
278 lines
12 KiB

import math
import numpy as np
import skimage
import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from modules import images, processing, devices
from modules.processing import Processed, process_images
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
# this function is taken from
def get_matched_noise(_np_src_image, np_mask_rgb, noise_q=1, color_variation=0.05):
# helper fft routines that keep ortho normalization and auto-shift before and after fft
def _fft2(data):
if data.ndim > 2: # has channels
out_fft = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]), dtype=np.complex128)
for c in range(data.shape[2]):
c_data = data[:, :, c]
out_fft[:, :, c] = np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(c_data), norm="ortho")
out_fft[:, :, c] = np.fft.ifftshift(out_fft[:, :, c])
else: # one channel
out_fft = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex128)
out_fft[:, :] = np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(data), norm="ortho")
out_fft[:, :] = np.fft.ifftshift(out_fft[:, :])
return out_fft
def _ifft2(data):
if data.ndim > 2: # has channels
out_ifft = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2]), dtype=np.complex128)
for c in range(data.shape[2]):
c_data = data[:, :, c]
out_ifft[:, :, c] = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fftshift(c_data), norm="ortho")
out_ifft[:, :, c] = np.fft.ifftshift(out_ifft[:, :, c])
else: # one channel
out_ifft = np.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex128)
out_ifft[:, :] = np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fftshift(data), norm="ortho")
out_ifft[:, :] = np.fft.ifftshift(out_ifft[:, :])
return out_ifft
def _get_gaussian_window(width, height, std=3.14, mode=0):
window_scale_x = float(width / min(width, height))
window_scale_y = float(height / min(width, height))
window = np.zeros((width, height))
x = (np.arange(width) / width * 2. - 1.) * window_scale_x
for y in range(height):
fy = (y / height * 2. - 1.) * window_scale_y
if mode == 0:
window[:, y] = np.exp(-(x ** 2 + fy ** 2) * std)
window[:, y] = (1 / ((x ** 2 + 1.) * (fy ** 2 + 1.))) ** (std / 3.14) # hey wait a minute that's not gaussian
return window
def _get_masked_window_rgb(np_mask_grey, hardness=1.):
np_mask_rgb = np.zeros((np_mask_grey.shape[0], np_mask_grey.shape[1], 3))
if hardness != 1.:
hardened = np_mask_grey[:] ** hardness
hardened = np_mask_grey[:]
for c in range(3):
np_mask_rgb[:, :, c] = hardened[:]
return np_mask_rgb
width = _np_src_image.shape[0]
height = _np_src_image.shape[1]
num_channels = _np_src_image.shape[2]
np_src_image = _np_src_image[:] * (1. - np_mask_rgb)
np_mask_grey = (np.sum(np_mask_rgb, axis=2) / 3.)
img_mask = np_mask_grey > 1e-6
ref_mask = np_mask_grey < 1e-3
windowed_image = _np_src_image * (1. - _get_masked_window_rgb(np_mask_grey))
windowed_image /= np.max(windowed_image)
windowed_image += np.average(_np_src_image) * np_mask_rgb # / (1.-np.average(np_mask_rgb)) # rather than leave the masked area black, we get better results from fft by filling the average unmasked color
src_fft = _fft2(windowed_image) # get feature statistics from masked src img
src_dist = np.absolute(src_fft)
src_phase = src_fft / src_dist
# create a generator with a static seed to make outpainting deterministic / only follow global seed
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
noise_window = _get_gaussian_window(width, height, mode=1) # start with simple gaussian noise
noise_rgb = rng.random((width, height, num_channels))
noise_grey = (np.sum(noise_rgb, axis=2) / 3.)
noise_rgb *= color_variation # the colorfulness of the starting noise is blended to greyscale with a parameter
for c in range(num_channels):
noise_rgb[:, :, c] += (1. - color_variation) * noise_grey
noise_fft = _fft2(noise_rgb)
for c in range(num_channels):
noise_fft[:, :, c] *= noise_window
noise_rgb = np.real(_ifft2(noise_fft))
shaped_noise_fft = _fft2(noise_rgb)
shaped_noise_fft[:, :, :] = np.absolute(shaped_noise_fft[:, :, :]) ** 2 * (src_dist ** noise_q) * src_phase # perform the actual shaping
brightness_variation = 0. # color_variation # todo: temporarily tieing brightness variation to color variation for now
contrast_adjusted_np_src = _np_src_image[:] * (brightness_variation + 1.) - brightness_variation * 2.
# scikit-image is used for histogram matching, very convenient!
shaped_noise = np.real(_ifft2(shaped_noise_fft))
shaped_noise -= np.min(shaped_noise)
shaped_noise /= np.max(shaped_noise)
shaped_noise[img_mask, :] = skimage.exposure.match_histograms(shaped_noise[img_mask, :] ** 1., contrast_adjusted_np_src[ref_mask, :], channel_axis=1)
shaped_noise = _np_src_image[:] * (1. - np_mask_rgb) + shaped_noise * np_mask_rgb
matched_noise = shaped_noise[:]
return np.clip(matched_noise, 0., 1.)
class Script(scripts.Script):
def title(self):
return "Outpainting mk2"
def show(self, is_img2img):
return is_img2img
def ui(self, is_img2img):
if not is_img2img:
return None
info = gr.HTML("<p style=\"margin-bottom:0.75em\">Recommended settings: Sampling Steps: 80-100, Sampler: Euler a, Denoising strength: 0.8</p>")
pixels = gr.Slider(label="Pixels to expand", minimum=8, maximum=256, step=8, value=128)
mask_blur = gr.Slider(label='Mask blur', minimum=0, maximum=64, step=1, value=8, visible=False)
direction = gr.CheckboxGroup(label="Outpainting direction", choices=['left', 'right', 'up', 'down'], value=['left', 'right', 'up', 'down'])
noise_q = gr.Slider(label="Fall-off exponent (lower=higher detail)", minimum=0.0, maximum=4.0, step=0.01, value=1.0)
color_variation = gr.Slider(label="Color variation", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.05)
return [info, pixels, mask_blur, direction, noise_q, color_variation]
def run(self, p, _, pixels, mask_blur, direction, noise_q, color_variation):
initial_seed_and_info = [None, None]
process_width = p.width
process_height = p.height
p.mask_blur = mask_blur*4
p.inpaint_full_res = False
p.inpainting_fill = 1
p.do_not_save_samples = True
p.do_not_save_grid = True
left = pixels if "left" in direction else 0
right = pixels if "right" in direction else 0
up = pixels if "up" in direction else 0
down = pixels if "down" in direction else 0
init_img = p.init_images[0]
target_w = math.ceil((init_img.width + left + right) / 64) * 64
target_h = math.ceil((init_img.height + up + down) / 64) * 64
if left > 0:
left = left * (target_w - init_img.width) // (left + right)
if right > 0:
right = target_w - init_img.width - left
if up > 0:
up = up * (target_h - init_img.height) // (up + down)
if down > 0:
down = target_h - init_img.height - up
init_image = p.init_images[0]
state.job_count = (1 if left > 0 else 0) + (1 if right > 0 else 0) + (1 if up > 0 else 0) + (1 if down > 0 else 0)
def expand(init, expand_pixels, is_left=False, is_right=False, is_top=False, is_bottom=False):
is_horiz = is_left or is_right
is_vert = is_top or is_bottom
pixels_horiz = expand_pixels if is_horiz else 0
pixels_vert = expand_pixels if is_vert else 0
res_w = init.width + pixels_horiz
res_h = init.height + pixels_vert
process_res_w = math.ceil(res_w / 64) * 64
process_res_h = math.ceil(res_h / 64) * 64
img ="RGB", (process_res_w, process_res_h))
img.paste(init, (pixels_horiz if is_left else 0, pixels_vert if is_top else 0))
mask ="RGB", (process_res_w, process_res_h), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
expand_pixels + mask_blur if is_left else 0,
expand_pixels + mask_blur if is_top else 0,
mask.width - expand_pixels - mask_blur if is_right else res_w,
mask.height - expand_pixels - mask_blur if is_bottom else res_h,
), fill="black")
np_image = (np.asarray(img) / 255.0).astype(np.float64)
np_mask = (np.asarray(mask) / 255.0).astype(np.float64)
noised = get_matched_noise(np_image, np_mask, noise_q, color_variation)
out = Image.fromarray(np.clip(noised * 255., 0., 255.).astype(np.uint8), mode="RGB")
target_width = min(process_width, init.width + pixels_horiz) if is_horiz else img.width
target_height = min(process_height, init.height + pixels_vert) if is_vert else img.height
crop_region = (
0 if is_left else out.width - target_width,
0 if is_top else out.height - target_height,
target_width if is_left else out.width,
target_height if is_top else out.height,
image_to_process = out.crop(crop_region)
mask = mask.crop(crop_region)
p.width = target_width if is_horiz else img.width
p.height = target_height if is_vert else img.height
p.init_images = [image_to_process]
p.image_mask = mask
latent_mask ="RGB", (p.width, p.height), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(latent_mask)
expand_pixels + mask_blur * 2 if is_left else 0,
expand_pixels + mask_blur * 2 if is_top else 0,
mask.width - expand_pixels - mask_blur * 2 if is_right else res_w,
mask.height - expand_pixels - mask_blur * 2 if is_bottom else res_h,
), fill="black")
p.latent_mask = latent_mask
proc = process_images(p)
proc_img = proc.images[0]
if initial_seed_and_info[0] is None:
initial_seed_and_info[0] = proc.seed
initial_seed_and_info[1] =
out.paste(proc_img, (0 if is_left else out.width - proc_img.width, 0 if is_top else out.height - proc_img.height))
out = out.crop((0, 0, res_w, res_h))
return out
batch_count = p.n_iter
p.n_iter = 1
state.job_count = batch_count
all_images = []
for i in range(batch_count):
img = init_image
state.job = f"Batch {i + 1} out of {state.job_count}"
if left > 0:
img = expand(img, left, is_left=True)
if right > 0:
img = expand(img, right, is_right=True)
if up > 0:
img = expand(img, up, is_top=True)
if down > 0:
img = expand(img, down, is_bottom=True)
combined_grid_image = images.image_grid(all_images)
if opts.return_grid:
all_images = [combined_grid_image] + all_images
res = Processed(p, all_images, initial_seed_and_info[0], initial_seed_and_info[1])
if opts.samples_save:
images.save_image(img, p.outpath_samples, "", res.seed, p.prompt, opts.grid_format,, p=p)
if opts.grid_save:
images.save_image(combined_grid_image, p.outpath_grids, "grid", res.seed, p.prompt, opts.grid_format,, short_filename=not opts.grid_extended_filename, grid=True, p=p)
return res