This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 78 additions and 46 deletions
@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Fin hiding (fold)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Irrelevant
import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Data.Product.Base
open import Data.Sum
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
id : {A : Set} → A → A
id {A} x = x
@ -18,17 +21,15 @@ data type : Set where
bool : type
_-→_ : type → type → type
`_ : ℕ → type
μ_ : type → type
data term : Set where
`_ : ℕ → term
`unit : term
`true : term
`false : term
`if_then_else_ : term → term → term → term
`λ[_]_ : (τ : type) → (e : term) → term
_∙_ : term → term → term
`fold : term → term
`unfold : term → term
data ctx : Set where
nil : ctx
@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ type-subst bool v = bool
type-subst (τ -→ τ₁) v = (type-subst τ v) -→ (type-subst τ₁ v)
type-subst (` zero) v = v
type-subst (` suc x) v = ` x
type-subst (μ τ) v = μ (type-subst τ v)
data sub : Set where
nil : sub
@ -57,38 +57,27 @@ data sub : Set where
subst : term → term → term
subst (` zero) v = v
subst (` suc x) v = ` x
subst `unit _ = `unit
subst `true v = `true
subst `false v = `false
subst (`if x then x₁ else x₂) v = `if (subst x v) then (subst x₁ v) else (subst x₂ v)
subst (`λ[ τ ] x) v = `λ[ τ ] subst x v
subst (x ∙ x₁) v = (subst x v) ∙ (subst x₁ v)
subst (`fold x) v = `fold (subst x v)
subst (`unfold x) v = `unfold (subst x v)
data value-rel : type → term → Set where
v-`true : value-rel bool `true
v-`false : value-rel bool `false
v-`λ[_]_ : ∀ {τ e} → value-rel τ (`λ[ τ ] e)
v-`fold : ∀ {τ e} → value-rel (type-subst τ (μ τ)) e → value-rel (μ τ) (`fold e)
data good-subst : ctx → sub → Set where
nil : good-subst nil nil
cons : ∀ {ctx τ γ v}
→ good-subst ctx γ
→ value-rel τ v
→ good-subst (cons ctx τ) γ
data step : term → term → Set where
step-if-1 : ∀ {e₁ e₂} → step (`if `true then e₁ else e₂) e₁
step-if-2 : ∀ {e₁ e₂} → step (`if `false then e₁ else e₂) e₂
step-`λ : ∀ {τ e v} → step ((`λ[ τ ] e) ∙ v) (subst e v)
step-`fold : ∀ {v} → step (`unfold (`fold v)) v
-- TODO: Do I need these rules?
step-if : ∀ {e e' e₁ e₂} → step e e' → step (`if e then e₁ else e₂) (`if e' then e₁ else e₂)
data steps : ℕ → term → term → Set where
zero : ∀ {e} → steps zero e e
suc : ∀ {e e' e''} → (n : ℕ) → step e e' → steps n e' e'' → steps (suc n) e e''
data _⊢_∶_ : ctx → term → type → Set where
type-`unit : ∀ {ctx} → ctx ⊢ `unit ∶ unit
type-`true : ∀ {ctx} → ctx ⊢ `true ∶ bool
type-`false : ∀ {ctx} → ctx ⊢ `false ∶ bool
type-`ifthenelse : ∀ {ctx e e₁ e₂ τ}
@ -107,29 +96,72 @@ data _⊢_∶_ : ctx → term → type → Set where
→ ctx ⊢ e₂ ∶ τ₂
→ ctx ⊢ (e₁ ∙ e₂) ∶ τ₂
type-`fold : ∀ {ctx τ e}
→ ctx ⊢ e ∶ (type-subst τ (μ τ))
→ ctx ⊢ (`fold e) ∶ (μ τ)
type-`unfold : ∀ {ctx τ e}
→ ctx ⊢ e ∶ (μ τ)
→ ctx ⊢ (`unfold e) ∶ (type-subst τ (μ τ))
irreducible : term → Set
irreducible e = ¬ (∃ λ e' → step e e')
data term-relation : type → term → Set where
data value-rel : type → term → Set
data term-rel : type → term → Set
safe : (e : term) → Set
safe e = ∀ {e' : term} → {n : ℕ} → (steps n e e') → (Σ[ τ ∈ type ] (value-rel τ e')) ⊎ (∃ (λ e'' → step e' e''))
data value-rel where
v-`unit : value-rel unit `unit
v-`true : value-rel bool `true
v-`false : value-rel bool `false
v-`λ[_]_ : ∀ {τ₁ τ₂ e} → term-rel τ₂ e → value-rel (τ₁ -→ τ₂) (`λ[ τ₁ ] e)
data good-subst : ctx → sub → Set where
nil : good-subst nil nil
cons : ∀ {ctx τ γ v}
→ good-subst ctx γ
→ value-rel τ v
→ good-subst (cons ctx τ) γ
data term-rel where
e-term : ∀ {τ e}
→ (∀ {n} → (e' : term) → steps n e e' → irreducible e' → value-rel τ e')
→ term-relation τ e
→ term-rel τ e
type-sound : ∀ {Γ e τ} → Γ ⊢ e ∶ τ → Set
type-sound {Γ} {e} {τ} s = ∀ {n} → (e' : term) → steps n e e' → value-rel τ e' ⊎ ∃ λ e'' → step e' e''
-- type-sound : ∀ {Γ e τ} → Γ ⊢ e ∶ τ → Set
-- type-sound {Γ} {e} {τ} s = ∀ {n} → (e' : term) → steps n e e' → value-rel τ e' ⊎ ∃ λ e'' → step e' e''
_⊨_∶_ : (Γ : ctx) → (e : term) → (τ : type) → Set
_⊨_∶_ Γ e τ = (γ : sub) → (good-subst Γ γ) → term-relation τ e
_⊨_∶_ Γ e τ = (γ : sub) → good-subst Γ γ → term-rel τ e
fundamental : ∀ {Γ e τ} → (well-typed : Γ ⊢ e ∶ τ) → type-sound well-typed → Γ ⊨ e ∶ τ
fundamental {Γ} {e} {τ} well-typed type-sound γ good-sub = e-term f
f : {n : ℕ} (e' : term) → steps n e e' → irreducible e' → value-rel τ e'
f e' steps irred = [ id , (λ exists → ⊥-elim (irred exists)) ] (type-sound e' steps)
fundamental : ∀ {Γ e τ} → Γ ⊢ e ∶ τ → Γ ⊨ e ∶ τ
-- Semantic type soundness
part1 : {e : term} → {τ : type} → nil ⊢ e ∶ τ → term-rel τ e
part1 p =
let p' = fundamental p in
p' nil nil
unit-irred : irreducible `unit
unit-irred ()
true-irred : irreducible `true
true-irred ()
false-irred : irreducible `false
false-irred ()
decide-irred : ∀ {Γ} {τ} {e} → Γ ⊢ e ∶ τ → Dec (irreducible e)
part2 : {e : term} → {τ : type} → term-rel τ e → safe e
part2 t s with res ← decide-irred {! !} = {! !}
fundamental type-`unit = λ γ x → e-term f where
f : {n : ℕ} (e' : term) → steps n `unit e' → irreducible e' → value-rel unit e'
f e' zero i = v-`unit
fundamental type-`true = λ γ x → e-term f where
f : {n : ℕ} (e' : term) → steps n `true e' → irreducible e' → value-rel bool e'
f e' zero i = v-`true
fundamental type-`false = λ γ x → e-term f where
f : {n : ℕ} (e' : term) → steps n `false e' → irreducible e' → value-rel bool e'
f e' zero i = v-`false
fundamental (type-`ifthenelse p p₁ p₂) = {! !}
fundamental (type-`x p) γ (cons {v = v} γ-good v-value) = e-term (λ e' s i → {! !})
fundamental (type-`λ p) = λ γ x → {! !}
fundamental (type-∙ p p₁) = {! !}
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
@ -28,15 +29,14 @@ data K1 {ℓ : Level} (G : Group ℓ) : Type ℓ where
K[_,1] : (G : Group ℓ) → Type ℓ
K[ G ,1] = ∥ K1 G ∥ 3
-- Properties
-- ΩK(G,1) ≃ G
π₁KG1≃G : (G : Group ℓ) → GroupIso (πGr 0 (K[ G ,1] , ∣ base ∣)) G
π₁KG1≃G G = {! !} , {! !} where
module _ where
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
-- Uniqueness
K[Z,1]=S1 : K[ ℤGroup ,1] ≃ S¹
K[Z,1]=S1 = isoToEquiv (iso f {! !} {! !} {! !}) where
f : K[ ℤGroup ,1] → S¹
f x = T.rec {! !} {! !} {! !}
module _ (n : ℕ) (X Y : Pointed ℓ) where
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