This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-12-18 20:47:34 -06:00
parent edeb98a73b
commit 73e6009179
2 changed files with 190 additions and 0 deletions

src/AOP/Divisoids.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Empty
record Divisoid (X : Set) : Set where
_↝_⊕_ : X X X Set
ε : X
split-sym : {x a b} x a b x b a
split-ident₁ : {x y} x ε y x y
split-ident₂ : {x} x ε x
split-split : {x a b a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ : X} x a b a a₁ a₂ b b₁ b₂
∃[ x₁ ] ∃[ x₂ ] x x₁ x₂ × x₁ a₁ b₁ × x₂ a₂ b₂
variable a a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ b c d x y : X
split-genL : (x a b) (a a₁ a₂) ∃[ q ] (x a₁ q) × (q a₂ b)
split-genL x-split a-split with split-split x-split a-split split-ident₂
split-genL {x = x} x-split a-split | x₁ , x₂ , x-split' , x₁-split , x₂-split =
-- goal: a₁ = a₁ / a₂ = a₂ / b₁ = ε / b₂ = b
-- then, q will just be x₂
let x₁≡a₁ = split-ident₁ (split-sym x₁-split) in
x₂ , subst (λ d x d x₂) x₁≡a₁ x-split' , x₂-split
split-genR : x a b b c d ∃[ q ] x q d × q a c
split-genR x-split b-split with split-split x-split (split-sym split-ident₂) b-split
split-genR {x = x} x-split b-split | x₁ , x₂ , x-split' , x₁-split , x₂-split =
-- same thing as above
let x₂≡d = split-ident₁ x₂-split in
x₁ , subst (λ e x x₁ e) x₂≡d x-split' , x₁-split
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Maybe.Properties
infixl 10 _∙_
_∙_ = trans
record PartialCommMonoid (X : Set) : Set where
_·_ : X X Maybe X
ε : X
_ : Maybe X Maybe X Maybe X
a ·′ b = a >>= λ x b >>= (x ·_)
·-comm : {a b} a · b b · a
·-ident : {x} ε · x just x
·-assoc : {a b c} (a · b) ·′ just c just a ·′ (b · c)
variable a a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ b c d x y : X
pcm-divis : Divisoid X
pcm-divis = record
{ _↝_⊕_ = λ x a b just x a · b
; ε = ε
; split-sym = λ p p ·-comm
; split-ident₁ = split-ident₁
; split-ident₂ = sym ·-ident
; split-split = split-split
} where
split-ident₁ : {x y : X} just x (ε · y) x y
split-ident₁ p = just-injective (p ·-ident)
split-split : {x a b a₁ b₁ a₂ b₂ : X} just x (a · b) just a (a₁ · a₂) just b (b₁ · b₂) ∃[ x₁ ] ∃[ x₂ ] just x (x₁ · x₂) × just x₁ (a₁ · b₁) × just x₂ (a₂ · b₂)
split-split {x} {a} {b} {a₁} {b₁} {a₂} {b₂} x-split a-split b-split = x₁ , x₂ , xproof , x1w .proj₂ , x2w .proj₂ where
-- This is probably the least elegant way to do this
open import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any renaming (just to anyjust)
open import Data.Unit
a·b-is-just = subst Is-just x-split (anyjust tt)
a₁∙a₂-is-just = subst Is-just a-split (anyjust tt)
b₁∙b₂-is-just = subst Is-just b-split (anyjust tt)
·-all-just : {a b} Is-just (a ·′ b) Is-just a × Is-just b
·-all-just {just x} {just y} p = (anyjust tt) , anyjust tt
·-assoc-just : {a b c} Is-just (a · b) Is-just ((a · b) ·′ just c) Is-just (b · c) × Is-just (just a ·′ (b · c))
·-assoc-just {a} {b} {c} p q =
let associated = subst Is-just ·-assoc q in
let bcjust = ·-all-just {a = just a} {b = b · c} associated .proj₂ in
bcjust , associated
force-assoc : {a b c : Maybe X} Is-just ((a ·′ b) ·′ c) (a ·′ b) ·′ c a ·′ (b ·′ c) × Is-just (a ·′ (b ·′ c))
force-assoc {a} {b} {c} p = helper p (all-just-ab .proj₁) (all-just-ab .proj₂) (all-just .proj₂) where
all-just = ·-all-just {a = a ·′ b} {b = c} p
all-just-ab = ·-all-just {a = a} {b = b} (all-just .proj₁)
helper : {a b c} Is-just ((a ·′ b) ·′ c) Is-just a Is-just b Is-just c ((a ·′ b) ·′ c) (a ·′ (b ·′ c)) × Is-just (a ·′ (b ·′ c))
helper abcj (anyjust x) (anyjust x₁) (anyjust x₂) = ·-assoc , subst Is-just ·-assoc abcj
force-assoc-sym : {a b c : Maybe X} Is-just (a ·′ (b ·′ c)) a ·′ (b ·′ c) (a ·′ b) ·′ c × Is-just ((a ·′ b) ·′ c)
force-assoc-sym {a} {b} {c} p = helper p (all-just .proj₁) (all-just-bc .proj₁) (all-just-bc .proj₂) where
all-just = ·-all-just {a = a} {b = b ·′ c} p
all-just-bc = ·-all-just {a = b} {b = c} (all-just .proj₂)
helper : {a b c} Is-just (a ·′ (b ·′ c)) Is-just a Is-just b Is-just c a ·′ (b ·′ c) (a ·′ b) ·′ c × Is-just ((a ·′ b) ·′ c)
helper abcj (anyjust x) (anyjust x₁) (anyjust x₂) = (sym ·-assoc) , (subst Is-just (sym ·-assoc) abcj)
[a₁a₂][b₁b₂]-is-just : Is-just ((a₁ · a₂) ·′ (b₁ · b₂))
[a₁a₂][b₁b₂]-is-just = subst Is-just (x-split cong₂ _ a-split b-split) (anyjust tt)
a₁[a₂[b₁b₂]]-is-just : Is-just (just a₁ ·′ (just a₂ ·′ (b₁ · b₂)))
a₁[a₂[b₁b₂]]-is-just = force-assoc {a = just a₁} {b = just a₂} {c = b₁ · b₂} [a₁a₂][b₁b₂]-is-just .proj₂
a₁[[a₂b₁]b₂]-is-just : Is-just (just a₁ ·′ ((a₂ · b₁) ·′ just b₂))
a₁[[a₂b₁]b₂]-is-just = subst (λ x Is-just (just a₁ ·′ x)) (sym ·-assoc) a₁[a₂[b₁b₂]]-is-just
a₁[[b₁a₂]b₂]-is-just : Is-just (just a₁ ·′ ((b₁ · a₂) ·′ just b₂))
a₁[[b₁a₂]b₂]-is-just = subst (λ x Is-just (just a₁ ·′ (x ·′ just b₂))) ·-comm a₁[[a₂b₁]b₂]-is-just
a₁[b₁[a₂b₂]]-is-just : Is-just (just a₁ ·′ (just b₁ ·′ (a₂ · b₂)))
a₁[b₁[a₂b₂]]-is-just = subst (λ x Is-just (just a₁ ·′ x)) ·-assoc a₁[[b₁a₂]b₂]-is-just
[a₁b₁][a₂b₂]-is-just : Is-just ((a₁ · b₁) ·′ (a₂ · b₂))
[a₁b₁][a₂b₂]-is-just = force-assoc-sym {a = just a₁} {b = just b₁} {c = a₂ · b₂} a₁[b₁[a₂b₂]]-is-just .proj₂
witness2 : {m : Maybe X} Is-just m Σ X (λ x just x m)
witness2 (anyjust {x = x} _) = x , refl
xsplit : just x (a₁ · b₁) ·′ (a₂ · b₂)
xsplit = x-split cong₂ _ a-split b-split
force-assoc {a = just a₁} {b = just a₂} {c = b₁ · b₂} [a₁a₂][b₁b₂]-is-just .proj₁
cong (just a₁ ·_) (sym ·-assoc cong ( just b₂) ·-comm ·-assoc)
force-assoc-sym {a = just a₁} {b = just b₁} {c = a₂ · b₂} a₁[b₁[a₂b₂]]-is-just .proj₁
just-pieces = ·-all-just {a = a₁ · b₁} {b = a₂ · b₂} [a₁b₁][a₂b₂]-is-just
x1w = witness2 (just-pieces .proj₁)
x2w = witness2 (just-pieces .proj₂)
x₁ = x1w .proj₁
x₂ = x2w .proj₁
xproof : just x x₁ · x₂
xproof = subst₂ (λ z1 z2 just x (z1 ·′ z2)) (sym (x1w .proj₂)) (sym (x2w .proj₂)) xsplit

src/AOP/NBE.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
module NBE where
open import Data.Nat
-- Consider this encoding of natural numbers
data SNat : Set where
zero : SNat
one : SNat
add : SNat SNat SNat
x x' y y' z z' : SNat
-- Along with a specification for when two natural numbers are equal
data _≈_ : SNat SNat Set where
add-zero : add zero x x
add-one : add one x add x one
add-any : add (add x y) z add x (add y z)
≈-refl : x x
≈-sym : x y y x
≈-trans : x y y z x z
≈-cong : x x' y y' add x y add x' y'
-- Our encoding is rather sloppy because it allows
-- suboptimal representation of natural numbers.
-- observe, for e.g., it alows:
zero' : SNat
zero' = add zero (add zero zero)
-- zero' should really just be zero!
-- observe that the spec agrees:
_ : zero' zero
_ = ≈-trans add-zero add-zero
-- let's write a *correct* optimizer for our sloppy encoding in three phases:
-- 1. evaluation: compiling our sloppy nats into Agda's default and optimal nats
-- 2. reification: reconstructing optimal nats in our original encoding
-- 3. correctness: prove that optimisation is correct
-- phase 1: evaluation
eval : SNat
eval x = {!!}
-- phase 2: reification
reify : SNat
reify n = {!!}
-- optimisation is just composition! hurray!
optimise : SNat SNat
optimise x = reify (eval x)
-- phase 3: correctness
correct : x optimise x x
correct x = {!!}