This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 325 additions and 276 deletions
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter3 where
open import CubicalHott.Prelude
open import CubicalHott.Chapter2
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Equality using (id; ap)
l : Level
module example319 where
lemma : ¬ isSet (Type l)
lemma {l} p = remark2126.lemma fatal where
not* : Bool* {l} → Bool* {l}
not* (lift false) = lift true
not* (lift true) = lift false
notnot* : (x : Bool* {l}) → not* (not* x) ≡ x
notnot* (lift true) = refl
notnot* (lift false) = refl
notIso* : Iso (Bool* {l}) (Bool* {l})
|||| notIso* = not*
Iso.inv notIso* = not*
Iso.rightInv notIso* = notnot*
Iso.leftInv notIso* = notnot*
notEquiv* : Bool* {l} ≃ Bool* {l}
notEquiv* = not* , isoToIsEquiv notIso*
fPath : Bool* {ℓ = l} ≡ Bool* {ℓ = l}
fPath = ua notEquiv*
getFunc : Bool* ≡ Bool* → Bool* → Bool*
getFunc path = pathToEquiv path .fst
left : getFunc fPath ≡ not*
left = cong fst (pathToEquiv-ua notEquiv*)
right : getFunc fPath ≡ id
right = cong getFunc (helper ∙ sym uaIdEquiv) ∙ cong fst (pathToEquiv-ua (idEquiv Bool*)) where
helper : fPath ≡ refl
helper = p Bool* Bool* fPath refl
bogus : not* ≡ id
bogus = sym left ∙ right
fatal : true ≡ false
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter3 where
open import CubicalHott.Prelude
open import CubicalHott.Chapter2
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Equality using (id; ap)
l : Level
module example319 where
lemma : ¬ isSet (Type l)
lemma {l} p = remark2126.lemma fatal where
not* : Bool* {l} → Bool* {l}
not* (lift false) = lift true
not* (lift true) = lift false
notnot* : (x : Bool* {l}) → not* (not* x) ≡ x
notnot* (lift true) = refl
notnot* (lift false) = refl
notIso* : Iso (Bool* {l}) (Bool* {l})
|||| notIso* = not*
Iso.inv notIso* = not*
Iso.rightInv notIso* = notnot*
Iso.leftInv notIso* = notnot*
notEquiv* : Bool* {l} ≃ Bool* {l}
notEquiv* = not* , isoToIsEquiv notIso*
fPath : Bool* {ℓ = l} ≡ Bool* {ℓ = l}
fPath = ua notEquiv*
getFunc : Bool* ≡ Bool* → Bool* → Bool*
getFunc path = pathToEquiv path .fst
left : getFunc fPath ≡ not*
left = cong fst (pathToEquiv-ua notEquiv*)
right : getFunc fPath ≡ id
right = cong getFunc (helper ∙ sym uaIdEquiv) ∙ cong fst (pathToEquiv-ua (idEquiv Bool*)) where
helper : fPath ≡ refl
helper = p Bool* Bool* fPath refl
bogus : not* ≡ id
bogus = sym left ∙ right
fatal : true ≡ false
fatal = cong (λ f → lower (f (lift true))) (sym bogus)
@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter6 where
open import CubicalHott.Prelude
open import CubicalHott.Chapter3
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Conversion
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
l l2 : Level
-- Equation 6.2.2
dep-path : {A : Type} → (P : A → Type) → {x y : A} → (p : x ≡ y) → (u : P x) → (v : P y) → Type
dep-path P p u v = subst P p u ≡ v
syntax dep-path P p u v = u ≡[ P , p ] v
-- Lemma 6.2.5
module lemma625 where
f : {A : Type} {a : A} {p : a ≡ a} → S¹ → A
f {a = a} base = a
f {p = p} (loop i) = p i
-- Lemma 6.2.8
-- module lemma628 where
-- lemma : {A : Type}
-- → (f g : S¹ → A)
-- → (p : f base ≡ g base)
-- → (q : cong f loop ≡[ (λ x → x ≡ x) , p ] cong g loop)
-- → (x : S¹) → f x ≡ g x
-- lemma f g p q base i = p i
-- lemma f g p q (loop j) i = {! !}
-- Interval
data [0,1] : Type where
ii0 : [0,1]
ii1 : [0,1]
seg : ii0 ≡ ii1
-- Lemma 6.3.1
module lemma631 where
lemma : isContr [0,1]
lemma = ii0 , f where
f : (y : [0,1]) → ii0 ≡ y
f ii0 = refl
f ii1 = seg
f (seg i) j = seg (i ∧ j)
-- Lemma 6.3.2
module lemma632 where
lemma : {A B : Type}
→ (f g : A → B)
→ ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x)
→ f ≡ g
lemma {A} {B} f g p i = q (seg i) where
p̃ : (x : A) → [0,1] → B
p̃ x ii0 = f x
p̃ x ii1 = g x
p̃ x (seg i) = p x i
q : [0,1] → (A → B)
q i x = p̃ x i
-- Lemma 6.4.1
-- module lemma641 where
-- lemma : loop ≢ refl
-- lemma loop≡refl = example319.lemma g where
-- goal : {A : Type l} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x} → (q' : x ≡ x) → refl ≡ q'
-- goal {A = A} {x} {p} q' = z1 ∙ {! !} ∙ z3 where
-- f : S¹ → A
-- f base = x
-- f (loop i) = q' i
-- z1 : refl ≡ cong f refl
-- z1 = refl
-- z2 : cong f refl ≡ cong f loop
-- z2 = cong (cong f) loop≡refl
-- z3 : cong f loop ≡ q'
-- z3 = refl
-- g : isSet Type
-- g x y p q = J (λ y' p' → (q' : x ≡ y') → p' ≡ q') goal p q
-- Corollary 6.10.13
module corollary61013 where
p^ : {A : Type l} {a : A} {p : a ≡ a} → (n : ℤ) → a ≡ a
p^ (pos zero) = refl
p^ {p = p} (pos (suc x)) = p^ {p = p} (pos x) ∙ p
p^ {p = p} (negsuc zero) = p^ {p = p} (pos zero) ∙ sym p
p^ {p = p} (negsuc (suc n)) = p^ {p = p} (negsuc n) ∙ sym p ∙ sym p
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter6 where
open import CubicalHott.Prelude
open import CubicalHott.Chapter3
open import Cubical.Data.Equality.Conversion
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
l l2 : Level
-- Equation 6.2.2
dep-path : {A : Type} → (P : A → Type) → {x y : A} → (p : x ≡ y) → (u : P x) → (v : P y) → Type
dep-path P p u v = subst P p u ≡ v
syntax dep-path P p u v = u ≡[ P , p ] v
-- Lemma 6.2.5
module lemma625 where
f : {A : Type} {a : A} {p : a ≡ a} → S¹ → A
f {a = a} base = a
f {p = p} (loop i) = p i
-- Lemma 6.2.8
-- module lemma628 where
-- lemma : {A : Type}
-- → (f g : S¹ → A)
-- → (p : f base ≡ g base)
-- → (q : cong f loop ≡[ (λ x → x ≡ x) , p ] cong g loop)
-- → (x : S¹) → f x ≡ g x
-- lemma f g p q base i = p i
-- lemma f g p q (loop j) i = {! !}
-- Interval
data [0,1] : Type where
ii0 : [0,1]
ii1 : [0,1]
seg : ii0 ≡ ii1
-- Lemma 6.3.1
module lemma631 where
lemma : isContr [0,1]
lemma = ii0 , f where
f : (y : [0,1]) → ii0 ≡ y
f ii0 = refl
f ii1 = seg
f (seg i) j = seg (i ∧ j)
-- Lemma 6.3.2
module lemma632 where
lemma : {A B : Type}
→ (f g : A → B)
→ ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x)
→ f ≡ g
lemma {A} {B} f g p i = q (seg i) where
p̃ : (x : A) → [0,1] → B
p̃ x ii0 = f x
p̃ x ii1 = g x
p̃ x (seg i) = p x i
q : [0,1] → (A → B)
q i x = p̃ x i
-- Lemma 6.4.1
-- module lemma641 where
-- lemma : loop ≢ refl
-- lemma loop≡refl = example319.lemma g where
-- goal : {A : Type l} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x} → (q' : x ≡ x) → refl ≡ q'
-- goal {A = A} {x} {p} q' = z1 ∙ {! !} ∙ z3 where
-- f : S¹ → A
-- f base = x
-- f (loop i) = q' i
-- z1 : refl ≡ cong f refl
-- z1 = refl
-- z2 : cong f refl ≡ cong f loop
-- z2 = cong (cong f) loop≡refl
-- z3 : cong f loop ≡ q'
-- z3 = refl
-- g : isSet Type
-- g x y p q = J (λ y' p' → (q' : x ≡ y') → p' ≡ q') goal p q
-- Corollary 6.10.13
module corollary61013 where
p^ : {A : Type l} {a : A} {p : a ≡ a} → (n : ℤ) → a ≡ a
p^ (pos zero) = refl
p^ {p = p} (pos (suc x)) = p^ {p = p} (pos x) ∙ p
p^ {p = p} (negsuc zero) = p^ {p = p} (pos zero) ∙ sym p
p^ {p = p} (negsuc (suc n)) = p^ {p = p} (negsuc n) ∙ sym p ∙ sym p
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Lemma3-11-4 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
lemma : {A : Type} → isProp (isContr A)
lemma (x , px) (y , py) i = px y i , {! !}
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Prelude where
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level) public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function public
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary public
open import Cubical.Data.Equality using (id) public
l : Level
_≢_ : ∀ {A : Type l} → A → A → Type l
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Prelude where
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level) public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence public
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function public
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary public
open import Cubical.Data.Equality using (id) public
l : Level
_≢_ : ∀ {A : Type l} → A → A → Type l
a ≢ b = ¬ a ≡ b
@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Theorem2-7-2 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
theorem : {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {w w' : Σ A P}
→ (w ≡ w') ≃ Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w'))
theorem {P = P} {w = w} {w' = w'} =
isoToEquiv (iso f g fg gf) where
f : w ≡ w' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w'))
f x = cong fst x , cong snd x
g : Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w')) → w ≡ w'
g x i = fst x i , snd x i
fg : section f g
fg b = refl
gf : retract f g
gf b = refl
-- theorem : {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {w w' : Σ A P}
-- → (w ≡ w') ≃ Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w')
-- theorem {P = P} {w = w} {w' = w'} =
-- isoToEquiv (iso f g {! !} {! !}) where
-- f : w ≡ w' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w')
-- f = J (λ y' p' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst y') (λ q → subst P q (snd w) ≡ snd y'))
-- (refl , transportRefl (snd w))
-- -- subst P (λ _ → fst w) (snd w) ≡ w .snd
-- -- x = (λ i → fst (x i)) , J (λ y' p' → {! !}) {! !} x where
-- -- subst P (λ i → fst (x i)) (snd w) ≡ snd w'
-- -- P (fst w')
-- -- ———— Boundary (wanted) —————————————————————————————————————
-- -- i = i0 ⊢ transp (λ i₁ → P (fst (x i₁))) i0 (snd w)
-- -- i = i1 ⊢ snd w'
-- g : Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w') → w ≡ w'
-- g x i = fst x i , {! !}
-- -- helper i where
-- -- helper : PathP (λ i → P (fst x i)) (snd w) (snd w')
-- -- helper i =
-- -- let u = λ j → λ where
-- -- (i = i0) → {! !}
-- -- (i = i1) → {! !}
-- -- -- let u = λ j → λ where
-- -- -- (i = i0) → transportRefl (snd w) j
-- -- -- (i = i1) → snd w'
-- -- in hcomp u {! snd x ? !}
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Theorem2-7-2 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
theorem : {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {w w' : Σ A P}
→ (w ≡ w') ≃ Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w'))
theorem {P = P} {w = w} {w' = w'} =
isoToEquiv (iso f g fg gf) where
f : w ≡ w' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w'))
f x = cong fst x , cong snd x
g : Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → PathP (λ i → P (p i)) (snd w) (snd w')) → w ≡ w'
g x i = fst x i , snd x i
fg : section f g
fg b = refl
gf : retract f g
gf b = refl
-- theorem : {A : Type} {P : A → Type} {w w' : Σ A P}
-- → (w ≡ w') ≃ Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w')
-- theorem {P = P} {w = w} {w' = w'} =
-- isoToEquiv (iso f g {! !} {! !}) where
-- f : w ≡ w' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w')
-- f = J (λ y' p' → Σ (fst w ≡ fst y') (λ q → subst P q (snd w) ≡ snd y'))
-- (refl , transportRefl (snd w))
-- -- subst P (λ _ → fst w) (snd w) ≡ w .snd
-- -- x = (λ i → fst (x i)) , J (λ y' p' → {! !}) {! !} x where
-- -- subst P (λ i → fst (x i)) (snd w) ≡ snd w'
-- -- P (fst w')
-- -- ———— Boundary (wanted) —————————————————————————————————————
-- -- i = i0 ⊢ transp (λ i₁ → P (fst (x i₁))) i0 (snd w)
-- -- i = i1 ⊢ snd w'
-- g : Σ (fst w ≡ fst w') (λ p → subst P p (snd w) ≡ snd w') → w ≡ w'
-- g x i = fst x i , {! !}
-- -- helper i where
-- -- helper : PathP (λ i → P (fst x i)) (snd w) (snd w')
-- -- helper i =
-- -- let u = λ j → λ where
-- -- (i = i0) → {! !}
-- -- (i = i1) → {! !}
-- -- -- let u = λ j → λ where
-- -- -- (i = i0) → transportRefl (snd w) j
-- -- -- (i = i1) → snd w'
-- -- in hcomp u {! snd x ? !}
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Theorem7-1-10 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
z = isContr
theorem : {X : Type} → (n : ℕ) → isProp (isOfHLevel n X)
theorem zero x y i = snd x (fst y) i , let z = snd x (fst y) i in λ y' j → {! !}
theorem (suc zero) x y = {! !}
theorem (suc (suc n)) x y = {! !}
@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Theorem7-1-9 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Data.Nat
theorem : {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
→ (n : ℕ)
→ ((a : A) → isOfHLevel n (B a))
→ isOfHLevel n ((x : A) → B x)
theorem {A = A} {B = B} zero prf = (λ x → fst (prf x)) , helper where
helper : (f' : (x : A) → B x) → (λ x → fst (prf x)) ≡ f'
helper f' i x =
let given = snd (prf x) in
given (f' x) i
theorem (suc zero) prf f1 f2 i x =
let result = prf x (f1 x) (f2 x) in
result i
theorem {A = A} {B = B} (2+ n) prf f1 f2 =
subst (isOfHLevel (suc n)) funExtPath (theorem (suc n) λ a → prf a (f1 a) (f2 a))
-- goal1 where
-- goal1 : isOfHLevel (suc n) (f1 ≡ f2)
-- goal2 : isOfHLevel (suc n) ((a : A) → f1 a ≡ f2 a)
-- goal1 = subst (λ x → isOfHLevel (suc n) x) funExtPath goal2
-- IH = theorem {A = A} {B = λ a → f1 a ≡ f2 a} (suc n) λ a → prf a (f1 a) (f2 a)
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Theorem7-1-9 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Data.Nat
theorem : {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
→ (n : ℕ)
→ ((a : A) → isOfHLevel n (B a))
→ isOfHLevel n ((x : A) → B x)
theorem {A = A} {B = B} zero prf = (λ x → fst (prf x)) , helper where
helper : (f' : (x : A) → B x) → (λ x → fst (prf x)) ≡ f'
helper f' i x =
let given = snd (prf x) in
given (f' x) i
theorem (suc zero) prf f1 f2 i x =
let result = prf x (f1 x) (f2 x) in
result i
theorem {A = A} {B = B} (2+ n) prf f1 f2 =
subst (isOfHLevel (suc n)) funExtPath (theorem (suc n) λ a → prf a (f1 a) (f2 a))
-- goal1 where
-- goal1 : isOfHLevel (suc n) (f1 ≡ f2)
-- goal2 : isOfHLevel (suc n) ((a : A) → f1 a ≡ f2 a)
-- goal1 = subst (λ x → isOfHLevel (suc n) x) funExtPath goal2
-- IH = theorem {A = A} {B = λ a → f1 a ≡ f2 a} (suc n) λ a → prf a (f1 a) (f2 a)
-- goal2 = IH
@ -90,4 +90,10 @@ LES-edge {X∙ = X∙ @ (X , x)} {Y∙ = Y∙ @ (Y , y)} f∙ @ (f , f-eq) (n ,
-- -- z : ∥ typ X ∥₂
-- -- z : ∥ typ X ∥₂
-- LES-edge f n_ | (n , suc zero) = λ z → {! !}
-- LES-edge f n_ | (n , suc (suc zero)) = λ z → {! !}
-- LES-edge f n_ | (n , suc (suc zero)) = λ z → {! !}
LES-is-exact : ∀ {l : Level} → {X∙ Y∙ : Pointed l}
→ (f∙ : X∙ →∙ Y∙)
→ (n : ℕ × Fin 3)
→ {! !}
LES-is-exact f∙ (n , k) = {! !}
@ -89,4 +89,4 @@ lemma {A∙ = A∙ @ (A , a0)} {B∙ = B∙ @ (B , b0)} f∙ @ (f , f-eq) = eqv
f-eq ∙ (sym f-eq ∙ a) ≡⟨ assoc f-eq (sym f-eq) a ⟩
(f-eq ∙ sym f-eq) ∙ a ≡⟨ cong (_∙ a) (rCancel f-eq) ⟩
refl ∙ a ≡⟨ sym (lUnit a) ⟩
a ∎
a ∎
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Notes
- Already some existing work by Felix Cherubini (@felixwellen) about spectra here:
# Notes
- Already some existing work by Felix Cherubini (@felixwellen) about spectra here:
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module 2024-grads.Demo1 where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Tactic.RingSolver
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
_ : 1 + 1 ≡ 2
_ = refl
commutativity : (m n : ℕ) → m + n ≡ n + m
commutativity = solve-∀
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
\note[item]{What: Program properties, compiler optimizations, correctness}
\note[item]{Notably, can NOT prove some things, Rice's theorem}
\note[item]{Talk about proofs vs. testing}
\item How to formalize proofs?
\note[item]{How: lot of different techniques involving model checking / SMT approaches, etc}
\note[item]{I'm going to focus here on proofs of mathematical statements, like $$ x + y = y + x $$}
@ -78,10 +79,19 @@
\frametitle{Set theory}
Talk about set theory
\frametitle{Important features of Martin-L{\"o}f type theory}
\item Types instead of sets
\item Predicative universes: $\mathsf{Type}_0, \mathsf{Type}_1, \mathsf{Type}_2, \dots$
\item Inductive types: for example, $\mathbb{N}$ is defined with 2 possible constructors: $\mathsf{zero}$ and $\mathsf{suc}$.
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
author = {The {Univalent Foundations Program}},
title = {Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics},
publisher = {\url{}},
address = {Institute for Advanced Study},
year = 2013}
title={Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom},
abstractNote={This paper presents a type theory in which it is possible to directly manipulate $n$-dimensional cubes (points, lines, squares, cubes, etc.) based on an interpretation of dependent type theory in a cubical set model. This enables new ways to reason about identity types, for instance, function extensionality is directly provable in the system. Further, Voevodsky’s univalence axiom is provable in this system. We also explain an extension with some higher inductive types like the circle and propositional truncation. Finally we provide semantics for this cubical type theory in a constructive meta-theory.}, note={arXiv:1611.02108 [cs, math]}, number={arXiv:1611.02108}, publisher={arXiv}, author={Cohen, Cyril and Coquand, Thierry and Huber, Simon and Mörtberg, Anders},
author = {The {Univalent Foundations Program}},
title = {Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics},
publisher = {\url{}},
address = {Institute for Advanced Study},
year = 2013}
title={Cubical Type Theory: a constructive interpretation of the univalence axiom},
abstractNote={This paper presents a type theory in which it is possible to directly manipulate $n$-dimensional cubes (points, lines, squares, cubes, etc.) based on an interpretation of dependent type theory in a cubical set model. This enables new ways to reason about identity types, for instance, function extensionality is directly provable in the system. Further, Voevodsky’s univalence axiom is provable in this system. We also explain an extension with some higher inductive types like the circle and propositional truncation. Finally we provide semantics for this cubical type theory in a constructive meta-theory.}, note={arXiv:1611.02108 [cs, math]}, number={arXiv:1611.02108}, publisher={arXiv}, author={Cohen, Cyril and Coquand, Thierry and Huber, Simon and Mörtberg, Anders},
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