import isEqual from "lodash.isequal"; export type expr = | { kind: "var"; x: variable } | { kind: "universe"; level: number } | { kind: "pi"; abs: abstraction } | { kind: "lambda"; abs: abstraction } | { kind: "app"; left: expr; right: expr }; export interface abstraction { x: variable; type: expr; body: expr; } // ============================================================================= // Substitution export type variable = | { kind: "string"; name: string } | { kind: "gensym"; name: string; n: number } | { kind: "dummy" }; export interface Substitution { x: variable; repl: expr; } let ctr = 0; export function refresh(v: variable): variable { const n = ctr + 1; ctr += 1; switch (v.kind) { case "gensym": case "string": { return { kind: "gensym", name:, n }; } case "dummy": return { kind: "gensym", name: "_", n }; } } export function subst(s: Substitution[], e: expr): expr { switch (e.kind) { case "var": return s.find((sub) => isEqual(sub.x, e.x))?.repl ?? e; case "universe": return e; case "pi": return { kind: "pi", abs: substAbstraction(s, e.abs) }; case "lambda": return { kind: "lambda", abs: substAbstraction(s, e.abs) }; case "app": return { kind: "app", left: subst(s, e.left), right: subst(s, e.right) }; } } export function substAbstraction( s: Substitution[], { x, type, body }: abstraction, ): abstraction { const x2 = refresh(x); return { x: x2, type: subst(s, type), body: subst([{ x, repl: { kind: "var", x: x2 } }, ...s], body), }; } // ============================================================================= // Type inference export type context = ContextEntry[]; export interface ContextEntry { x: variable; type: expr; value?: expr | undefined; } /** Returns the type of the definition associated with `x` inside the context `ctx` */ export function lookupTy(x: variable, ctx: context): expr { const res = ctx.find((entry) => isEqual(entry.x, x)); if (res === undefined) throw new Error( `unknown identifier ${ppVariable(x)} (ctx: ${ppContext(ctx)})`, ); return res.type; } /** Returns the value of the definition associated with `x` inside the context `ctx` */ export function lookupValue(x: variable, ctx: context): expr | null { const res = ctx.find((entry) => isEqual(entry.x, x)); if (res === undefined) throw new Error( `unknown identifier ${ppVariable(x)} (ctx: ${ppContext(ctx)})`, ); return res.value ?? null; } export function extend( x: variable, t: expr, value: expr | undefined, ctx: context, ): context { return [...ctx, { x: x, type: t, value }]; } /** Infer the type of the expression `e` in context `ctx` */ export function inferType(ctx: context, e: expr): expr { function inferType(ctx: context, e: expr): expr { switch (e.kind) { case "var": { const ty = lookupTy(e.x, ctx); return ty; } case "universe": return { kind: "universe", level: e.level + 1 }; case "pi": { const { x, type, body } = e.abs; const k1 = inferUniverse(ctx, type); const k2 = inferUniverse(extend(x, type, undefined, ctx), body); return { kind: "universe", level: Math.max(k1, k2) }; } case "lambda": { const { x, type, body } = e.abs; inferUniverse(ctx, type); const te = inferType(extend(x, type, undefined, ctx), body); return { kind: "pi", abs: { x, type, body: te } }; } case "app": { const { x, type, body } = inferPi(ctx, e.left); const te = inferType(ctx, e.right); checkEqual(ctx, type, te); return subst([{ x, repl: e.right }], body); } } } const result = inferType(ctx, e); return result; } export function inferUniverse(ctx: context, t: expr): number { const u = inferType(ctx, t); const n = normalize(ctx, u); switch (n.kind) { case "universe": return n.level; default: throw new Error("type expected."); } } export function inferPi(ctx: context, e: expr): abstraction { const t = inferType(ctx, e); const n = normalize(ctx, t); switch (n.kind) { case "pi": return n.abs; default: throw new Error("function expected"); } } export function checkEqual(ctx: context, e1: expr, e2: expr) { if (!equal(ctx, e1, e2)) throw new Error(`expressions ${e1} and ${e2} not equal`); } // ============================================================================= // Normalization and equality export function normalize(ctx: context, e: expr): expr { function normalize(ctx: context, e: expr): expr { switch (e.kind) { case "var": { const n = lookupValue(e.x, ctx); return n ? normalize(ctx, n) : e; } case "app": { const e1 = normalize(ctx, e.left); const e2 = normalize(ctx, e.right); switch (e1.kind) { case "lambda": { const { x, body } = e1.abs; return normalize(ctx, subst([{ x, repl: e2 }], body)); } default: return { kind: "app", left: e1, right: e2 }; } } case "universe": return { kind: "universe", level: e.level }; case "pi": return { kind: "pi", abs: normalizeAbstraction(ctx, e.abs) }; case "lambda": return { kind: "lambda", abs: normalizeAbstraction(ctx, e.abs) }; } } const result = normalize(ctx, e); return result; } export function normalizeAbstraction( ctx: context, { x, type, body }: abstraction, ): abstraction { const t = normalize(ctx, type); return { x, type: t, body: normalize(extend(x, t, undefined, ctx), body) }; } export function equal(ctx: context, e1: expr, e2: expr): boolean { function equalHelper(e1: expr, e2: expr): boolean { if (e1.kind === "var" && e2.kind === "var") return isEqual(e1.x, e2.x); if (e1.kind === "app" && e2.kind === "app") return equalHelper(e1.left, e2.left) && equalHelper(e1.right, e2.right); if (e1.kind === "universe" && e2.kind === "universe") return e1.level === e2.level; if (e1.kind === "pi" && e2.kind === "pi") return equalAbstraction(e1.abs, e2.abs); if (e1.kind === "lambda" && e2.kind === "lambda") return equalAbstraction(e1.abs, e2.abs); return false; } function equalAbstraction( { x, type: type1, body: body1 }: abstraction, { x: y, type: type2, body: body2 }: abstraction, ): boolean { return ( equalHelper(type1, type2) && equalHelper(body1, subst([{ x: y, repl: { kind: "var", x } }], body2)) ); } return equalHelper(normalize(ctx, e1), normalize(ctx, e2)); } // ============================================================================= // Pretty printing export function ppVariable(v: variable): string { switch (v.kind) { case "string": return `\`${}`; case "gensym": return `\`${}$${v.n}`; case "dummy": return "`_"; } } function occursIn(x: variable, e: expr): boolean { switch (e.kind) { case "var": return isEqual(e.x, x); case "universe": return false; } } export function ppExpr(e: expr): string { switch (e.kind) { case "var": return ppVariable(e.x); case "universe": if (e.level === 0) return "U"; return `U(${e.level})`; case "pi": if (occursIn(e.abs.x, e.abs.body)) { return `(∏ (${ppVariable(e.abs.x)} : ${ppExpr(e.abs.type)}), ${ppExpr( e.abs.type, )})`; } return `(${ppExpr(e.abs.type)} → ${ppExpr(e.abs.body)})`; case "lambda": return `(λ (${ppVariable(e.abs.x)} : ${ppExpr(e.abs.type)}), ${ppExpr( e.abs.body, )})`; case "app": return `(${ppExpr(e.left)} ${ppExpr(e.right)})`; } } export function ppContext(ctx: context): string { const ss = ({ x, type, value }) => `${ppVariable(x)} : ${ppExpr(type)}${value ? ` = ${ppExpr(value)}` : ""}`, ); return `[${ss.join(", ")}]`; } // ============================================================================= // Testing function test() { const ctx: context = []; const dummy: variable = { kind: "dummy" }; const varify = (name: string): expr => ({ kind: "var", x: { kind: "string", name }, }); const define = (name: string, e: expr) => { const type = inferType(ctx, e); ctx.push({ x: { kind: "string", name }, type, value: e }); }; // N : Set lzero ctx.push({ x: { kind: "string", name: "N" }, type: { kind: "universe", level: 0 }, }); const N = varify("N"); // z : N ctx.push({ x: { kind: "string", name: "z" }, type: N }); const z = varify("z"); // s : N -> N const NtoN: expr = { kind: "pi", abs: { x: dummy, type: N, body: N } }; ctx.push({ x: { kind: "string", name: "s" }, type: NtoN, }); const s = varify("s"); const f = varify("f"); const x = varify("x"); const threeExpr: expr = { kind: "lambda", abs: { x: { kind: "string", name: "f" }, type: NtoN, body: { kind: "lambda", abs: { x: { kind: "string", name: "x" }, type: N, body: { kind: "app", left: f, right: { kind: "app", left: f, right: { kind: "app", left: f, right: x }, }, }, }, }, }, }; const three = varify("three"); define("three", threeExpr); const nineExpr: expr = { kind: "app", left: three, right: { kind: "app", left: three, right: s, }, }; const nine = varify("nine"); define("nine", nineExpr); const evaled: expr = { kind: "app", left: nine, right: z, }; define("result", normalize(ctx, evaled)); console.log("ctx ="); // biome-ignore lint/complexity/noForEach: ctx.forEach(({ x, type, value }, idx) => { console.log( ` ${idx === 0 ? "[" : ","} ${ppVariable(x)} : ${ppExpr(type)}${ value ? ` = ${ppExpr(value)}` : "" }`, ); }); console.log(" ]"); } test();