This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-07-31 21:49:58 -05:00
parent 5b5601f5ee
commit 6fc0be28e1

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@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ export type expr =
| { kind: "universe"; level: number }
| { kind: "pi"; abs: abstraction }
| { kind: "lambda"; abs: abstraction }
| { kind: "app"; left: expr; right: expr };
| { kind: "app"; left: expr; right: expr }
// Types
| { kind: "cons"; name: variable; type: expr }
| { kind: "elim"; name: variable; eval: (_: expr) => expr };
export interface abstraction {
x: variable;
@ -20,6 +24,7 @@ export type variable =
| { kind: "string"; name: string }
| { kind: "gensym"; name: string; n: number }
| { kind: "dummy" };
const dummy: variable = { kind: "dummy" };
export interface Substitution {
x: variable;
@ -52,6 +57,9 @@ export function subst(s: Substitution[], e: expr): expr {
return { kind: "lambda", abs: substAbstraction(s, e.abs) };
case "app":
return { kind: "app", left: subst(s, e.left), right: subst(s, e.right) };
case "cons":
case "elim":
return e;
@ -279,7 +287,7 @@ export function ppExpr(e: expr): string {
case "pi":
if (occursIn(e.abs.x, e.abs.body)) {
return `(∏ (${ppVariable(e.abs.x)} : ${ppExpr(e.abs.type)}), ${ppExpr(
return `(${ppExpr(e.abs.type)}${ppExpr(e.abs.body)})`;
@ -301,13 +309,126 @@ export function ppContext(ctx: context): string {
return `[${ss.join(", ")}]`;
// =============================================================================
// Types
// =============================================================================
// W-types
interface InductiveTypeDefinition {
name: string;
labels: InductiveTypeLabel[];
interface InductiveTypeLabel {
name: string;
type: expr;
interface InductiveType {
// The new context
ctx: context;
// Name of the type
T: variable;
// Recursor
rec: variable;
export function defineInductiveType(
ctx: context,
def: InductiveTypeDefinition,
): InductiveType {
const ctx2 = [...ctx];
const Tvar: variable = { kind: "string", name: };
x: Tvar,
type: { kind: "universe", level: 0 },
const T: expr = { kind: "var", x: Tvar };
// First, we need A, which represents the labels of this W-type
// The size of A is equal to the number of constructors we have
const Aname = refresh({ kind: "string", name: `A` });
const A: expr = { kind: "var", x: Aname };
ctx2.push({ x: Aname, type: { kind: "universe", level: 0 } });
const labels: variable[] =, idx) => {
const newName = refresh({
kind: "string",
name: `cons${idx}`,
ctx2.push({ x: newName, type: A });
return newName;
// Now we need B : A -> U, which is the arity of labels
const Bname = refresh({ kind: "string", name: `B` });
const B: expr = { kind: "var", x: Bname };
function inferArity(ctx: context, e: expr): number {
switch (e.kind) {
case "var": {
const value = lookupValue(e.x, ctx);
if (!value) return 0;
return inferArity(ctx, value);
case "pi":
return 1 + inferArity(ctx, e.abs.body);
case "app":
case "lambda":
case "universe":
return 0;
// biome-ignore lint/complexity/noForEach: <explanation>
const labelArities: number[] = def.labels.forEach((label, idx) => {
const arity = inferArity(ctx2, label.type);
console.log(`arity(${ppExpr(label.type)}) = ${arity}`);
// Create the supremum function
const supName: variable = refresh({ kind: "string", name: `sup` });
const sup_a_name: variable = refresh({ kind: "string", name: "a" });
const sup_a: expr = { kind: "var", x: sup_a_name };
const supType: expr = {
kind: "pi",
abs: {
x: dummy,
type: {
kind: "pi",
abs: {
x: sup_a_name,
type: A,
body: {
kind: "pi",
abs: {
x: dummy,
type: { kind: "app", left: B, right: sup_a },
body: T,
body: T,
x: supName,
type: supType,
// Now we have the W-type representing this
return ctx2;
// =============================================================================
// Testing
function test() {
const ctx: context = [];
const dummy: variable = { kind: "dummy" };
const varify = (name: string): expr => ({
kind: "var",
x: { kind: "string", name },
@ -383,9 +504,19 @@ function test() {
define("result", normalize(ctx, evaled));
const N2 = varify("N2");
const N2toN2: expr = { kind: "pi", abs: { x: dummy, type: N2, body: N2 } };
const ctx2 = defineInductiveType(ctx, {
name: "N2",
labels: [
{ name: "zero", type: N2 },
{ name: "suc", type: N2toN2 },
console.log("ctx =");
// biome-ignore lint/complexity/noForEach: <explanation>
ctx.forEach(({ x, type, value }, idx) => {
ctx2.forEach(({ x, type, value }, idx) => {
` ${idx === 0 ? "[" : ","} ${ppVariable(x)} : ${ppExpr(type)}${
value ? ` = ${ppExpr(value)}` : ""