2022-10-22 19:38:34 +03:00

413 lines
35 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"⤡": "⤡",
"⊞": "⊞",
"×": "×",
"": "",
"": "",
"Loading...": "読み込み中...",
"view": "view",
"api": "api",
"•": "•",
"gradioで作ろう": "gradioで作ろう",
"Stable Diffusion checkpoint": "Stable Diffusion checkpoint",
"txt2img": "txt2img",
"img2img": "img2img",
"Extras": "その他",
"PNG Info": "PNG内の情報を表示",
"History": "履歴",
"Checkpoint Merger": "Checkpointの統合",
"Train": "学習",
"Settings": "設定",
"Prompt": "プロンプト",
"Negative prompt": "ネガティブ プロンプト",
"Run": "実行",
"Skip": "スキップ",
"Interrupt": "中断",
"Generate": "生成!",
"Style 1": "スタイル 1",
"Style 2": "スタイル 2",
"Label": "ラベル",
"File": "ファイル",
"ここにファイルをドロップ": "ここにファイルをドロップ",
"-": "-",
"または": "または",
"クリックしてアップロード": "クリックしてアップロード",
"Image": "画像",
"Check progress": "Check progress",
"Check progress (first)": "Check progress (first)",
"Sampling Steps": "サンプリング回数",
"Sampling method": "サンプリングアルゴリズム",
"Euler a": "Euler a",
"Euler": "Euler",
"LMS": "LMS",
"Heun": "Heun",
"DPM2": "DPM2",
"DPM2 a": "DPM2 a",
"DPM fast": "DPM fast",
"DPM adaptive": "DPM adaptive",
"LMS Karras": "LMS Karras",
"DPM2 Karras": "DPM2 Karras",
"DPM2 a Karras": "DPM2 a Karras",
"Width": "幅",
"Height": "高さ",
"Restore faces": "顔修復",
"Tiling": "テクスチャ生成モード",
"Highres. fix": "高解像度 fix(マウスオーバーで詳細)",
"Firstpass width": "Firstpass width",
"Firstpass height": "Firstpass height",
"Denoising strength": "ノイズ除去 強度",
"Batch count": "バッチ生成回数",
"Batch size": "バッチあたり生成枚数",
"CFG Scale": "CFG Scale",
"Seed": "シード値",
"Extra": "その他",
"Variation seed": "Variation シード値",
"Variation strength": "Variation 強度",
"Resize seed from width": "Resize seed from width",
"Resize seed from height": "Resize seed from height",
"Script": "スクリプト",
"None": "なし",
"Prompt matrix": "Prompt matrix",
"Prompts from file or textbox": "Prompts from file or textbox",
"X/Y plot": "X/Y plot",
"Put variable parts at start of prompt": "Put variable parts at start of prompt",
"Show Textbox": "Show Textbox",
"File with inputs": "File with inputs",
"Prompts": "プロンプト",
"X type": "X軸の種類",
"Nothing": "なし",
"Var. seed": "Var. seed",
"Var. strength": "Var. 強度",
"Steps": "ステップ数",
"Prompt S/R": "Prompt S/R",
"Prompt order": "Prompt order",
"Sampler": "サンプラー",
"Checkpoint name": "Checkpoint名",
"Hypernetwork": "Hypernetwork",
"Hypernet str.": "Hypernet強度",
"Sigma Churn": "Sigma Churn",
"Sigma min": "Sigma min",
"Sigma max": "Sigma max",
"Sigma noise": "Sigma noise",
"Eta": "Eta",
"Clip skip": "Clip skip",
"Denoising": "Denoising",
"X values": "Xの値",
"Y type": "Y軸の種類",
"Y values": "Yの値",
"Draw legend": "凡例を描画",
"Include Separate Images": "Include Separate Images",
"Keep -1 for seeds": "シード値を-1で固定",
"ここに画像をドロップ": "ここに画像をドロップ",
"Save": "保存",
"Send to img2img": "img2imgに送る",
"Send to inpaint": "描き直しに送る",
"Send to extras": "その他タブに送る",
"Make Zip when Save?": "保存するときZipも同時に作る",
"Textbox": "Textbox",
"Interrogate\nCLIP": "Interrogate\nCLIP",
"Interrogate\nDeepBooru": "Interrogate\nDeepBooru",
"Inpaint": "描き直し(Inpaint)",
"Batch img2img": "Batch img2img",
"Image for img2img": "Image for img2img",
"Image for inpainting with mask": "Image for inpainting with mask",
"Mask": "Mask",
"Mask blur": "Mask blur",
"Mask mode": "Mask mode",
"Draw mask": "Draw mask",
"Upload mask": "Upload mask",
"Masking mode": "Masking mode",
"Inpaint masked": "Inpaint masked",
"Inpaint not masked": "Inpaint not masked",
"Masked content": "Masked content",
"fill": "fill",
"original": "オリジナル",
"latent noise": "latent noise",
"latent nothing": "latent nothing",
"Inpaint at full resolution": "Inpaint at full resolution",
"Inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels": "Inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels",
"Process images in a directory on the same machine where the server is running.": "Process images in a directory on the same machine where the server is running.",
"Use an empty output directory to save pictures normally instead of writing to the output directory.": "Use an empty output directory to save pictures normally instead of writing to the output directory.",
"Input directory": "入力フォルダ",
"Output directory": "出力フォルダ",
"Resize mode": "リサイズモード",
"Just resize": "リサイズのみ",
"Crop and resize": "切り取ってからリサイズ",
"Resize and fill": "リサイズして埋める",
"img2img alternative test": "img2img alternative test",
"Loopback": "ループバック",
"Outpainting mk2": "Outpainting mk2",
"Poor man's outpainting": "Poor man's outpainting",
"SD upscale": "SD アップスケール",
"should be 2 or lower.": "2以下にすること",
"Override `Sampling method` to Euler?(this method is built for it)": "サンプリングアルゴリズムをEulerに上書きする(そうすることを前提に設計されています)",
"Override `prompt` to the same value as `original prompt`?(and `negative prompt`)": "Override `prompt` to the same value as `original prompt`?(and `negative prompt`)",
"Original prompt": "Original prompt",
"Original negative prompt": "Original negative prompt",
"Override `Sampling Steps` to the same value as `Decode steps`?": "Override `Sampling Steps` to the same value as `Decode steps`?",
"Decode steps": "Decode steps",
"Override `Denoising strength` to 1?": "Override `Denoising strength` to 1?",
"Decode CFG scale": "Decode CFG scale",
"Randomness": "Randomness",
"Sigma adjustment for finding noise for image": "Sigma adjustment for finding noise for image",
"Loops": "Loops",
"Denoising strength change factor": "Denoising strength change factor",
"Recommended settings: Sampling Steps: 80-100, Sampler: Euler a, Denoising strength: 0.8": "Recommended settings: Sampling Steps: 80-100, Sampler: Euler a, Denoising strength: 0.8",
"Pixels to expand": "Pixels to expand",
"Outpainting direction": "Outpainting direction",
"left": "左",
"right": "右",
"up": "上",
"down": "下",
"Fall-off exponent (lower=higher detail)": "Fall-off exponent (lower=higher detail)",
"Color variation": "Color variation",
"Will upscale the image to twice the dimensions; use width and height sliders to set tile size": "画像を2倍の大きさにアップスケールします。幅と高さのスライダーでタイルの大きさを設定します。",
"Tile overlap": "Tile overlap",
"Upscaler": "アップスケーラー",
"Lanczos": "Lanczos",
"BSRGAN 4x": "BSRGAN 4x",
"ESRGAN_4x": "ESRGAN_4x",
"SwinIR 4x": "SwinIR 4x",
"Single Image": "単一画像",
"Batch Process": "バッチ処理",
"Batch from Directory": "フォルダからバッチ処理",
"Source": "入力",
"Show result images": "出力画像を表示",
"Scale by": "倍率指定",
"Scale to": "解像度指定",
"Resize": "倍率",
"Crop to fit": "合うように切り抜き",
"Upscaler 2": "アップスケーラー 2",
"Upscaler 2 visibility": "Upscaler 2 visibility",
"GFPGAN visibility": "GFPGAN visibility",
"CodeFormer visibility": "CodeFormer visibility",
"CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)": "CodeFormer weight (0 = maximum effect, 1 = minimum effect)",
"Open output directory": "出力フォルダを開く",
"Send to txt2img": "txt2imgに送る",
"txt2img history": "txt2imgの履歴",
"img2img history": "img2imgの履歴",
"extras history": "その他タブの履歴",
"Renew Page": "更新",
"First Page": "最初のぺージへ",
"Prev Page": "前ページへ",
"Page Index": "ページ番号",
"Next Page": "次ページへ",
"End Page": "最後のページへ",
"number of images to delete consecutively next": "number of images to delete consecutively next",
"Delete": "削除",
"Generate Info": "生成情報",
"File Name": "ファイル名",
"set_index": "set_index",
"A merger of the two checkpoints will be generated in your": "統合されたチェックポイントはあなたの",
"checkpoint": "checkpoint",
"directory.": "フォルダに保存されます.",
"Primary model (A)": "1つめのmodel (A)",
"Secondary model (B)": "2つめのmodel (B)",
"Tertiary model (C)": "3つめのmodel (C)",
"Custom Name (Optional)": "Custom Name (任意)",
"Multiplier (M) - set to 0 to get model A": "Multiplier (M) 0にすると完全にmodel Aとなります (ツールチップ参照)",
"Interpolation Method": "混合(Interpolation)方式",
"Weighted sum": "加重平均",
"Add difference": "差を加える",
"Save as float16": "float16で保存",
"See": "詳細な説明については",
"wiki": "wiki",
"for detailed explanation.": "を見てください。",
"Create embedding": "Embeddingを作る",
"Create hypernetwork": "Hypernetworkを作る",
"Preprocess images": "画像の前処理",
"Name": "ファイル名",
"Initialization text": "Initialization text",
"Number of vectors per token": "Number of vectors per token",
"Modules": "Modules",
"Source directory": "入力フォルダ",
"Destination directory": "出力フォルダ",
"Create flipped copies": "反転画像を生成する",
"Split oversized images into two": "大きすぎる画像を2分割する",
"Use BLIP for caption": "BLIPで説明をつける",
"Use deepbooru for caption": "deepbooruで説明をつける",
"Preprocess": "前処理開始",
"Train an embedding; must specify a directory with a set of 1:1 ratio images": "embeddingの学習をします;データセット内の画像は正方形でなければなりません。",
"Embedding": "Embedding",
"Learning rate": "学習率",
"Dataset directory": "データセットフォルダ",
"Log directory": "ログフォルダ",
"Prompt template file": "Prompt template file",
"Max steps": "最大ステップ数",
"Save an image to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "指定したステップ数ごとに画像を生成し、ログに保存する。0で無効化。",
"Save a copy of embedding to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "指定したステップ数ごとにEmbeddingのコピーをログに保存する。0で無効化。",
"Save images with embedding in PNG chunks": "保存する画像にembeddingを埋め込む",
"Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews": "Read parameters (prompt, etc...) from txt2img tab when making previews",
"Train Hypernetwork": "Hypernetworkの学習を開始",
"Train Embedding": "Embeddingの学習を開始",
"Apply settings": "Apply settings",
"Saving images/grids": "画像/グリッドの保存",
"Always save all generated images": "生成された画像をすべて保存する",
"File format for images": "画像ファイルの保存形式",
"Images filename pattern": "ファイル名のパターン",
"Always save all generated image grids": "グリッド画像を常に保存する",
"File format for grids": "グリッド画像の保存形式",
"Add extended info (seed, prompt) to filename when saving grid": "保存するグリッド画像のファイル名に追加情報(シード値、プロンプト)を加える",
"Do not save grids consisting of one picture": "1画像からなるグリッド画像は保存しない",
"Prevent empty spots in grid (when set to autodetect)": "(自動設定のとき)グリッドに空隙が生じるのを防ぐ",
"Grid row count; use -1 for autodetect and 0 for it to be same as batch size": "グリッドの列数; -1で自動設定、0でバッチ生成回数と同じにする",
"Save text information about generation parameters as chunks to png files": "生成に関するパラメーターをpng画像に含める",
"Create a text file next to every image with generation parameters.": "保存する画像とともに生成パラメータをテキストファイルで保存する",
"Save a copy of image before doing face restoration.": "顔修復を行う前にコピーを保存しておく。",
"Quality for saved jpeg images": "JPG保存時の画質",
"If PNG image is larger than 4MB or any dimension is larger than 4000, downscale and save copy as JPG": "PNG画像が4MBを超えるか、どちらか1辺の長さが4000を超えたなら、ダウンスケールしてコピーを別にJPGで保存する",
"Use original name for output filename during batch process in extras tab": "Use original name for output filename during batch process in extras tab",
"When using 'Save' button, only save a single selected image": "When using 'Save' button, only save a single selected image",
"Do not add watermark to images": "電子透かしを画像に追加しない",
"Paths for saving": "Paths for saving",
"Output directory for images; if empty, defaults to three directories below": "画像の保存先フォルダ(下項目のデフォルト値になります)",
"Output directory for txt2img images": "txt2imgで作った画像の保存先フォルダ",
"Output directory for img2img images": "img2imgで作った画像の保存先フォルダ",
"Output directory for images from extras tab": "その他タブで作った画像の保存先フォルダ",
"Output directory for grids; if empty, defaults to two directories below": "画像の保存先フォルダ(下項目のデフォルト値になります)",
"Output directory for txt2img grids": "txt2imgで作ったグリッドの保存先フォルダ",
"Output directory for img2img grids": "img2imgで作ったグリッドの保存先フォルダ",
"Directory for saving images using the Save button": "保存ボタンを押したときの画像の保存先フォルダ",
"Saving to a directory": "フォルダについて",
"Save images to a subdirectory": "画像をサブフォルダに保存する",
"Save grids to a subdirectory": "グリッドをサブフォルダに保存する",
"When using \"Save\" button, save images to a subdirectory": "保存ボタンを押した時、画像をサブフォルダに保存する",
"Directory name pattern": "フォルダ名のパターン",
"Max prompt words for [prompt_words] pattern": "Max prompt words for [prompt_words] pattern",
"Upscaling": "アップスケール",
"Tile size for ESRGAN upscalers. 0 = no tiling.": "ESRGANのタイルサイズ。0とするとタイルしない。",
"Tile overlap, in pixels for ESRGAN upscalers. Low values = visible seam.": "ESRGANのタイルの重複部分のピクセル数。少なくするとつなぎ目が見えやすくなる。",
"Tile size for all SwinIR.": "SwinIRのタイルサイズ",
"Tile overlap, in pixels for SwinIR. Low values = visible seam.": "SwinIRのタイルの重複部分のピクセル数。少なくするとつなぎ目が見えやすくなる。",
"LDSR processing steps. Lower = faster": "LDSR processing steps. Lower = faster",
"Upscaler for img2img": "img2imgで使うアップスケーラー",
"Upscale latent space image when doing hires. fix": "高解像度 fix時に潜在空間(latent space)の画像をアップスケールする",
"Face restoration": "顔修復",
"CodeFormer weight parameter; 0 = maximum effect; 1 = minimum effect": "CodeFormerの重みパラメーター;0が最大で1が最小",
"Move face restoration model from VRAM into RAM after processing": "処理終了後、顔修復モデルをVRAMからRAMへと移動する",
"System": "システム設定",
"VRAM usage polls per second during generation. Set to 0 to disable.": "VRAM usage polls per second during generation. Set to 0 to disable.",
"Always print all generation info to standard output": "常にすべての生成に関する情報を標準出力(stdout)に出力する",
"Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job.": "Add a second progress bar to the console that shows progress for an entire job.",
"Training": "学習",
"Unload VAE and CLIP from VRAM when training": "学習を行う際、VAEとCLIPをVRAMから削除する",
"Filename word regex": "Filename word regex",
"Filename join string": "Filename join string",
"Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number": "Number of repeats for a single input image per epoch; used only for displaying epoch number",
"Save an csv containing the loss to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable": "Save an csv containing the loss to log directory every N steps, 0 to disable",
"Stable Diffusion": "Stable Diffusion",
"Checkpoints to cache in RAM": "RAMにキャッシュするCheckpoint数",
"Hypernetwork strength": "Hypernetwork strength",
"Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors.": "元画像に合わせてimg2imgの結果を色補正する",
"Save a copy of image before applying color correction to img2img results": "色補正をする前の画像も保存する",
"With img2img, do exactly the amount of steps the slider specifies (normally you'd do less with less denoising).": "img2imgでスライダーで指定されたステップ数を正確に実行する通常は、イズ除去を少なくするためにより少ないステップ数で実行します。",
"Enable quantization in K samplers for sharper and cleaner results. This may change existing seeds. Requires restart to apply.": "Enable quantization in K samplers for sharper and cleaner results. This may change existing seeds. Requires restart to apply.",
"Emphasis: use (text) to make model pay more attention to text and [text] to make it pay less attention": "強調: (text)とするとモデルはtextをより強く扱い、[text]とするとモデルはtextをより弱く扱います。",
"Use old emphasis implementation. Can be useful to reproduce old seeds.": "古い強調の実装を使う。古い生成物を再現するのに使えます。",
"Make K-diffusion samplers produce same images in a batch as when making a single image": "Make K-diffusion samplers produce same images in a batch as when making a single image",
"Increase coherency by padding from the last comma within n tokens when using more than 75 tokens": "Increase coherency by padding from the last comma within n tokens when using more than 75 tokens",
"Filter NSFW content": "NSFW(≒R-18)なコンテンツを検閲する",
"Stop At last layers of CLIP model": "最後から何層目でCLIPを止めるか(stop…layers of CLIP model)",
"Interrogate Options": "Interrogate 設定",
"Interrogate: keep models in VRAM": "Interrogate: モデルをVRAMに保持する",
"Interrogate: use artists from artists.csv": "Interrogate: artists.csvにある芸術家などの名称を利用する",
"Interrogate: include ranks of model tags matches in results (Has no effect on caption-based interrogators).": "Interrogate: include ranks of model tags matches in results (Has no effect on caption-based interrogators).",
"Interrogate: num_beams for BLIP": "Interrogate: num_beams for BLIP",
"Interrogate: minimum description length (excluding artists, etc..)": "Interrogate: minimum description length (excluding artists, etc..)",
"Interrogate: maximum description length": "Interrogate: maximum description length",
"CLIP: maximum number of lines in text file (0 = No limit)": "CLIP: maximum number of lines in text file (0 = No limit)",
"Interrogate: deepbooru score threshold": "Interrogate: deepbooruで拾う単語のスコア閾値",
"Interrogate: deepbooru sort alphabetically": "Interrogate: deepbooruで単語をアルファベット順に並べる",
"use spaces for tags in deepbooru": "deepbooruのタグでスペースを使う",
"escape (\\) brackets in deepbooru (so they are used as literal brackets and not for emphasis)": "deepbooruで括弧をエスケープする(\\) (強調を示す()ではなく、文字通りの()であることをモデルに示すため)",
"User interface": "UI設定",
"Show progressbar": "プログレスバーを表示",
"Show image creation progress every N sampling steps. Set 0 to disable.": "指定したステップ数ごとに画像の生成過程を表示する。0で無効化。",
"Show grid in results for web": "WebUI上でグリッド表示",
"Do not show any images in results for web": "WebUI上で一切画像を表示しない",
"Add model hash to generation information": "モデルのハッシュ値を生成情報に追加",
"Add model name to generation information": "モデルの名称を生成情報に追加",
"Font for image grids that have text": "画像グリッド内のテキストフォント",
"Enable full page image viewer": "フルページの画像ビューワーを有効化",
"Show images zoomed in by default in full page image viewer": "フルページ画像ビューアでデフォルトで画像を拡大して表示する",
"Show generation progress in window title.": "ウィンドウのタイトルで生成の進捗を表示",
"Quicksettings list": "Quicksettings list",
"Localization (requires restart)": "言語 (プログラムの再起動が必要)",
"ja_JP": "ja_JP",
"Sampler parameters": "サンプラー parameters",
"Hide samplers in user interface (requires restart)": "使わないサンプリングアルゴリズムを隠す (再起動が必要)",
"eta (noise multiplier) for DDIM": "DDIMで用いるeta (noise multiplier)",
"eta (noise multiplier) for ancestral samplers": "ancestral サンプラーで用いるeta (noise multiplier)",
"img2img DDIM discretize": "img2img DDIM discretize",
"uniform": "uniform",
"quad": "quad",
"sigma churn": "sigma churn",
"sigma tmin": "sigma tmin",
"sigma noise": "sigma noise",
"Eta noise seed delta": "Eta noise seed delta",
"Request browser notifications": "ブラウザ通知の許可を要求する",
"Download localization template": "ローカライゼーション用のテンプレートをダウンロードする",
"Reload custom script bodies (No ui updates, No restart)": "カスタムスクリプトを再読み込み (UIは変更されず、再起動もしません。)",
"Restart Gradio and Refresh components (Custom Scripts,, js and css only)": "Gradioを再起動してコンポーネントをリフレッシュする (Custom Scripts,, js, cssのみ影響を受ける)",
"Prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "プロンプト (Ctrl+Enter か Alt+Enter を押して生成)",
"Negative prompt (press Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter to generate)": "ネガティブ プロンプト (Ctrl+Enter か Alt+Enter を押して生成)",
"Add a random artist to the prompt.": "芸術家などの名称をプロンプトに追加",
"Read generation parameters from prompt or last generation if prompt is empty into user interface.": "Read generation parameters from prompt or last generation if prompt is empty into user interface.",
"Save style": "スタイルを保存する",
"Apply selected styles to current prompt": "現在のプロンプトに選択したスタイルを適用する",
"Stop processing current image and continue processing.": "現在の処理を中断し、その後の処理は続ける",
"Stop processing images and return any results accumulated so far.": "処理を中断し、それまでに出来た結果を表示する",
"Style to apply; styles have components for both positive and negative prompts and apply to both": "Style to apply; styles have components for both positive and negative prompts and apply to both",
"Do not do anything special": "特別なことをなにもしない",
"Which algorithm to use to produce the image": "どのアルゴリズムを使って生成するか",
"Euler Ancestral - very creative, each can get a completely different picture depending on step count, setting steps to higher than 30-40 does not help": "Euler Ancestral - 非常に独創的で、ステップ数によって全く異なる画像が得られる、ステップ数を3040より高く設定しても効果がない。",
"Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models - best at inpainting": "Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models - 描き直しには最適",
"Produce an image that can be tiled.": "Produce an image that can be tiled.",
"Use a two step process to partially create an image at smaller resolution, upscale, and then improve details in it without changing composition": "2ステップで、まず部分的に小さい解像度で画像を作成し、その後アップスケールすることで、構図を変えずにディテールが改善されます。",
"Determines how little respect the algorithm should have for image's content. At 0, nothing will change, and at 1 you'll get an unrelated image. With values below 1.0, processing will take less steps than the Sampling Steps slider specifies.": "Determines how little respect the algorithm should have for image's content. At 0, nothing will change, and at 1 you'll get an unrelated image. With values below 1.0, processing will take less steps than the Sampling Steps slider specifies.",
"How many batches of images to create": "バッチ処理を何回行うか",
"How many image to create in a single batch": "1回のバッチ処理で何枚の画像を生成するか",
"Classifier Free Guidance Scale - how strongly the image should conform to prompt - lower values produce more creative results": "Classifier Free Guidance Scale - how strongly the image should conform to prompt - lower values produce more creative results",
"A value that determines the output of random number generator - if you create an image with same parameters and seed as another image, you'll get the same result": "A value that determines the output of random number generator - if you create an image with same parameters and seed as another image, you'll get the same result",
"Set seed to -1, which will cause a new random number to be used every time": "シード値を -1 に設定するとランダムに生成します。",
"Reuse seed from last generation, mostly useful if it was randomed": "前回生成時のシード値を読み出す。(ランダム生成時に便利)",
"Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.": "Seed of a different picture to be mixed into the generation.",
"How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).": "How strong of a variation to produce. At 0, there will be no effect. At 1, you will get the complete picture with variation seed (except for ancestral samplers, where you will just get something).",
"Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution": "Make an attempt to produce a picture similar to what would have been produced with same seed at specified resolution",
"Separate values for X axis using commas.": "X軸に用いる値をカンマ(,)で区切って入力してください。",
"Separate values for Y axis using commas.": "Y軸に用いる値をカンマ(,)で区切って入力してください。",
"Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.": "Write image to a directory (default - log/images) and generation parameters into csv file.",
"Open images output directory": "画像の出力フォルダを開く",
"How much to blur the mask before processing, in pixels.": "How much to blur the mask before processing, in pixels.",
"What to put inside the masked area before processing it with Stable Diffusion.": "What to put inside the masked area before processing it with Stable Diffusion.",
"fill it with colors of the image": "fill it with colors of the image",
"keep whatever was there originally": "keep whatever was there originally",
"fill it with latent space noise": "fill it with latent space noise",
"fill it with latent space zeroes": "fill it with latent space zeroes",
"Upscale masked region to target resolution, do inpainting, downscale back and paste into original image": "Upscale masked region to target resolution, do inpainting, downscale back and paste into original image",
"Resize image to target resolution. Unless height and width match, you will get incorrect aspect ratio.": "Resize image to target resolution. Unless height and width match, you will get incorrect aspect ratio.",
"Resize the image so that entirety of target resolution is filled with the image. Crop parts that stick out.": "Resize the image so that entirety of target resolution is filled with the image. Crop parts that stick out.",
"Resize the image so that entirety of image is inside target resolution. Fill empty space with image's colors.": "Resize the image so that entirety of image is inside target resolution. Fill empty space with image's colors.",
"How many times to repeat processing an image and using it as input for the next iteration": "How many times to repeat processing an image and using it as input for the next iteration",
"In loopback mode, on each loop the denoising strength is multiplied by this value. <1 means decreasing variety so your sequence will converge on a fixed picture. >1 means increasing variety so your sequence will become more and more chaotic.": "In loopback mode, on each loop the denoising strength is multiplied by this value. <1 means decreasing variety so your sequence will converge on a fixed picture. >1 means increasing variety so your sequence will become more and more chaotic.",
"For SD upscale, how much overlap in pixels should there be between tiles. Tiles overlap so that when they are merged back into one picture, there is no clearly visible seam.": "For SD upscale, how much overlap in pixels should there be between tiles. Tiles overlap so that when they are merged back into one picture, there is no clearly visible seam.",
"A directory on the same machine where the server is running.": "A directory on the same machine where the server is running.",
"Leave blank to save images to the default path.": "空欄でデフォルトの場所へ画像を保存",
"Result = A * (1 - M) + B * M": "結果モデル = A * (1 - M) + B * M",
"Result = A + (B - C) * M": "結果モデル = A + (B - C) * M",
"Path to directory with input images": "Path to directory with input images",
"Path to directory where to write outputs": "Path to directory where to write outputs",
"Use following tags to define how filenames for images are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.": "Use following tags to define how filenames for images are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.",
"If this option is enabled, watermark will not be added to created images. Warning: if you do not add watermark, you may be behaving in an unethical manner.": "このオプションを有効にすると、作成された画像にウォーターマークが追加されなくなります。警告:ウォーターマークを追加しない場合、非倫理的な行動とみなされる場合があります。",
"Use following tags to define how subdirectories for images and grids are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.": "Use following tags to define how subdirectories for images and grids are chosen: [steps], [cfg], [prompt], [prompt_no_styles], [prompt_spaces], [width], [height], [styles], [sampler], [seed], [model_hash], [prompt_words], [date], [datetime], [job_timestamp]; leave empty for default.",
"Restore low quality faces using GFPGAN neural network": "GFPGANを用いて低クオリティーの画像を修復",
"This regular expression will be used extract words from filename, and they will be joined using the option below into label text used for training. Leave empty to keep filename text as it is.": "This regular expression will be used extract words from filename, and they will be joined using the option below into label text used for training. Leave empty to keep filename text as it is.",
"This string will be used to join split words into a single line if the option above is enabled.": "This string will be used to join split words into a single line if the option above is enabled.",
"List of setting names, separated by commas, for settings that should go to the quick access bar at the top, rather than the usual setting tab. See modules/ for setting names. Requires restarting to apply.": "List of setting names, separated by commas, for settings that should go to the quick access bar at the top, rather than the usual setting tab. See modules/ for setting names. Requires restarting to apply.",
"If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing.": "If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing."