/* Warnings: - You are about to alter the column `best_id` on the `Score` table. The data in that column could be lost. The data in that column will be cast from `Int` to `BigInt`. - You are about to alter the column `score_id` on the `Score` table. The data in that column could be lost. The data in that column will be cast from `Int` to `BigInt`. */ -- RedefineTables PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; CREATE TABLE "new_Score" ( "id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "accuracy" REAL NOT NULL, "best_id" BIGINT, "created_at" DATETIME NOT NULL, "score_id" BIGINT, "score" INTEGER NOT NULL, "beatmap_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "beatmapset_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO "new_Score" ("accuracy", "beatmap_id", "beatmapset_id", "best_id", "created_at", "id", "score", "score_id", "user_id") SELECT "accuracy", "beatmap_id", "beatmapset_id", "best_id", "created_at", "id", "score", "score_id", "user_id" FROM "Score"; DROP TABLE "Score"; ALTER TABLE "new_Score" RENAME TO "Score"; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Score_user_id_beatmap_id_created_at_score_key" ON "Score"("user_id", "beatmap_id", "created_at", "score"); PRAGMA foreign_key_check("Score"); PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;