unify translation style

This commit is contained in:
dtlnor 2022-11-03 11:17:44 +09:00
parent 0ce0705565
commit 29c43935fb

View file

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
"Image": "图像",
"Check progress": "查看进度",
"Check progress (first)": "(首次)查看进度",
"Sampling Steps": "采样迭代步数",
"Sampling method": "采样方法",
"Sampling Steps": "采样迭代步数 (Steps)",
"Sampling method": "采样方法 (Sampler)",
"Euler a": "Euler a",
"Euler": "Euler",
"LMS": "LMS",
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
"Prompt order": "提示词顺序",
"Sampler": "采样器",
"Checkpoint name": "模型(ckpt)名",
"Hypernet str.": "Hypernetwork 强度",
"Hypernetwork": "超网络(Hypernetwork)",
"Hypernet str.": "超网络(Hypernetwork) 强度",
"Sigma Churn": "Sigma Churn",
"Sigma min": "最小 Sigma",
"Sigma max": "最大 Sigma",
@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
"threshold": "阈值",
"Select Layer weights initialization. relu-like - Kaiming, sigmoid-like - Xavier is recommended": "选择初始化层权重的方案. 类relu - Kaiming, 类sigmoid - Xavier 都是比较推荐的选项",
"Normal": "正态",
"KaimingUniform": "Kaiming均匀",
"KaimingNormal": "Kaiming正态",
"XavierUniform": "Xavier均匀",
"XavierNormal": "Xavier正态",
"KaimingUniform": "Kaiming 均匀",
"KaimingNormal": "Kaiming 正态",
"XavierUniform": "Xavier 均匀",
"XavierNormal": "Xavier 正态",
"Add layer normalization": "添加层标准化",
"Use dropout": "采用 dropout 防止过拟合",
"Overwrite Old Hypernetwork": "覆写旧的 Hypernetwork",
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
"Make K-diffusion samplers produce same images in a batch as when making a single image": "使 K-diffusion 采样器 批量生成与生成单个图像时,产出相同的图像",
"Increase coherency by padding from the last comma within n tokens when using more than 75 tokens": "当使用超过 75 个 token 时,通过从 n 个 token 中的最后一个逗号填补来提高一致性",
"Filter NSFW content": "过滤成人内容(NSFW)",
"Stop At last layers of CLIP model": "在 CLIP 模型的最后哪一层停下",
"Stop At last layers of CLIP model": "在 CLIP 模型的最后哪一层停下 (Clip skip)",
"Interrogate Options": "反推提示词选项",
"Interrogate: keep models in VRAM": "反推: 将模型保存在显存(VRAM)中",
"Interrogate: use artists from artists.csv": "反推: 使用 artists.csv 中的艺术家",
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
"Do not show any images in results for web": "不在网页的结果中显示任何图像",
"Add model hash to generation information": "将模型的哈希值添加到生成信息",
"Add model name to generation information": "将模型名称添加到生成信息",
"When reading generation parameters from text into UI (from PNG info or pasted text), do not change the selected model/checkpoint.": "从文本读取生成参数到 UI(从 PNG 图片信息或粘贴文本)时,不要更改选定的模型(ckpt)",
"When reading generation parameters from text into UI (from PNG info or pasted text), do not change the selected model/checkpoint.": "从文本读取生成参数到用户界面(从 PNG 图片信息或粘贴文本)时,不要更改选定的模型(ckpt)",
"Send seed when sending prompt or image to other interface": "将提示词或者图片发送到 >> 其他界面时,把随机种子也传送过去",
"Font for image grids that have text": "有文字的宫格图使用的字体",
"Enable full page image viewer": "启用整页图像查看器",
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
"sigma churn": "sigma churn",
"sigma tmin": "最小(tmin) sigma",
"sigma noise": "sigma 噪声",
"Eta noise seed delta": "Eta 噪声种子偏移(noise seed delta)",
"Eta noise seed delta": "Eta 噪声种子偏移(ENSD - Eta noise seed delta)",
"Images Browser": "图库浏览器",
"Preload images at startup": "在启动时预加载图像",
"Number of columns on the page": "每页列数",
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
"Use same seed for all images": "为所有图像使用同一个随机种子",
"Request browser notifications": "请求浏览器通知",
"Download localization template": "下载本地化模板",
"Reload custom script bodies (No ui updates, No restart)": "重新加载自定义脚本主体(无 ui 更新,无重启)",
"Reload custom script bodies (No ui updates, No restart)": "重新加载自定义脚本主体(无用户界面更新,无重启)",
"Restart Gradio and Refresh components (Custom Scripts, ui.py, js and css only)": "重启 Gradio 及刷新组件仅限自定义脚本、ui.py、js 和 css",
"Installed": "已安装",
"Available": "可用",
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
"Start drawing": "开始绘制",
"how fast should the training go. Low values will take longer to train, high values may fail to converge (not generate accurate results) and/or may break the embedding (This has happened if you see Loss: nan in the training info textbox. If this happens, you need to manually restore your embedding from an older not-broken backup).\n\nYou can set a single numeric value, or multiple learning rates using the syntax:\n\n rate_1:max_steps_1, rate_2:max_steps_2, ...\n\nEG: 0.005:100, 1e-3:1000, 1e-5\n\nWill train with rate of 0.005 for first 100 steps, then 1e-3 until 1000 steps, then 1e-5 for all remaining steps.": "训练应该多快。低值将需要更长的时间来训练,高值可能无法收敛(无法产生准确的结果)以及/也许可能会破坏 embedding如果你在训练信息文本框中看到 Loss: nan 就会发生这种情况。如果发生这种情况,你需要从较旧的未损坏的备份手动恢复 embedding\n\n你可以使用以下语法设置单个数值或多个学习率\n\n 率1:步限1, 率2:步限2, ...\n\n如: 0.005:100, 1e-3:1000, 1e-5\n\n即前 100 步将以 0.005 的速率训练,接着直到 1000 步为止以 1e-3 训练,然后剩余所有步以 1e-5 训练",
"Separate prompts into parts using vertical pipe character (|) and the script will create a picture for every combination of them (except for the first part, which will be present in all combinations)": "用竖线分隔符(|)将提示词分成若干部分,脚本将为它们的每一个组合创建一幅图片(除了被分割的第一部分,所有的组合都会包含这部分)",
"Select which Real-ESRGAN models to show in the web UI. (Requires restart)": "选择哪些Real-ESRGAN模型显示在用户界面。(需要重新启动)",
"Select which Real-ESRGAN models to show in the web UI. (Requires restart)": "选择哪些 Real-ESRGAN 模型显示在网页用户界面。(需要重新启动)",
"Face restoration model": "面部修复模型",
"Allowed categories for random artists selection when using the Roll button": "使用抽选艺术家按钮时将会随机的艺术家类别",
"Move to favorites": "移动到收藏夹(保存)",