$) Runtime values are _always_ closed. *Theorem.* Under the conditions $Gamma tack.r e : A$ and $eta : Gamma$, then $eta tack.r e arrow.r.hook v$ and $dot tack.r v : A$. However, this rule is problematic: #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r e_1 : A$], axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2 : B$], bin[$Delta,Gamma tack.r (e_1, e_2) : A times B$] ) This evaluates to: #tree( axi[$e_1 arrow.r.hook v_1$], axi[$e_2 arrow.r.hook v_2$], bin[$eta tack.r (e_1, e_2) arrow.r.hook (v_1, v_2)$], ) How to split the environment in this case? It's not feasible to split the free variables. One idea is we can just pass the whole environment into both sides: #tree( axi[$eta tack.r e_1 arrow.r.hook v_1$], axi[$eta tack.r e_2 arrow.r.hook v_2$], bin[$eta tack.r (e_1, e_2) arrow.r.hook (v_1, v_2)$], ) The typechecker tells us that everything is used up correctly, so at runtime we can use this assumption. Using subtractive approach, this looks like: #tree( axi[$eta tack.r e_1 arrow.r.hook v_1 #n[$tack.l eta_1$]$], axi[$#n[$eta_1$] tack.r e_2 arrow.r.hook v_2 #n[$tack.l eta_2$]$], bin[$#n[$eta_2$] tack.r (e_1, e_2) arrow.r.hook (v_1, v_2)$], ) The subtractive approach has problems: - When you execute your program, you are forced to go left-to-right. You can't run in parallel. Additive approach: #rect[$Gamma tack.r e: A tack.l Omega$] where $Omega$ are the variables that are _actually_ used For example, rules for pairs: #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e_1 : A tack.l Omega_1$], axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2 : B tack.l Omega_2$], bin[$Gamma tack.r (e_1,e_2) : A times B tack.l Omega_1, Omega_2$], ) The $Omega_1 , Omega_2$ disjoint union, and is undefined if they share a variable. The runtime rule corresponds to: #tree( axi[$eta tack.r e_1 arrow.r.hook v_1 tack.l omega_1$], axi[$eta tack.r e_2 arrow.r.hook v_2 tack.l omega_2$], bin[$eta tack.r (e_1, e_2) arrow.r.hook (v_1, v_2) tack.l omega_1, omega_2$] ) If we typechecked correctly, $omega_1$ and $omega_2$ would be disjoint as well. *Soundness.* If $Gamma tack.r e : A tack.l Omega$ then $Omega tack.r e : A$ ($Omega subset Gamma$) *Completeness.* If $Omega tack.r e : A$ and $Gamma supset Omega$ then $Gamma tack.r e : A tack.l Omega$ The $Omega tack.r e : A$ is a _precise_ judgement: $Omega$ _only_ contains the variables used in $e$. You would need two different sets of typing rules, one that has the $Omega$ rules and one that doesn't. Prove this by rule induction. Change the original theorem: *New Theorem.* Under the conditions $Gamma tack.r e : A tack.l Omega$ and $eta : Gamma$ and $omega : Omega$, then $eta tack.r e arrow.r.hook v tack.l omega$ and $dot tack.r v : A$. This can now be proven with the new dynamics. How to prove that there's no garbage? For all top level computations, $eta tack.r e arrow.r.hook v tack.l eta$. This means that everything is used. This can be proven using rule induction. Updated theorem, to point out that $e arrow.r.hook v$ may not necessarily be true because termination is not proven by rule induction. *New Theorem.* Under the conditions $Gamma tack.r e : A tack.l Omega$ and $eta : Gamma$ and $omega : Omega$, #n[and $eta tack.r e arrow.r.hook v tack.l omega$] then $dot tack.r v : A$. (under affine logic, the top-level judgment $Gamma tack.r e : A tack.l Omega$ requires only that $Omega subset Gamma$, not that $Omega = Gamma$) Example of evaluation rule that matches the typing rule: #tree( axi[$eta tack.r e arrow.r.hook (v_1, v_2) tack.l omega$], axi[$eta, x mapsto v_1 , y mapsto v_2 tack.r e' arrow.r.hook v' tack.l (omega', x mapsto v_1, y mapsto v_2)$], bin[$eta tack.r "match" e "with" (x, y) arrow.r.double e' arrow.r.hook v' tack.l (omega, omega')$] ) === Looking at typing rules as logic #rect[Natural Deduction] $Gamma ::= (dot) | Gamma , A$ #tree( axi[], uni[$A tack.r A$] ) #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r A$], axi[$Gamma tack.r B$], bin[$Delta, Gamma, tack.r A times B$] ) #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r A times B$], axi[$Gamma, A, B tack.r C$], bin[$Delta, Gamma tack.r C$] ) These are like a rule of logic. For plus: #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r A$], uni[$Delta tack.r A + B$], ) #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r B$], uni[$Delta tack.r A + B$], ) Proof by cases: #tree( axi[$Delta tack.r A + B$], axi[$Gamma , A tack.r C$], axi[$Gamma , B tack.r C$], tri[$Delta , Gamma tack.r C$], ) Every assumption has to be used _exactly_ once. This is called *linear logic*. (notation uses $times.circle$ and $plus.circle$ instead of $times$ and $plus$) Linear logic is weak by itself, just as linear type system is weak without global definitions. Summary of operators: #image("lec1.jpg") $!A$ is read "of course A", lets you re-use assumptions. We don't have this except by top-level definitions. In the judgement $Sigma ; Gamma tack.r e : A$, $Sigma$ contains definitions that you can use however many times you want, and $Gamma$ contains the definitions that are created linearly. Distinction between positive and negative types: - Lambdas cannot be pattern-matched against, you have to apply it. - However, for $times.circle$ and $plus.circle$ you can directly observe their structure. In this case, $A with B$, read "A with B": #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r A$], axi[$Gamma tack.r B$], bin[$Gamma tack.r A with B$], ) This is sound because only one of them can be extracted: #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e_1:A$], axi[$Gamma tack.r e_2:B$], bin[$Gamma tack.r angle.l e_1,e_2 angle.r : A with B$], ) #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e : A with B$], uni[$Gamma tack.r e.pi_1 : A$] ) #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e : A with B$], uni[$Gamma tack.r e.pi_2 : B$] ) "Lazy pair" you can only extract one side at a time. There are also "lazy records": $with { l : A_l}_(l in L)$ #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e_l : A_l (forall l in L)$], uni[$Gamma tack.r {l = e_l}_(l in L) : with {l : A_l}_(l in L)$] ) #tree( axi[$Gamma tack.r e : with { l : A_l}_(l in L) (forall l in L)$], uni[$Gamma tack.r e.k : A_k (k in L)$] )