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This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 201 additions and 166 deletions
@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
This book tracks my current research goals and progress.
- [Source](https://git.mzhang.io/school/type-theory)
- [Git repository](https://git.mzhang.io/school/type-theory)
<!-- ```dot process
digraph {
**Current research:** Formalizing spectral sequences in cubical Agda.
subgraph cluster_exploration {
label = "random cloud of exploration" {
mayconcise [label="concise course" URL="https://git.mzhang.io/school/type-theory/raw/branch/master/resources/MayConcise/ConciseRevised.pdf"]
hott [label = "hott book" URL="https://hott.github.io/book/hott-ebook.pdf.html"]
## Resources
subgraph cluster_thesis {
label = "thesis" {
``` -->
I have scaled down some of these materials to eBook size, for easier reading on mobile phones. The original full PDFs are linked as well.
Homotopy Type Theory Book
On the Formalization of Higher Inductive Types and Synthetic Homotopy Theory, by Floris van Doorn (2018)
A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, by J.P. May (2007)
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter1 where
-- TODO:
open import Cubical.Core.Everything public
## 1.7 Coproduct types
data ⊥ {l : Level} : Type l where
## 1.11 Propositions as types
infix 3 ¬_
¬_ : ∀ {l : Level} (A : Set l) → Set l
¬_ {l} A = A → ⊥ {l}
## 1.12 Identity types
to-path : ∀ {l} {A : Type l} → (f : I → A) → Path A (f i0) (f i1)
to-path f i = f i
refl : {l : Level} {A : Type l} {x : A} → x ≡ x
refl {x = x} = to-path (λ i → x)
### 1.12.3 Disequality
_≢_ : {A : Type} (x y : A) → Type
_≢_ x y = (p : x ≡ y) → ⊥
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter1Exercises where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Core.Primitives public
open import Data.Empty
refl : {ℓ : Level} {A : Set ℓ} {x : A} → Path A x x
refl {x = x} = λ i → x
-- Exercise 1.1. Given functions f : A → B and g : B → C, define their composite g ◦ f : A → C. Show that we have h ◦ (g ◦ f ) ≡ (h ◦ g) ◦ f .
infix 10 _∘_
_∘_ : {A B C : Set} → (g : B → C) → (f : A → B) → A → C
(g ∘ f) a = g (f a)
exercise-1-1 : {A B C D : Set}
→ (f : A → B)
→ (g : B → C)
→ (h : C → D)
→ h ∘ (g ∘ f) ≡ (h ∘ g) ∘ f
exercise-1-1 f g h = refl {x = h ∘ (g ∘ f)}
-- TODO: Explain how this works
-- Exercise 1.11. Show that for any type A, we have ¬¬¬A → ¬A.
¬_ : (A : Set) → Set
¬ A = ⊥
exercise-1-11 : {A : Set} → ¬ (¬ (¬ A)) → ¬ A
exercise-1-11 ()
@ -1,69 +1,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter2 where
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import CubicalHott.Chapter1
# 2.1 Types are higher groupoids
lemma-2-1-2 : {A : Set}
→ {x y z : A}
→ x ≡ y
→ y ≡ z
→ x ≡ z
lemma-2-1-2 {A} {x} p q i = hcomp (λ j → λ { (i = i0) → x ; (i = i1) → q j }) (p i)
_∙_ = lemma-2-1-2
# 2.2 Functions are functors
lemma-2-2-1 : {A B : Set} {x y : A}
→ (f : A → B)
→ x ≡ y
→ f x ≡ f y
lemma-2-2-1 f p i = f (p i)
ap = lemma-2-2-1
# 2.4 Homotopies and equivalences
definition-2-4-1 : {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (f g : (x : A) → P x)
→ Set
definition-2-4-1 {A} f g = (x : A) → f x ≡ g x
_∼_ = definition-2-4-1
lemma-2-4-2-1 : {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (f : (x : A) → P x)
→ f ∼ f
lemma-2-4-2-1 f x i = f x
lemma-2-4-2-2 : {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (f g : (x : A) → P x)
→ (f∼g : f ∼ g)
→ g ∼ f
lemma-2-4-2-2 f g f∼g x i = f∼g x (~ i)
lemma-2-4-2-3 : {A : Set} {P : A → Set}
→ (f g h : (x : A) → P x)
→ (f∼g : f ∼ g)
→ (g∼h : g ∼ h)
→ f ∼ h
lemma-2-4-2-3 {A} f g h f∼g g∼h x = (f∼g x) ∙ (g∼h x)
-- TODO: Wtf how does this work?
lemma-2-4-3 : {A B : Set}
→ (f g : A → B)
→ (H : f ∼ g)
→ {x y : A}
→ (p : x ≡ y)
→ (H x ∙ ap g p) ≡ (ap f p ∙ H y)
lemma-2-4-3 f g H {x} {y} p i =
{! !}
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter2Exercises where
-- Exercise 2.4. Define, by induction on n, a general notion of n-dimensional
-- path in a type A, simultaneously with the type of boundaries for such paths.
-- Exercise 2.13. Show that (2 ≃ 2) ≃ 2.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter3 where
open import CubicalHott.Chapter1
### Definition 3.1.1
isSet : {l : Level} (A : Type l) → Type l
isSet A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
### Example 3.1.9
example3∙1∙9 : {l : Level} → ¬ (isSet (Type l))
example3∙1∙9 p =
{! !}
open import Data.Bool
f : Bool → Bool
f false = true
f true = false
### Definition 3.3.1
isProp : (P : Type) → Type
isProp P = (x y : P) → x ≡ y
## 3.7 Propositional truncation
module section3∙7 where
data ∥_∥ (A : Set) : Set where
∣_∣ : (a : A) → ∥ A ∥
witness : (x y : ∥ A ∥) → x ≡ y
open section3∙7
## 3.8 The axiom of choice
### Equation 3.8.1 (axiom of choice AC)
AC : {X : Type} {A : X → Type} {P : (x : X) → A x → Type}
→ ((x : X) → ∥ Σ (A x) (λ a → P x a) ∥)
→ ∥ Σ ((x : X) → A x) (λ g → (x : X) → P x (g x)) ∥
### Lemma 3.8.5
## 3.9 The principle of unique choice
### Lemma 3.9.1
lemma3∙9∙1 : {P : Type} → isProp P → P ≃ ∥ P ∥
lemma3∙9∙1 prop = ∣_∣ , {! !}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module CubicalHott.Chapter6 where
open import CubicalHott.Chapter1
## 6.4 Circles and spheres
data S¹ : Type where
base : S¹
loop : base ≡ base
### Lemma 6.4.1
lemma6∙4∙1 : loop ≢ refl
lemma6∙4∙1 p = {! !}
@ -41,8 +41,44 @@ isSet A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
### Example 3.1.4
-- ℕ-is-Set : isSet ℕ
-- ℕ-is-Set =
ℕ-is-Set : isSet ℕ
ℕ-is-Set zero zero refl refl = refl
ℕ-is-Set (suc x) (suc y) refl refl = refl
### Example 3.1.5
TODO: DO this without path induction
×-Set : {A B : Set} → isSet A → isSet B → isSet (A × B)
×-Set {A} {B} A-set B-set (xa , xb) (ya , yb) refl refl =
open theorem2∙6∙2
-- p-pair = definition2∙6∙1 p
-- q-pair = definition2∙6∙1 q
-- a-eq = A-set xa ya (Σ.fst p-pair) (Σ.fst q-pair)
-- b-eq = B-set xb yb (Σ.snd p-pair) (Σ.snd q-pair)
-- overall = pair-≡ {xa ≡ ya} {xb ≡ yb} {p-pair} {q-pair} (a-eq , b-eq)
in refl
### Definition 3.1.7
is-1-type : (A : Set) → Set
is-1-type A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → (r s : p ≡ q) → r ≡ s
### Lemma 3.1.8
lemma3∙1∙8 : {A : Set} → isSet A → is-1-type A
lemma3∙1∙8 {A} A-set x y p q r s =
{! !}
### Example 3.1.9
@ -176,58 +212,28 @@ lemma3∙3∙2 {P} pp x0 =
### Definition 3.4.3
#### i. Decidability of types
-- decidable : (A : Set) → Set
-- decidable A = A ⊎ ¬ A
module definition3∙4∙3 where
data decidable (A : Set) : Set where
proof : A + (¬ A) → decidable A
data decidable2 {A : Set} (B : A → Set) : Set where
proof : (a : A) → (B a + (¬ (B a))) → decidable2 B
data decidable-equality (A : Set) : Set where
proof : (a b : A) → ((a ≡ b) + (¬ a ≡ b)) → decidable-equality A
#### ii. Decidability of type families
## 3.5 Subsets and propositional resizing
-- dep-decidable : {A : Set} → (B : A → Set) → Set
-- dep-decidable {A} B = (a : A) → (B a ⊎ ¬ B a)
#### iii. Decidable equality
-- decidable-equality : (A : Set) → Set
-- decidable-equality A = (a b : A) → (a ≡ b) ⊎ ¬ (a ≡ b)
So I think the interesting property about this is that normally a function f
would return something of the type a ≡ b, which for any a and b would always
produce that one path. But there could exist other functions that produce
different paths, like (g : ... → a ≡ b).
What this (a ≡ b) ⊎ ¬ (a ≡ b) business is saying is: if f couldn't produce a
path, then **NO** other functions will ever be able to produce paths (along with
a proof that this is true). This means f is _exclusively_ the deciding factor
for whether a and b are equal under this type, and it's the only one that mints
paths for a ≡ b.
> 2. In case you are looking for advanced exercises, you can try to prove that
> any type with decidable equality is a set.
## 3.7 Propositional truncation
-- decidable-equality-is-set : (A : Set) → decidable-equality A → isSet A
-- decidable-equality-is-set A f x y p q =
-- let
-- res = f x y
-- -- We can eliminate the bottom case because if p and q exist, it must be inj₁
-- center : x ≡ y
-- center = [ (λ p′ → p′) , (λ p′ → ⊥-elim (p′ _)) ] (f x y)
-- -- What i want is: given any path x ≡ y, prove that it equals this inj₁ (res f x y)
-- guarantee : (p′ : x ≡ y) → center ≡ p′
-- guarantee p′ = J (λ the what → the ≡ p′) ? ?
-- info = ?
-- in
-- J (λ the what → p ≡ ?) refl ?
module section3∙7 where
data ∥_∥ (A : Set) : Set where
∣_∣ : (a : A) → ∥ A ∥
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