
This commit is contained in:
batvbs 2022-11-03 20:28:06 +08:00
parent 70714be430
commit b81fad071d

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@ -198,7 +198,6 @@
"Scale to": "指定尺寸缩放",
"Resize": "缩放",
"Crop to fit": "裁剪以适应",
"Upscaler 2 visibility": "放大算法 2 (Upscaler 2) 可见度",
"GFPGAN visibility": "GFPGAN 可见度",
"CodeFormer visibility": "CodeFormer 可见度",
"CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)": "CodeFormer 权重 (0 = 最大效果, 1 = 最小效果)",
@ -469,7 +468,6 @@
"Negative prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "反向提示词(按 Ctrl+Enter 或 Alt+Enter 生成)\nNegative prompt",
"Stop processing current image and continue processing.": "停止处理当前图像,并继续处理下一个",
"Stop processing images and return any results accumulated so far.": "停止处理图像,并返回迄今为止累积的任何结果",
"Style to apply; styles have components for both positive and negative prompts and apply to both": "要应用的模版风格; 模版风格包含正向和反向提示词,并应用于两者",
"Do not do anything special": "什么都不做",
"Which algorithm to use to produce the image": "使用哪种算法生成图像",
"Euler Ancestral - very creative, each can get a completely different picture depending on step count, setting steps to higher than 30-40 does not help": "Euler Ancestral - 非常有创意,可以根据迭代步数获得完全不同的图像,将迭代步数设置为高于 30-40 不会有正面作用",
@ -480,9 +478,6 @@
"How many batches of images to create": "创建多少批次的图像",
"How many image to create in a single batch": "每批创建多少图像",
"Classifier Free Guidance Scale - how strongly the image should conform to prompt - lower values produce more creative results": "Classifier Free Guidance Scale - 图像应在多大程度上服从提示词 - 较低的值会产生更有创意的结果",
"A value that determines the output of random number generator - if you create an image with same parameters and seed as another image, you'll get the same result": "一个固定随机数生成器输出的值 - 以相同参数和随机种子生成的图像会得到相同的结果",
"Set seed to -1, which will cause a new random number to be used every time": "将随机种子设置为-1则每次都会使用一个新的随机数",
"Reuse seed from last generation, mostly useful if it was randomed": "重用上一次使用的随机种子,如果想要固定结果就会很有用",
"Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.": "将要参与生成的另一张图的随机种子",
"How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).": "想要产生多强烈的变化。设为 0 时,将没有效果。设为 1 时你将获得完全产自差异随机种子的图像ancestral 采样器除外,你只是单纯地生成了一些东西)",
"Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution": "尝试生成与在指定分辨率下使用相同随机种子生成的图像相似的图片",
@ -490,7 +485,6 @@
"Separate values for X axis using commas.": "使用逗号分隔 X 轴的值",
"Separate values for Y axis using commas.": "使用逗号分隔 Y 轴的值",
"Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.": "将图像写入目录(默认 - log/images并将生成参数写入 csv 表格文件",
"Open images output directory": "打开图像输出目录",
"How much to blur the mask before processing, in pixels.": "处理前要对蒙版进行多强的模糊,以像素为单位",
"What to put inside the masked area before processing it with Stable Diffusion.": "在使用 Stable Diffusion 处理蒙版区域之前要在蒙版区域内放置什么",
"fill it with colors of the image": "用图像的颜色(高强度模糊)填充它",
@ -547,13 +541,16 @@
"Uscale the image in latent space. Alternative is to produce the full image from latent representation, upscale that, and then move it back to latent space.": "放大潜空间中的图像。而另一种方法是,从潜变量表达中直接解码并生成完整的图像,接着放大它,然后再将其编码回潜空间",
"Upscaler": "放大算法",
"Start drawing": "开始绘制",
"----无效----": "----以下内容无法被翻译Bug----",
"Add a random artist to the prompt.": "随机添加一个艺术家到提示词中",
"Read generation parameters from prompt or last generation if prompt is empty into user interface.": "从提示词中读取生成参数,如果提示词为空,则读取上一次的生成参数到用户界面",
"Save style": "储存为模版风格",
"Apply selected styles to current prompt": "将所选模板风格,应用于当前提示词",
"Set seed to -1, which will cause a new random number to be used every time": "将随机种子设置为-1则每次都会使用一个新的随机数",
"Reuse seed from last generation, mostly useful if it was randomed": "重用上一次使用的随机种子,如果想要固定结果就会很有用",
"Open images output directory": "打开图像输出目录",
"Upscaler 1": "放大算法 1",
"Upscaler 2": "放大算法 2",
"Separate prompts into parts using vertical pipe character (|) and the script will create a picture for every combination of them (except for the first part, which will be present in all combinations)": "用竖线分隔符(|)将提示词分成若干部分,脚本将为它们的每一个组合创建一幅图片(除了被分割的第一部分,所有的组合都会包含这部分)",
@ -561,6 +558,10 @@
"Allowed categories for random artists selection when using the Roll button": "使用抽选艺术家按钮时将会随机的艺术家类别",
"Face restoration model": "面部修复模型",
"Style to apply; styles have components for both positive and negative prompts and apply to both": "要使用的模版风格; 模版风格包含正向和反向提示词,并应用于两者\n\ud83c\udfa8 随机添加一个艺术家到提示词中\n \u2199\ufe0f 从提示词中读取生成参数,如果提示词为空,则读取上一次的生成参数到用户界面\n\ud83d\udcbe 将当前的提示词保存为模版风格(保存在styles.csv)\n\ud83d\udccb 将所选模板风格,应用于当前提示词\n如果你在文本中添加{prompt}标记,并保存为模版风格\n那么将来你使用该模版风格时你现有的提示词会替换模版风格中的{prompt}",
"A value that determines the output of random number generator - if you create an image with same parameters and seed as another image, you'll get the same result": "一个固定随机数生成器输出的值 - 以相同参数和随机种子生成的图像会得到相同的结果\n\ud83c\udfb2 将随机种子设置为-1则每次都会使用一个新的随机数\n\u267b\ufe0f 重用上一次使用的随机种子,如果想要固定输出结果就会很有用",
"Upscaler 2 visibility": "放大算法 2 (Upscaler 2) 可见度",
"----已移除----": "----以下内容在webui新版本已移除----",
"▼": "▼",