update ja translation

This commit is contained in:
Kris57 2022-10-23 02:41:17 +09:00 committed by AUTOMATIC1111
parent 6cbb04f7a5
commit c6459986cb

View file

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
"img2img": "img2img",
"Extras": "その他",
"PNG Info": "PNG内の情報を表示",
"History": "履歴",
"Image Browser": "画像閲覧",
"Checkpoint Merger": "Checkpointの統合",
"Train": "学習",
"Create aesthetic embedding": "Create aesthetic embedding",
"Settings": "設定",
"Prompt": "プロンプト",
"Negative prompt": "ネガティブ プロンプト",
@ -67,8 +68,18 @@
"Variation strength": "Variation 強度",
"Resize seed from width": "Resize seed from width",
"Resize seed from height": "Resize seed from height",
"Script": "スクリプト",
"Open for Clip Aesthetic!": "Open for Clip Aesthetic!",
"▼": "▼",
"Aesthetic weight": "Aesthetic weight",
"Aesthetic steps": "Aesthetic steps",
"Aesthetic learning rate": "Aesthetic learning rate",
"Slerp interpolation": "Slerp interpolation",
"Aesthetic imgs embedding": "Aesthetic imgs embedding",
"None": "なし",
"Aesthetic text for imgs": "Aesthetic text for imgs",
"Slerp angle": "Slerp angle",
"Is negative text": "Is negative text",
"Script": "スクリプト",
"Prompt matrix": "Prompt matrix",
"Prompts from file or textbox": "Prompts from file or textbox",
"X/Y plot": "X/Y plot",
@ -76,6 +87,7 @@
"Show Textbox": "Show Textbox",
"File with inputs": "File with inputs",
"Prompts": "プロンプト",
"Save images to path": "Save images to path",
"X type": "X軸の種類",
"Nothing": "なし",
"Var. seed": "Var. seed",
@ -86,7 +98,7 @@
"Sampler": "サンプラー",
"Checkpoint name": "Checkpoint名",
"Hypernetwork": "Hypernetwork",
"Hypernet str.": "Hypernet強度",
"Hypernet str.": "Hypernet強度",
"Sigma Churn": "Sigma Churn",
"Sigma min": "Sigma min",
"Sigma max": "Sigma max",
@ -141,6 +153,7 @@
"Outpainting mk2": "Outpainting mk2",
"Poor man's outpainting": "Poor man's outpainting",
"SD upscale": "SD アップスケール",
"[C] Video to video": "[C] Video to video",
"should be 2 or lower.": "2以下にすること",
"Override `Sampling method` to Euler?(this method is built for it)": "サンプリングアルゴリズムをEulerに上書きする(そうすることを前提に設計されています)",
"Override `prompt` to the same value as `original prompt`?(and `negative prompt`)": "Override `prompt` to the same value as `original prompt`?(and `negative prompt`)",
@ -170,9 +183,22 @@
"BSRGAN 4x": "BSRGAN 4x",
"ESRGAN_4x": "ESRGAN_4x",
"R-ESRGAN General 4xV3": "R-ESRGAN General 4xV3",
"R-ESRGAN General WDN 4xV3": "R-ESRGAN General WDN 4xV3",
"R-ESRGAN AnimeVideo": "R-ESRGAN AnimeVideo",
"R-ESRGAN 4x+": "R-ESRGAN 4x+",
"R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B": "R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B",
"R-ESRGAN 2x+": "R-ESRGAN 2x+",
"SwinIR 4x": "SwinIR 4x",
"Input file path": "Input file path",
"CRF (quality, less is better, x264 param)": "CRF (quality, less is better, x264 param)",
"FPS": "FPS",
"Seed step size": "Seed step size",
"Seed max distance": "Seed max distance",
"Start time": "Start time",
"End time": "End time",
"Single Image": "単一画像",
"Batch Process": "バッチ処理",
"Batch from Directory": "フォルダからバッチ処理",
@ -182,17 +208,18 @@
"Scale to": "解像度指定",
"Resize": "倍率",
"Crop to fit": "合うように切り抜き",
"Upscaler 2": "アップスケーラー 2",
"Upscaler 2 visibility": "Upscaler 2 visibility",
"GFPGAN visibility": "GFPGAN visibility",
"CodeFormer visibility": "CodeFormer visibility",
"CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)": "CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)",
"Open output directory": "出力フォルダを開く",
"Send to txt2img": "txt2imgに送る",
"txt2img history": "txt2imgの履歴",
"img2img history": "img2imgの履歴",
"extras history": "その他タブの履歴",
"Renew Page": "更新",
"extras": "その他タブ",
"favorites": "お気に入り",
"Load": "読み込み",
"Images directory": "フォルダ",
"Prev batch": "前の batch",
"Next batch": "次の batch",
"First Page": "最初のぺージへ",
"Prev Page": "前ページへ",
"Page Index": "ページ番号",
@ -202,7 +229,12 @@
"Delete": "削除",
"Generate Info": "生成情報",
"File Name": "ファイル名",
"Collect": "保存(お気に入り)",
"Refresh page": "Refresh page",
"Date to": "Date to",
"Number": "Number",
"set_index": "set_index",
"Checkbox": "Checkbox",
"A merger of the two checkpoints will be generated in your": "統合されたチェックポイントはあなたの",
"checkpoint": "checkpoint",
"directory.": "フォルダに保存されます.",
@ -224,17 +256,37 @@
"Name": "ファイル名",
"Initialization text": "Initialization text",
"Number of vectors per token": "Number of vectors per token",
"Overwrite Old Embedding": "Overwrite Old Embedding",
"Modules": "Modules",
"Enter hypernetwork layer structure": "Enter hypernetwork layer structure",
"Select activation function of hypernetwork": "Select activation function of hypernetwork",
"linear": "linear",
"relu": "relu",
"leakyrelu": "leakyrelu",
"elu": "elu",
"swish": "swish",
"Add layer normalization": "Add layer normalization",
"Use dropout": "Use dropout",
"Overwrite Old Hypernetwork": "Overwrite Old Hypernetwork",
"Source directory": "入力フォルダ",
"Destination directory": "出力フォルダ",
"Existing Caption txt Action": "Existing Caption txt Action",
"ignore": "ignore",
"copy": "copy",
"prepend": "prepend",
"append": "append",
"Create flipped copies": "反転画像を生成する",
"Split oversized images into two": "大きすぎる画像を2分割する",
"Split oversized images": "大きすぎる画像を分割する",
"Use BLIP for caption": "BLIPで説明をつける",
"Use deepbooru for caption": "deepbooruで説明をつける",
"Split image threshold": "分割する大きさの閾値",
"Split image overlap ratio": "Split image overlap ratio",
"Preprocess": "前処理開始",
"Train an embedding; must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images": "embeddingの学習をします;データセット内の画像は正方形でなければなりません。",
"Train an embedding or Hypernetwork; you must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images": "Train an embedding or Hypernetwork; you must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images",
"[wiki]": "[wiki]",
"Embedding": "Embedding",
"Learning rate": "学習率",
"Embedding Learning rate": "Embedding Learning rate",
"Hypernetwork Learning rate": "Hypernetwork Learning rate",
"Dataset directory": "データセットフォルダ",
"Log directory": "ログフォルダ",
"Prompt template file": "Prompt template file",
@ -245,6 +297,8 @@
"Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews": "Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews",
"Train Hypernetwork": "Hypernetworkの学習を開始",
"Train Embedding": "Embeddingの学習を開始",
"Create an aesthetic embedding out of any number of images": "Create an aesthetic embedding out of any number of images",
"Create images embedding": "Create images embedding",
"Apply settings": "Apply settings",
"Saving images/grids": "画像/グリッドの保存",
"Always save all generated images": "生成された画像をすべて保存する",
@ -295,7 +349,7 @@
"Always print all generation info to standard output": "常にすべての生成に関する情報を標準出力(stdout)に出力する",
"Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job.": "Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job.",
"Training": "学習",
"Unload VAE and CLIP from VRAM when training": "学習を行う際、VAEとCLIPをVRAMから削除する",
"Move VAE and CLIP to RAM when training hypernetwork. Saves VRAM.": "hypernetworkの学習をするとき、VAEとCLIPをRAMへ退避します。VRAMが節約できます。",
"Filename word regex": "Filename word regex",
"Filename join string": "Filename join string",
"Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number": "Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number",
@ -332,6 +386,7 @@
"Do not show any images in results for web": "WebUI上で一切画像を表示しない",
"Add model hash to generation information": "モデルのハッシュ値を生成情報に追加",
"Add model name to generation information": "モデルの名称を生成情報に追加",
"When reading generation parameters from text into UI (from PNG info or pasted text), do not change the selected model/checkpoint.": "When reading generation parameters from text into UI (from PNG info or pasted text), do not change the selected model/checkpoint.",
"Font for image grids that have text": "画像グリッド内のテキストフォント",
"Enable full page image viewer": "フルページの画像ビューワーを有効化",
"Show images zoomed in by default in full page image viewer": "フルページ画像ビューアでデフォルトで画像を拡大して表示する",
@ -350,10 +405,16 @@
"sigma tmin": "sigma tmin",
"sigma noise": "sigma noise",
"Eta noise seed delta": "Eta noise seed delta",
"Images Browser": "画像閲覧",
"Preload images at startup": "起動時に画像を読み込んでおく",
"Number of pictures displayed on each page": "各ページに表示される画像の枚数",
"Minimum number of pages per load": "Minimum number of pages per load",
"Number of grids in each row": "Number of grids in each row",
"Request browser notifications": "ブラウザ通知の許可を要求する",
"Download localization template": "ローカライゼーション用のテンプレートをダウンロードする",
"Reload custom script bodies (No ui updates, No restart)": "カスタムスクリプトを再読み込み (UIは変更されず、再起動もしません。)",
"Restart Gradio and Refresh components (Custom Scripts, ui.py, js and css only)": "Gradioを再起動してコンポーネントをリフレッシュする (Custom Scripts, ui.py, js, cssのみ影響を受ける)",
"Audio": "Audio",
"Prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "プロンプト (Ctrl+Enter か Alt+Enter を押して生成)",
"Negative prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "ネガティブ プロンプト (Ctrl+Enter か Alt+Enter を押して生成)",
"Add a random artist to the prompt.": "芸術家などの名称をプロンプトに追加",
@ -379,6 +440,7 @@
"Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.": "Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.",
"How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).": "How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).",
"Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution": "Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution",
"This text is used to rotate the feature space of the imgs embs": "This text is used to rotate the feature space of the imgs embs",
"Separate values for X axis using commas.": "X軸に用いる値をカンマ(,)で区切って入力してください。",
"Separate values for Y axis using commas.": "Y軸に用いる値をカンマ(,)で区切って入力してください。",
"Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.": "Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.",
@ -398,8 +460,10 @@
"For SD upscale, how much overlap in pixels should there be between tiles. Tiles overlap so that when they are merged back into one picture, there is no clearly visible seam.": "For SD upscale, how much overlap in pixels should there be between tiles. Tiles overlap so that when they are merged back into one picture, there is no clearly visible seam.",
"A directory on the same machine where the server is running.": "A directory on the same machine where the server is running.",
"Leave blank to save images to the default path.": "空欄でデフォルトの場所へ画像を保存",
"Input images directory": "Input images directory",
"Result = A * (1 - M) + B * M": "結果モデル = A * (1 - M) + B * M",
"Result = A + (B - C) * M": "結果モデル = A + (B - C) * M",
"1st and last digit must be 1. ex:'1, 2, 1'": "1st and last digit must be 1. ex:'1, 2, 1'",
"Path to directory with input images": "Path to directory with input images",
"Path to directory where to write outputs": "Path to directory where to write outputs",
"Use following tags to define how filenames for images are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.": "Use following tags to define how filenames for images are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.",
@ -409,5 +473,6 @@
"This regular expression will be used extract words from filename, and they will be joined using the option below into label text used for training. Leave empty to keep filename text as it is.": "This regular expression will be used extract words from filename, and they will be joined using the option below into label text used for training. Leave empty to keep filename text as it is.",
"This string will be used to join split words into a single line if the option above is enabled.": "This string will be used to join split words into a single line if the option above is enabled.",
"List of setting names, separated by commas, for settings that should go to the quick access bar at the top, rather than the usual setting tab. See modules/shared.py for setting names. Requires restarting to apply.": "List of setting names, separated by commas, for settings that should go to the quick access bar at the top, rather than the usual setting tab. See modules/shared.py for setting names. Requires restarting to apply.",
"If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing.": "If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing."
"If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing.": "If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing.",
"Enable Autocomplete": "自動補完を有効化"