This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-11-05 01:08:16 -06:00
parent fd9f01f914
commit e02f49c46d
6 changed files with 256 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Misc.FiveLemma.FiveLemmaGroup where
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Unit
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties
renaming (rec to propTruncRec ; map to propTruncMap ; rec2 to propTruncRec2 ; map2 to propTruncMap2 ; elim to propTruncElim)
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Misc.FiveLemma.GroupMorphisms
open BijectionIso'
open IsGroupHom
open GroupStr using (1g)
' : Level
isExact : {A B C : Group } → (f : GroupHom A B) → (g : GroupHom B C) → Type
isExact {B = B} f g = (b : ⟨ B ⟩) → (isInKer g b) ≃ (isInIm' f b)
module _
(A B C D E A' B' C' D' E' : Group )
(f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B C) (h : GroupHom C D) (j : GroupHom D E)
(l : GroupHom A A') (m : BijectionIso' B B') (n : GroupHom C C') (p : BijectionIso' D D') (q : GroupHom E E')
(r : GroupHom A' B') (s : GroupHom B' C') (t : GroupHom C' D') (u : GroupHom D' E')
(fg : isExact f g) (gh : isExact g h) (hj : isExact h j)
(rs : isExact r s) (st : isExact s t) (tu : isExact t u)
(lEpi : isSurjective' l)
(qMono : isMono q)
(sq1 : (a : fst A) → r .fst (l .fst a) ≡ m .fun .fst (f .fst a))
(sq2 : (b : fst B) → s .fst (m .fun .fst b) ≡ n .fst (g .fst b))
(sq3 : (c : fst C) → t .fst (n .fst c) ≡ p .fun .fst (h .fst c))
(sq4 : (d : fst D) → u .fst (p .fun .fst d) ≡ q .fst (j .fst d))
sur : isSurjective' n
-- Let c be an element of C.
sur c' =
d' : ⟨ D' ⟩
d' = t .fst c'
-- Since p is surjective, there exists an element d in D with p(d) = t(c).
pGroupIso = BijectionIso'→GroupIso p
pIso = pGroupIso .fst
pInv = Iso.inv pIso
d = ⟨ D ⟩
d = pInv d'
p[d]≡t[c'] : p .fun .fst d ≡ t .fst c'
p[d]≡t[c'] = Iso.rightInv pIso d'
u[p[d]] : ⟨ E' ⟩
u[p[d]] = u .fst (p .fun .fst d)
j[d] : ⟨ E ⟩
j[d] = j .fst d
q[j[d]] : ⟨ E' ⟩
q[j[d]] = q .fst j[d]
u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] : u[p[d]] ≡ q[j[d]]
u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] = sq4 d
d'-in-ker[u] : isInKer u d'
d'-in-ker[u] =
let im[t]→ker[u] = invIsEq (tu d' .snd) in
im[t]→ker[u] (c' , refl)
u[p[d]]≡0 : u[p[d]] ≡ E' .snd .1g
u[p[d]]≡0 = cong (u .fst) p[d]≡t[c'] ∙ d'-in-ker[u]
q[j[d]]≡0 : q[j[d]] ≡ E' .snd .1g
q[j[d]]≡0 = sym u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] ∙ u[p[d]]≡0
j[d]≡0 : j[d] ≡ E .snd .1g
j[d]≡0 = qMono (q[j[d]]≡0 ∙ sym (q .snd .IsGroupHom.pres1))
d-in-ker[j] : isInKer j d
d-in-ker[j] = j[d]≡0
d-in-im[h] : isInIm' h d
d-in-im[h] =
let ker[j]→im[h] = hj d .fst in
ker[j]→im[h] d-in-ker[j]
c : ⟨ C ⟩
c = d-in-im[h] .fst
h[c]≡d : h .fst c ≡ d
h[c]≡d = d-in-im[h] .snd
n[c] : ⟨ C' ⟩
n[c] = n .fst c
t[n[c]]≡p[h[c]] : t .fst n[c] ≡ p .fun .fst (h .fst c)
t[n[c]]≡p[h[c]] = sq3 c
t[n[c]]≡t[c'] : t .fst n[c] ≡ t .fst c'
t[n[c]]≡t[c'] =
t .fst n[c] ≡⟨ t[n[c]]≡p[h[c]] ⟩
p .fun .fst (h .fst c) ≡⟨ cong (p .fun .fst) h[c]≡d ⟩
p .fun .fst d ≡⟨ p[d]≡t[c'] ⟩
t .fst c' ∎
c'-n[c] : ⟨ C' ⟩
c'-n[c] = let open GroupStr (C' .snd) in c' · (inv n[c])
t[c'-n[c]]≡0 : t .fst c'-n[c] ≡ D' .snd .1g
t[c'-n[c]]≡0 =
let open GroupStr (C' .snd) renaming (_·_ to _·ᶜ_; inv to invᶜ) in
let open GroupStr (D' .snd) renaming (_·_ to _·ᵈ_; inv to invᵈ) hiding (isGroup) in
t .fst (c' ·ᶜ (invᶜ n[c])) ≡⟨ t .snd .pres· c' (invᶜ n[c]) ⟩
(t .fst c') ·ᵈ (t .fst (invᶜ n[c])) ≡⟨ cong ((t .fst c') ·ᵈ_) (t .snd .presinv n[c]) ⟩
(t .fst c') ·ᵈ (invᵈ (t .fst n[c])) ≡⟨ cong (λ z → (t .fst c') ·ᵈ (invᵈ z)) t[n[c]]≡t[c'] ⟩
(t .fst c') ·ᵈ (invᵈ (t .fst c')) ≡⟨ cong ((t .fst c') ·ᵈ_) (sym (t .snd .presinv c')) ⟩
(t .fst c') ·ᵈ (t .fst (invᶜ c')) ≡⟨ sym (t .snd .pres· c' (invᶜ c')) ⟩
t .fst (c' ·ᶜ (invᶜ c')) ≡⟨ cong (t .fst) (IsGroup.·InvR isGroup c') ⟩
t .fst (C' .snd .1g) ≡⟨ t .snd .pres1 ⟩
D' .snd .1g ∎
[c'-n[c]]-in-ker[t] : isInKer t c'-n[c]
[c'-n[c]]-in-ker[t] = t[c'-n[c]]≡0
[c'-n[c]]-in-im[s] : isInIm' s c'-n[c]
[c'-n[c]]-in-im[s] =
let ker[t]→im[s] = st c'-n[c] .fst in
ker[t]→im[s] [c'-n[c]]-in-ker[t]
b' : ⟨ B' ⟩
b' = [c'-n[c]]-in-im[s] .fst
s[b']≡c'-n[c] : s .fst b' ≡ c'-n[c]
s[b']≡c'-n[c] = [c'-n[c]]-in-im[s] .snd
mGroupIso = BijectionIso'→GroupIso m
mIso = mGroupIso .fst
mInv = Iso.inv mIso
b : ⟨ B ⟩
b = mInv b'
m[b]≡b' : m .fun .fst b ≡ b'
m[b]≡b' = Iso.rightInv mIso b'
s[m[b]]≡s[b'] : s .fst (m .fun .fst b) ≡ s .fst b'
s[m[b]]≡s[b'] = cong (s .fst) m[b]≡b'
s[m[b]]≡c'-n[c] : s .fst (m .fun .fst b) ≡ c'-n[c]
s[m[b]]≡c'-n[c] = s[m[b]]≡s[b'] ∙ s[b']≡c'-n[c]
n[g[b]] : ⟨ C' ⟩
n[g[b]] = n .fst (g .fst b)
n[g[b]]≡s[m[b]] : n[g[b]] ≡ s .fst (m .fun .fst b)
n[g[b]]≡s[m[b]] = sym (sq2 b)
n[g[b]]≡c'-n[c] : n[g[b]] ≡ c'-n[c]
n[g[b]]≡c'-n[c] = n[g[b]]≡s[m[b]] ∙ s[m[b]]≡c'-n[c]
n[g[b]]+n[c]≡c' : C' .snd .GroupStr._·_ n[g[b]] n[c] ≡ c'
n[g[b]]+n[c]≡c' =
let open GroupStr (C' .snd) in
cong (_· n[c]) n[g[b]]≡c'-n[c] ∙ sym (·Assoc c' (inv n[c]) n[c]) ∙ cong (c' ·_) (·InvL n[c]) ∙ ·IdR c'
in c , {! !}
mono : isMono n
mono x = {! !}
lemma : isIso (n .fst)
lemma = gg , {! !} , {! !} where
gg : C' .fst → C .fst
gg c' = {! !}

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
-- I'm doing this just because isInIm is defined to be a mere prop
-- Not sure why it's defined this way yet
-- TODO: Find out
module Misc.FiveLemma.GroupMorphisms where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
' : Level
G H : Group
isInIm' : GroupHom G H H Type _
isInIm' {G = G} ϕ h = Σ[ g G ] ϕ .fst g h
Im' : GroupHom G H Type _
Im' {H = H} ϕ = Σ[ x H ] isInIm' ϕ x
isSurjective' : GroupHom G H Type _
isSurjective' {H = H} ϕ = (x : H ) isInIm' ϕ x
-- Group bijections
record BijectionIso' (G : Group ) (H : Group ') : Type (-max ') where
constructor bijIso'
fun : GroupHom G H
inj : isInjective fun
surj : isSurjective' fun
module _ where
open GroupStr
open BijectionIso'
BijectionIso'→GroupIso : BijectionIso' G H GroupIso G H
BijectionIso'→GroupIso {G = G} {H = H} i = grIso
f = fst (fun i)
helper : (b : _) isProp (Σ[ a G ] f a b)
helper _ (a , ha) (b , hb) =
Σ≡Prop (λ _ is-set (snd H) _ _)
(isInjective→isMono (fun i) (inj i) (ha sym hb) )
grIso : GroupIso G H
grIso = iso f g fg gf , snd (fun i) where
g = λ b rec (helper b) (λ a a) (surj i b) ∣₁ .fst
fg = λ b rec (helper b) (λ a a) (surj i b) ∣₁ .snd
gf = λ b j rec (helper (f b)) (λ a a) (squash₁ (surj i (f b)) ∣₁ (b , refl) ∣₁ j) .fst

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@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Misc.FiveLemmaGroup where
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Unit
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties
renaming (rec to propTruncRec ; map to propTruncMap ; rec2 to propTruncRec2 ; map2 to propTruncMap2 ; elim to propTruncElim)
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open BijectionIso
open GroupStr
' : Level
isExact : {A B C : Group } → (f : GroupHom A B) → (g : GroupHom B C) → Type
isExact f g = Ker g ≃ Im f
module _
(A B C D E A' B' C' D' E' : Group )
(f : GroupHom A B) (g : GroupHom B C) (h : GroupHom C D) (j : GroupHom D E)
(l : GroupHom A A') (m : BijectionIso B B') (n : GroupHom C C') (p : BijectionIso D D') (q : GroupHom E E')
(r : GroupHom A' B') (s : GroupHom B' C') (t : GroupHom C' D') (u : GroupHom D' E')
(fg : isExact f g) (gh : isExact g h) (hj : isExact h j)
(rs : isExact r s) (st : isExact s t) (tu : isExact t u)
(lEpi : isSurjective l)
(qMono : isMono q)
(sq1 : (a : fst A) → r .fst (l .fst a) ≡ m .fun .fst (f .fst a))
(sq2 : (b : fst B) → s .fst (m .fun .fst b) ≡ n .fst (g .fst b))
(sq3 : (c : fst C) → t .fst (n .fst c) ≡ p .fun .fst (h .fst c))
(sq4 : (d : fst D) → u .fst (p .fun .fst d) ≡ q .fst (j .fst d))
sur : isSurjective n
-- Let c be an element of C.
sur c' =
d' : fst D'
d' = t .fst c'
-- Since p is surjective, there exists an element d in D with p(d) = t(c).
d : ∥ ⟨ D ⟩ ∥₁
d = propTruncMap fst (p .surj d')
-- By commutativity of the diagram, u(p(d)) = q(j(d)).
u[p[d]] : ∥ ⟨ E' ⟩ ∥₁
u[p[d]] = propTruncMap (λ d → u .fst (p .fun .fst d)) d
u[t[c']] : ∥ ⟨ E' ⟩ ∥₁
u[t[c']] = (u .fst (t .fst c')) ∣₁
u[p[d]]≡u[t[c']] : u[p[d]] ≡ u[t[c']]
u[p[d]]≡u[t[c']] = squash₁ u[p[d]] u[t[c']]
q[j[d]] : ∥ ⟨ E' ⟩ ∥₁
q[j[d]] = propTruncMap2 (λ e' d → subst (λ _ → ⟨ E' ⟩) (sq4 d) e') u[p[d]] d
u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] : u[p[d]] ≡ q[j[d]]
u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] = squash₁ u[p[d]] q[j[d]]
j[d] = ∥ ⟨ E ⟩ ∥₁
j[d] = propTruncMap (λ d → j .fst d) d
-- Since im t = ker u by exactness, 0 = u(t(c)) = u(p(d)) = q(j(d)).
-- d' is in the kernel of u
d'-ker-u : Ker u
d'-ker-u = invIsEq (tu .snd) (d' , (c' , refl) ∣₁)
u[t[c']]≡0 : isInKer u (fst d'-ker-u)
u[t[c']]≡0 = snd d'-ker-u
q[j[d]]≡0 : q[j[d]] ≡ (E' .snd .1g) ∣₁
q[j[d]]≡0 = squash₁ q[j[d]] (E' .snd .1g) ∣₁
-- q[j[d]]≡0 = sym u[p[d]]≡q[j[d]] ∙ {! !} ∙ cong _₁ u[t[c']]≡0
j[d]≡0 : j[d] ≡ (E .snd .1g) ∣₁
j[d]≡0 = {! !}
-- let pSurj = p .surj in
-- let t[c'] = t .fst c' in
-- let step1 = pSurj t[c'] in
-- let d-thing = snd D in
-- let d-is-group = isPropIsGroup {! !} {! !} {! !} in
-- let step2 = propTruncRec {! !} (λ x → fst x) step1 in
{! !}
mono : isMono n
mono x = {! !}
lemma : isIso (n .fst)
lemma = gg , {! !} , {! !} where
gg : C' .fst → C .fst
gg c' = {! !}