2024-07-01 04:47:23 -05:00

33 lines
870 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package io.mzhang.panorama;
service PanoramaHost {
rpc Hello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse) {}
rpc RegisterSingletonType (RegisterSingletonTypeRequest) returns (RegisterSingletonTypeResponse) {}
rpc RegisterType (RegisterTypeRequest) returns (RegisterTypeResponse) {}
message HelloRequest {}
message HelloResponse {
// What the actual given name of your app is installed as; this is not easily changed
string appName = 1;
string panoramaVersion = 2;
message RegisterTypeRequest {
string typeName = 1;
string typeExpr = 2;
message RegisterTypeResponse {}
message RegisterSingletonTypeRequest {
// The name given to the attribute you want to reserve
string attributeName = 1;
message RegisterSingletonTypeResponse {
// Node id corresponding to the Singleton type
string nodeId = 1;
service PanoramaApp {