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Michael Zhang 2025-01-03 17:04:35 -05:00
parent 644909da5d
commit 6b13dd2e6d
9 changed files with 277 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.ChainComplex where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.HITs.TypeQuotients
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
' '' : Level
-- In mathematics, a chain complex is an algebraic structure that consists of a
-- sequence of abelian groups (or modules) and a sequence of homomorphisms
-- between consecutive groups such that the image of each homomorphism is
-- contained in the kernel of the next.
-- "Type chain complexes" are chain complexes without the set requirement
-- a.k.a no set truncation
-- FVD Definition 4.1.2
-- Similar to Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex except it is indexed by a SuccStr
-- instead of , and uses Pointed types rather than groups.
record TypeChainComplex { ' : Level} (N : SuccStr ) : Type (-max (-suc ')) where
open SuccStr N
seq : (n : Index) Pointed '
fun : (n : Index) seq (succ n) seq n
-- The primary chain complex property is that the composition of
-- consecutive maps is equivalent to the zero morphism, which in groups
-- corresponds to the constant map to the zero element.
-- Relevant image:
-- ^Explanation: chain complex is only half of the property of an exact
-- sequence, so the crucial thing here is that the circle where the left
-- half of the cone meets the right is actually potentially smaller for the
-- left than the right side. (TODO: Draw this!) But this still means that
-- that smaller part will map to the zero element in the next group. Thus,
-- d² ≡ 0
property : (n : Index)
let Tₙ₊₂ = seq (succ (succ n)) in let Tₙ₊₁ = seq (succ n) in let Tₙ = seq n in
let dₙ₊₁ = fun (succ n) in let dₙ = fun n in
dₙ ∘∙ dₙ₊₁ const∙ Tₙ₊₂ Tₙ
record TypeChainMap { A B : Level} {N : SuccStr }
(A : TypeChainComplex {} {A} N)
(B : TypeChainComplex {} {B} N)
: Type (-max (-max A B)) where
open SuccStr N
open TypeChainComplex
f : (n : Index) A .seq n B .seq n
-- The boundary forms a commutative square
-- Aₙ──dAₙ─→Aₙ₋₁
-- │ │
-- fₙ fₙ₋₁
-- ↓ ↓
-- Bₙ──dBₙ─→Bₙ₋₁
comm : (n : Index) B .fun n ∘∙ f (succ n) f n ∘∙ A .fun n
-- module _ {N : SuccStr } (CC : TypeChainComplex N) where
-- open SuccStr N
-- open TypeChainComplex CC
-- HomologyGroup : (n : Index) → Ker∙ (fun n) /ₜ λ x y → isInIm∙ (fun (succ n)) {! !}

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@ -12,21 +12,33 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.DirProd
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import ThesisWork.Graded
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
' '' : Level
module _ {R : Ring } where
module _ (R : Ring ) where
×Group = DirProd Group Group
× = ×Group
gg = groupHomOfGradedHom
record ExactCouple : Type (-suc ) where
constructor mkExactCouple
D E : GradedModule R ×
i : GradedHom R ×Group D D
j : GradedHom R ×Group D E
k : GradedHom R ×Group E D
exactAt-ij : isExactAt (gg i) (gg j)
exactAt-jk : isExactAt (gg j) (gg k)
exactAt-ik : isExactAt (gg i) (gg k)
deriveExactCouple : {R : Ring } ExactCouple {R = R} ExactCouple {R = R}
deriveExactCouple = {! !}
-- FVD thesis Lemma 5.2.2
-- Hatcher Spectral Sequences section 5.1
derivedCouple : ExactCouple ExactCouple
derivedCouple (mkExactCouple D E i j k eij ejk eik) =
{! !} where
D' : GradedModule R ×
D' x = {! !} , {! !}

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.Exactness where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
' '' : Level
-- Definition of exactness for Pointed types
module _ {A B C : Pointed } where
Ker∙ : (f : A B) Type
Ker∙ (f , feq) = Σ (A .fst) λ a f a B .snd
Im∙ : (f : A B) Type
Im∙ (f , feq) = Σ (B .fst) λ b Σ (A .fst) λ a f a b
isExactAt∙ : (f : A B) (g : B C) Type
isExactAt∙ f g = (b : B ) (isInKer∙ g b isInIm∙ f b) × (isInIm∙ f b isInKer∙ g b)
module _ {A B C : Group } where
-- Exactness except the intersecting Group is only propositionally equal
isWeakExactAt : {B' : Group } (f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B' C) (p : B B') Type
isWeakExactAt {B' = B'} f g p = (b : B ) (isInKer g (tr b) isInIm f b) × (isInIm f b isInKer g (tr b)) where
tr = λ (b : B ) subst (λ (a : Σ (Type ) GroupStr) fst a) p b
isExactAt : (f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B C) Type
isExactAt f g = (b : B ) (isInKer g b isInIm f b) × (isInIm f b isInKer g b)
isWeakExactAtRefl : (f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B C) isWeakExactAt f g refl isExactAt f g
isWeakExactAtRefl f g i = (b : B ) (isInKer g (transportRefl b i) isInIm f b) × (isInIm f b isInKer g (transportRefl b i))

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@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Algebra.Module
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
' '' : Level
module _ where
Kernel : {G H : Group } GroupHom G H Type _
Kernel {G = G} GH = Σ G (isInKer GH)
Image : {G H : Group } GroupHom G H Type _
Image {H = H} GH = Σ H (isInIm GH)
module _ {R : Ring } where
idLeftModuleHom : (M : LeftModule R ') LeftModuleHom M M
idLeftModuleHom M = (idfun M ) , record { pres0 = refl ; pres+ = λ x y refl ; pres- = λ x refl ; pres⋆ = λ r y refl }

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@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ module _ (R : Ring ) (G : Group ') (M₁ M₂ : GradedModule R ⟨ G ⟩)
let e = groupEquivFun equiv in -- the function of the equivalence
{x y : G } (p : e x y) (M₁ x) -[lm]→ (M₂ y)
groupHomOfGradedHom : {R : Ring } {G : Group '} {M₁ M₂} GradedHom R G M₁ M₂ GroupHom G G
groupHomOfGradedHom (mkGradedHom equiv deg_fn fn') = (equiv .fst .fst) , equiv .snd
idGradedModuleHom : {R : Ring } {G : Group '} (M : GradedModule R G ) GradedHom R G M M
idGradedModuleHom {G = G} M = mkGradedHom idGroupEquiv (λ g sym (·IdR g)) (λ {x = x} p J (λ y p M x -[lm]→ M y) (idLeftModuleHom (M x)) p) where
open GroupStr (G .snd)

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.SuccStr where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
' '' : Level
-- Deprecated in favor of the one in the cubical library...
-- -- "Successor structure"
-- -- An indexing parameter that has only the successor operation
-- -- Can be used to index into sequences
-- -- Defined in FVD 4.1.2.
-- record SuccStr ( : Level) : Type (-suc ) where
-- field
-- A : Type
-- suc : A → A
-- module _ {S : SuccStr } where
-- open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (suc to nsuc)
-- open SuccStr S
-- _+ˢ_ : (i : A) → (n : ) → A
-- i +ˢ zero = i
-- i +ˢ nsuc n = suc (i +ˢ n)
-- module _ where
-- open import Cubical.Data.Int
-- open SuccStr
-- -SuccStr : SuccStr -zero
-- -SuccStr .A =
-- -SuccStr .suc = suc
-- -- OLD: This doesn't work because we don't want the type of SuccStr to be
-- -- parameterized by the base type of the structure; instead, we want it to be
-- -- contained within the structure and have the structure expose a uniform
-- -- type
-- -- SuccStr : (I : Type) (S : I → I) → (i : I) → (n : ) → I
-- -- SuccStr I S i zero = i
-- -- SuccStr I S i (suc n) = S (SuccStr I S i n)
-- -- -- Examples of successor structures:
-- -- module _ where
-- -- -- ( , λ n . n + 1)
-- -- -SuccStr : (i : ) → (n : ) →
-- -- -SuccStr = SuccStr suc
-- -- module _ where
-- -- open import Data.Integer using () renaming (suc to zsuc)
-- -- -- ( , λ n . n + 1)
-- -- -SuccStr : (i : ) → (n : ) →
-- -- -SuccStr = SuccStr zsuc
-- -- module _ where
-- -- open import Data.Fin
-- -- open import Data.Product
-- -- inc-k-inv : {k : } → ( × Fin k) → ( × Fin k)
-- -- inc-k-inv {k} (n , zero) = (suc n) , opposite zero
-- -- inc-k-inv {k} (n , suc k1) = n , inject₁ k1
-- -- inc : {k : } → ( × Fin k) → ( × Fin k)
-- -- inc {k} (n , k1) =
-- -- let result = inc-k-inv (n , opposite k1) in
-- -- (fst result) , opposite (snd result)
-- -- _ : inc {k = 3} (5 , from 2) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- -- _ = refl
-- -- -- _ : inc {k = 3} (5 , inject₁ (from 1)) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- -- -- _ = {! refl !}
-- -- _ : inc {k = 5} (5 , from 4) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- -- _ = refl
-- -- -k-SuccStr : (k : ) → ( × Fin k) → → ( × Fin k)
-- -- -k-SuccStr k = SuccStr ( × Fin k) inc

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.Pi3S2.SuccStr where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
' '' : Level
-- An indexing parameter that has only the successor operation
-- Can be used to index into sequences
-- Defined in FVD 4.1.2.
record SuccStr ( : Level) : Type (-suc ) where
A : Type
suc : A A
module _ {S : SuccStr } where
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (suc to nsuc)
open SuccStr S
_+ˢ_ : (i : A) (n : ) A
i zero = i
i nsuc n = suc (i n)
module _ where
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open SuccStr
-SuccStr : SuccStr -zero
-SuccStr .A =
-SuccStr .suc = suc
-- OLD: This doesn't work because we don't want the type of SuccStr to be
-- parameterized by the base type of the structure; instead, we want it to be
-- contained within the structure and have the structure expose a uniform
-- type
-- SuccStr : (I : Type) (S : I → I) → (i : I) → (n : ) → I
-- SuccStr I S i zero = i
-- SuccStr I S i (suc n) = S (SuccStr I S i n)
-- -- Examples of successor structures:
-- module _ where
-- -- ( , λ n . n + 1)
-- -SuccStr : (i : ) → (n : ) →
-- -SuccStr = SuccStr suc
-- module _ where
-- open import Data.Integer using () renaming (suc to zsuc)
-- -- ( , λ n . n + 1)
-- -SuccStr : (i : ) → (n : ) →
-- -SuccStr = SuccStr zsuc
-- module _ where
-- open import Data.Fin
-- open import Data.Product
-- inc-k-inv : {k : } → ( × Fin k) → ( × Fin k)
-- inc-k-inv {k} (n , zero) = (suc n) , opposite zero
-- inc-k-inv {k} (n , suc k1) = n , inject₁ k1
-- inc : {k : } → ( × Fin k) → ( × Fin k)
-- inc {k} (n , k1) =
-- let result = inc-k-inv (n , opposite k1) in
-- (fst result) , opposite (snd result)
-- _ : inc {k = 3} (5 , from 2) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- _ = refl
-- -- _ : inc {k = 3} (5 , inject₁ (from 1)) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- -- _ = {! refl !}
-- _ : inc {k = 5} (5 , from 4) ≡ (6 , zero)
-- _ = refl
-- -k-SuccStr : (k : ) → ( × Fin k) → → ( × Fin k)
-- -k-SuccStr k = SuccStr ( × Fin k) inc

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@ -1,3 +1,37 @@
# Notes
- Already some existing work by Felix Cherubini (@felixwellen) about spectra here:
%%{init: {"layout": "elk", "flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart TB
style GradedAbelianGroup fill:skyblue
style Prespectrum fill:skyblue
style Spectrum fill:skyblue
style PointedKernel fill:skyblue
style PointedImage fill:skyblue
style Exactness fill:skyblue
GradedAbelianGroup --> ExactCouple
GradedAbelianGroup --> SpectralSequence
ExactCouple --> DerivedCouple
PointedKernel --> Exactness
PointedImage --> Exactness
Exactness --> ExactSequence
Exactness --> ChainComplex
ChainComplex --> Homology
ChainComplex --> CochainComplex
CochainComplex --> Cohomology
Cohomology --> Theorem5410
ExactSequence --> ExactCouple
ExactSequence --> Theorem535
PostnikovTower --> Theorem5410
Prespectrum --> Spectrum
Spectrum --> nthHomotopyGroupOfSpectrum
SpectralSequence --> Corollary5411
SpectralSequence --> Theorem5410
SpectralSequence --> Theorem5412

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import ThesisWork.Pi3S2.SuccStr
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
@ -17,31 +17,45 @@ private
-- A prespectrum is a pair consisting of a sequence of pointed types
-- (Y : Z → U) and a sequence of pointed maps e: (n : Z) → Yₙ →∗ ΩYₙ₊₁.
-- We will give a definition in terms of a successor structure tho.
record Prespectrum (N : SuccStr ) : Type (-suc ) where
record Prespectrum { ' : Level} (N : SuccStr ') : Type (-max ' (-suc )) where
open SuccStr N
Y : A Pointed
e : (n : A) Y n Ω (Y (suc n))
Y : Index Pointed
e : (n : Index) Y n Ω (Y (succ n))
-Prespectrum : Type (-suc -zero)
-Prespectrum = Prespectrum -SuccStr
-Prespectrum = Prespectrum +
isPointedEquiv : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed '} (f : A B) Type (-max ')
isPointedEquiv {A = A} {B = B} f = isEquiv (f .fst) × (f .fst (A .snd) B .snd)
isPtEquivToPtEquiv : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed '} (f : A B) isPointedEquiv f A ≃∙ B
isPtEquivToPtEquiv f (fEqv , fPt) = (f .fst , fEqv) , fPt
isPtEquivTo≃∙ : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed '} (f : A B) isPointedEquiv f A ≃∙ B
isPtEquivTo≃∙ f (fEqv , fPt) = (f .fst , fEqv) , fPt
-- An Ω-spectrum or spectrum is a prespectrum (Y, e) where eₙ is a
-- pointed equivalence for all n.
record IsSpectrum {N : SuccStr } (P : Prespectrum N) : Type where
record IsSpectrum { ' : Level} {N : SuccStr '} (P : Prespectrum { = } N) : Type (-max ') where
open Prespectrum P
open SuccStr N
eIsEquiv : (n : A) isPointedEquiv (e n)
eIsEquiv : (n : Index) isPointedEquiv (e n)
Spectrum : SuccStr Type (-suc )
Spectrum { = } N = Σ (Prespectrum N) IsSpectrum
-Spectrum : Type (-suc -zero)
-Spectrum = Spectrum -SuccStr
-Spectrum = Spectrum +
-- Also from definition 5.3.1 of FVD thesis
record PrespectrumMap {N ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {N : SuccStr N}
(PS₁ : Prespectrum { = ℓ₁} N)
(PS₂ : Prespectrum { = ℓ₂} N)
: Type (-max N (-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂)) where
open Prespectrum PS₁ renaming (Y to Y₁; e to e₁)
open Prespectrum PS₂ renaming (Y to Y₂; e to e₂)
open SuccStr N
f : (n : Index) Y₁ n Y₂ n
-- TODO: Visualize this
p : (n : Index) (e₂ n ∘∙ f n) ∙∼ (Ω→ (f (succ n)) ∘∙ e₁ n)