use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Arc; use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker}; use anyhow::{Context as AnyhowContext, Error, Result}; use futures::{ future::{self, Either, Future, FutureExt, TryFutureExt}, stream::StreamExt, }; use parking_lot::RwLock; use tokio::{ io::{ self, AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, BufReader, ReadHalf, WriteHalf, }, sync::{mpsc, oneshot}, task::JoinHandle, }; use tokio_rustls::{ client::TlsStream, rustls::ClientConfig as RustlsConfig, webpki::DNSNameRef, TlsConnector, }; use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream; use crate::command::Command; use crate::parser::{parse_capability, parse_response}; use crate::response::{Capability, Response, ResponseCode, ResponseData, ResponseDone, Status}; use super::ClientConfig; pub type CapsLock = Arc>>>; pub type ResponseFuture = Box> + Send + Unpin>; pub type ResponseSender = mpsc::UnboundedSender; pub type ResponseStream = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver; type ResultQueue = Arc>>; pub type GreetingState = Arc, Option)>>; pub const TAG_PREFIX: &str = "ptag"; #[derive(Debug)] struct HandlerResult { id: usize, end: Option>, sender: ResponseSender, waker: Option, } /// The lower-level Client struct, that is shared by all of the exported structs in the state machine. pub struct Client { config: ClientConfig, /// write half of the connection conn: WriteHalf, /// counter for monotonically incrementing unique ids id: usize, results: ResultQueue, /// cached set of capabilities caps: CapsLock, /// join handle for the listener thread listener_handle: JoinHandle>>, /// used for telling the listener thread to stop and return the read half exit_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, /// used for receiving the greeting greeting: GreetingState, } impl Client where C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send + 'static, { /// Creates a new client that wraps a connection pub fn new(conn: C, config: ClientConfig) -> Self { let (read_half, write_half) = io::split(conn); let results = Arc::new(RwLock::new(VecDeque::new())); let (exit_tx, exit_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let greeting = Arc::new(RwLock::new((None, None))); let caps: CapsLock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)); let listener_handle = tokio::spawn( listen( read_half, caps.clone(), results.clone(), exit_rx, greeting.clone(), ) .map_err(|err| { error!("Help, the listener loop died: {}", err); err }), ); Client { config, conn: write_half, id: 0, results, listener_handle, caps, exit_tx, greeting, } } /// Returns a future that doesn't resolve until we receive a greeting from the server. pub fn wait_for_greeting(&self) -> GreetingWaiter { debug!("waiting for greeting"); GreetingWaiter(self.greeting.clone()) } /// Sends a command to the server and returns a handle to retrieve the result pub async fn execute(&mut self, cmd: Command) -> Result<(ResponseFuture, ResponseStream)> { // debug!("executing command {:?}", cmd); let id =; += 1; // create a channel for sending the final response let (end_tx, end_rx) = oneshot::channel(); // create a channel for sending responses for this particular client call // this should queue up responses let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); debug!("EX[{}]: adding handler result to the handlers queue", id); { let mut handlers = self.results.write(); handlers.push_back(HandlerResult { id, end: Some(end_tx), sender: tx, waker: None, }); } debug!("EX[{}]: send the command to the server", id); let cmd_str = format!("{}{} {}\r\n", TAG_PREFIX, id, cmd); self.conn.write_all(cmd_str.as_bytes()).await?; self.conn.flush().await?; debug!("EX[{}]: hellosu", id); let q = self.results.clone(); // let end = Box::new(end_rx.map_err(|err| Error::from).map(move |resp| resp)); let end = Box::new(end_rx.map_err(Error::from).map(move |resp| { debug!("EX[{}]: -end result- {:?}", id, resp); // pop the first entry from the list let mut results = q.write(); results.pop_front(); resp })); Ok((end, rx)) } /// Executes the CAPABILITY command pub async fn capabilities(&mut self, force: bool) -> Result<()> { { let caps =; if caps.is_some() && !force { return Ok(()); } } let cmd = Command::Capability; // debug!("sending: {:?} {:?}", cmd, cmd.to_string()); let (result, intermediate) = self .execute(cmd) .await .context("error executing CAPABILITY command")?; let _ = result.await?; if let Some(Response::Capabilities(new_caps)) = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(intermediate) .filter(|resp| future::ready(matches!(resp, Response::Capabilities(_)))) .next() .await { debug!("FOUND NEW CAPABILITIES: {:?}", new_caps); let mut caps = self.caps.write(); *caps = Some(new_caps.iter().cloned().collect()); } Ok(()) } /// Attempts to upgrade this connection using STARTTLS pub async fn upgrade(mut self) -> Result>> { // TODO: make sure STARTTLS is in the capability list if !self.has_capability("STARTTLS").await? { bail!("server doesn't support this capability"); } // first, send the STARTTLS command let (resp, _) = self.execute(Command::Starttls).await?; let resp = resp.await?; debug!("server response to starttls: {:?}", resp); debug!("sending exit for upgrade"); self.exit_tx.send(()).await?; let reader = self.listener_handle.await??; let writer = self.conn; let conn = reader.unsplit(writer); let server_name = &self.config.hostname; let mut tls_config = RustlsConfig::new(); tls_config .root_store .add_server_trust_anchors(&webpki_roots::TLS_SERVER_ROOTS); let tls_config = TlsConnector::from(Arc::new(tls_config)); let dnsname = DNSNameRef::try_from_ascii_str(server_name).unwrap(); let stream = tls_config.connect(dnsname, conn).await?; debug!("upgraded, stream is using TLS now"); Ok(Client::new(stream, self.config)) } /// Check if this client has a particular capability pub async fn has_capability(&mut self, cap: impl AsRef) -> Result { let cap = cap.as_ref().to_owned(); debug!("checking for the capability: {:?}", cap); let cap = parse_capability(cap)?; self.capabilities(false).await?; let caps =; // TODO: refresh caps let caps = caps.as_ref().unwrap(); let result = caps.contains(&cap); debug!("cap result: {:?}", result); Ok(result) } } pub struct GreetingWaiter(GreetingState); impl Future for GreetingWaiter { type Output = Response; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let (state, waker) = &mut *self.0.write(); debug!("g {:?}", state); if waker.is_none() { *waker = Some(cx.waker().clone()); } match state.take() { Some(v) => Poll::Ready(v), None => Poll::Pending, } } } /// Main listen loop for the application async fn listen( conn: C, caps: CapsLock, results: ResultQueue, mut exit: mpsc::Receiver<()>, greeting: GreetingState, ) -> Result where C: AsyncRead + Unpin, { // debug!("amogus"); let mut reader = BufReader::new(conn); let mut greeting = Some(greeting); loop { let mut next_line = String::new(); let fut = reader.read_line(&mut next_line).fuse(); pin_mut!(fut); let fut2 = exit.recv().fuse(); pin_mut!(fut2); match future::select(fut, fut2).await { Either::Left((res, _)) => { let bytes = res.context("read failed")?; if bytes == 0 { bail!("connection probably died"); } debug!("[LISTEN] got a new line {:?}", next_line); let resp = parse_response(next_line)?; debug!("[LISTEN] parsed as {:?}", resp); // if this is the very first message, treat it as a greeting if let Some(greeting) = greeting.take() { let (greeting, waker) = &mut *greeting.write(); debug!("[LISTEN] received greeting!"); *greeting = Some(resp.clone()); if let Some(waker) = waker.take() { waker.wake(); } } // update capabilities list // TODO: probably not really necessary here (done somewhere else)? if let Response::Capabilities(new_caps) | Response::Data(ResponseData { status: Status::Ok, code: Some(ResponseCode::Capabilities(new_caps)), .. }) = &resp { let caps = &mut *caps.write(); *caps = Some(new_caps.iter().cloned().collect()); debug!("new caps: {:?}", caps); } match &resp { // bye Response::Data(ResponseData { status: Status::Bye, .. }) => { bail!("disconnected"); } Response::Done(ResponseDone { tag, .. }) => { if tag.starts_with(TAG_PREFIX) { // let id = tag.trim_start_matches(TAG_PREFIX).parse::()?; debug!("[LISTEN] Done: {:?}", tag); let mut results = results.write(); if let Some(HandlerResult { end, waker, .. }) = results.iter_mut().next() { if let Some(end) = end.take() { end.send(resp).unwrap(); } // *opt = Some(resp); if let Some(waker) = waker.take() { waker.wake(); } } } } _ => { debug!("[LISTEN] RESPONSE: {:?}", resp); let mut results = results.write(); if let Some(HandlerResult { id, sender, .. }) = results.iter_mut().next() { // we don't really care if it fails to send // this just means that the other side has dropped the channel // // which is fine since that just means they don't care about // intermediate messages let _ = sender.send(resp); debug!("[LISTEN] pushed to intermediate for id {}", id); debug!("[LISTEN] res: {:?}", results); } } // _ => {} } } Either::Right((_, _)) => { debug!("exiting read loop"); break; } } } let conn = reader.into_inner(); Ok(conn) }