import { isEqual } from "lodash"; import { generate } from "peggy"; import { buildParser, buildParserFile } from "@lezer/generator"; import { Tree, TreeCursor } from "@lezer/common"; export type ty = { kind: "arr"; left: ty; right: ty } | { kind: "unit" }; export const unitTy = (): ty => ({ kind: "unit" }); export const arr = (left: ty, right: ty): ty => ({ kind: "arr", left, right, }); export type term = | { kind: "unit" } | { kind: "var"; name: string } | { kind: "app"; left: term; right: term } | { kind: "abs"; arg: string; ty: ty; body: term }; export const unit1 = (): term => ({ kind: "unit" }); export const var1 = (name: string): term => ({ kind: "var", name }); export const app1 = (left: term, right: term): term => ({ kind: "app", left, right, }); export const abs1 = (arg: string, ty: ty, body: term): term => ({ kind: "abs", arg, ty, body, }); export type term2 = | { kind: "unit" } | { kind: "var"; idx: number } | { kind: "app"; left: term2; right: term2 } | { kind: "abs"; ty: ty; body: term2 }; export const unit2 = (): term2 => ({ kind: "unit" }); export const var2 = (idx: number): term2 => ({ kind: "var", idx }); export const app2 = (left: term2, right: term2): term2 => ({ kind: "app", left, right, }); export const abs2 = (ty: ty, body: term2): term2 => ({ kind: "abs", ty, body }); export function convertToDebruijn(t: term): term2 { function helper(t: term, ctx: string[]): term2 { switch (t.kind) { case "unit": return { kind: "unit" }; case "abs": return { kind: "abs", ty: t.ty, body: helper(t.body, [t.arg, ...ctx]) }; case "app": return { kind: "app", left: helper(t.left, ctx), right: helper(t.right, ctx), }; case "var": return { kind: "var", idx: ctx.indexOf( }; } } return helper(t, []); } export function infer(t: term2): ty { function check(t: term2, ty: ty, ctx: ty[]): boolean { switch (t.kind) { case "unit": return ty.kind === "unit"; case "var": return isEqual(ctx[t.idx], ty); case "app": { const fTy = infer(t.left, ctx); if (fTy.kind !== "arr") return false; const fArgTy = fTy.left; const fBodyTy = fTy.right; if (!check(t.right, fBodyTy, ctx)) return false; return true; } case "abs": // ty MUST be a function if (ty.kind !== "arr") return false; const { left: tyLeft, right: tyRight } = ty; // the types must match if (!isEqual(tyLeft, t.ty)) return false; return true; } } function infer(t: term2, ctx: ty[]): ty { switch (t.kind) { case "unit": return { kind: "unit" }; case "abs": return { kind: "arr", left: t.ty, right: infer(t.body, [...ctx, t.ty]), }; case "var": return ctx[t.idx]; case "app": { const leftTy = infer(t.left, ctx); if (leftTy.kind !== "arr") throw new Error("not a function"); if (!check(t.right, leftTy.right, ctx)) throw new Error("types don't match"); // TODO: Ensure that the types match return leftTy.right; } } } return infer(t, []); } const parserSource = (top: string) => ` @top result { ${top} } @precedence { arrow @right, app @left } Expr { EUnit { "()" } | Var { Ident } | Lam { lam "(" Ident ":" Ty ")" "." Expr } | App { Expr !app Expr } | paren { "(" Expr ")" } } Ty { TUnit { "()" } | Arrow { Ty !arrow "->" Ty } | paren { "(" Ty ")" } } @skip { space } @tokens { space { @whitespace+ } lam { "lam" } Ident { $[A-Za-z_]+ } @precedence { lam, Ident } } `; const buildApp = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): term => { c.firstChild(); const left = buildExpr(s, c); c.nextSibling(); const right = buildExpr(s, c); c.parent(); return { kind: "app", left, right }; }; const buildLam = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): term => { c.firstChild(); const name = s.slice(c.from,; c.nextSibling(); const ty = buildTy(s, c); c.nextSibling(); const body = buildExpr(s, c); c.parent(); return { kind: "abs", arg: name, ty, body }; }; const buildVar = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): term => { c.firstChild(); const name = s.slice(c.from,; c.parent(); return { kind: "var", name }; }; const buildArrow = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): ty => { c.firstChild(); const left = buildTy(s, c); c.nextSibling(); const right = buildTy(s, c); c.parent(); return { kind: "arr", left, right }; }; const buildTy = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): ty => { let result: ty; c.firstChild(); if ( === "TUnit") result = { kind: "unit" }; else if ( === "Arrow") result = buildArrow(s, c); else if ( === "Ty") result = buildTy(s, c); else throw new Error("unknown ty " +; c.parent(); return result; }; const buildExpr = (s: string, c: TreeCursor): term => { let result; c.firstChild(); switch ( { case "App": result = buildApp(s, c); break; case "Lam": result = buildLam(s, c); break; case "Var": result = buildVar(s, c); break; case "Expr": result = buildExpr(s, c); break; default: throw new Error( `unknown ${} (${c.from}:${} = "${s.slice(c.from,}")`, ); } c.parent(); return result; }; export const parseExpr = (s: string) => { const tree = buildParser(parserSource("Expr"), { typeScript: true, warn: false, }).parse(s); const cursor = tree.cursor();; return buildExpr(s, cursor); }; export const parseTy = (s: string) => { const tree = buildParser(parserSource("Ty"), { typeScript: true, warn: false, }).parse(s); const cursor = tree.cursor();; return buildTy(s, cursor); }; // export const parseExpr = (s: string) => parser.parse(s, { startRule: "expr" }); // export const parseTy = (s: string) => parser.parse(s, { startRule: "ty" });