wrap up advent of proof

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Michael Zhang 2024-12-24 12:21:29 -05:00
parent d9faaaeeb1
commit e61bbcbbbf
2 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ optimise : SNat → SNat
optimise x = reify (eval x)
-- phase 3: correctness
reify-hom : m n reify (m + n) add (reify m) (reify n)
reify-hom zero n = ≈-sym add-zero
reify-hom (suc m) n =
let IH = reify-hom m n in
{! !}
correct : x optimise x x
correct zero = ≈-refl
correct one = ≈-refl

src/AOP/Tiling.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
open import Data.Fin.Base as Fin hiding (_+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc; +-identityʳ; suc-pred)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Empty
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Bool using (true;false)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat as hiding (_≟_; _<?_)
open import Data.Fin.Properties
-- pow2 k returns 2^k.
pow2 :
pow2 0 = 1
pow2 (suc n) = pow2 n + pow2 n
-- Use this instead of the constructor zero for the type Fin (pow2 m)
-- as Agda has trouble seeing that pow2 m is always > 0.
zero : {m} Fin (pow2 m)
zero {zero} = zero
zero {suc m} = raise (pow2 m) (zero {m})
-- splitAt is injective
splitAt-inj : j k (x y : Fin (k + j)) splitAt k x splitAt k y x y
splitAt-inj j zero x .x refl = refl
splitAt-inj j (suc k) zero zero e = refl
splitAt-inj j (suc k) zero (suc y) e with splitAt k y
splitAt-inj j (suc k) zero (suc y) () | inj₁ x
splitAt-inj j (suc k) zero (suc y) () | inj₂ y₁
splitAt-inj j (suc k) (suc x) zero e with splitAt k x
splitAt-inj j (suc k) (suc x) zero () | inj₁ x₁
splitAt-inj j (suc k) (suc x) zero () | inj₂ y
splitAt-inj j (suc k) (suc x) (suc y) e = cong suc (splitAt-inj j k x y (lemma e))
lemma : {j k}{x y : Fin k Fin j} Data.Sum.map₁ Fin.suc x Data.Sum.map₁ Fin.suc y x y
lemma {x = inj₁ x} {y = inj₁ _} refl = refl
lemma {x = inj₁ x} {y = inj₂ y} ()
lemma {x = inj₂ y} {y = inj₁ x} ()
lemma {x = inj₂ y} {y = inj₂ _} refl = refl
-- There are four types of Trionimoes
data TriType : Set where
L : TriType -- #.
-- ##
rL : TriType -- ##
-- #.
rrL : TriType -- ##
-- .#
rrrL : TriType -- .#
-- ##
data Board : Set where
-- A board may be empty (of any size)
Empty : w h Board w h
-- A board may consist of a single trionimo in the center.
-- For convenience, the single-trionimo board may be any square with side length 2^k for k ≥ 1
Triomino : w TriType Board (pow2 (suc w)) (pow2 (suc w))
-- We may stack two boards (of the same size) on top of each other
Stack : {w}{h} Board w h Board w h Board w h
-- We may widen a board, leaving all tiles at the same place.
Widen : {w} w {h} Board w h Board (w + w) h
-- Similarly we may heighten a board, leaving all tiles at the same place.
Heighten : {w}{h} h Board w h Board w (h + h)
-- We may also widen a board, moving all tiles to the right.
MoveRight : {w} w {h} Board w h Board (w + w) h
-- We may also heighten a board, moving all tiles downwards.
MoveDown : {w}{h} h Board w h Board w (h + h)
variable w h :
-- The meaning of a board is a footprint: a function from x and y coordinates to the number of
-- tiles stacked at that location.
-- N.B: I am too used to old school graphics programming so I assumed y = 0 was at the top, not the bottom.
-- Not sure it actually matters though.
Footprint : Set
Footprint w h = Fin w Fin h
-- The meaning of each trionimo. We split the board into four quadrants, and place a single tile
-- in the inner corners of three out of the four quadrants.
l-fp : m Footprint (pow2 (suc m)) (pow2 (suc m))
l-fp m rx ry with splitAt (pow2 m) rx | splitAt (pow2 m) ry
l-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₁ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
l-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₂ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
l-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₁ y = 0
l-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₂ y with x zero {m} | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rl-fp : m Footprint (pow2 (suc m)) (pow2 (suc m))
rl-fp m rx ry with splitAt (pow2 m) rx | splitAt (pow2 m) ry
rl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₁ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₂ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₁ y with x zero {m} | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₂ y = 0
rrl-fp : m Footprint (pow2 (suc m)) (pow2 (suc m))
rrl-fp m rx ry with splitAt (pow2 m) rx | splitAt (pow2 m) ry
rrl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₁ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rrl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₂ y = 0
rrl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₁ y with x zero {m} | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rrl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₂ y with x zero {m} | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rrrl-fp : m Footprint (pow2 (suc m)) (pow2 (suc m))
rrrl-fp m rx ry with splitAt (pow2 m) rx | splitAt (pow2 m) ry
rrrl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₁ y = 0
rrrl-fp m rx ry | inj₁ x | inj₂ y with x opposite (zero {m}) | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rrrl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₁ y with x zero {m} | y opposite (zero {m})
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
rrrl-fp m rx ry | inj₂ x | inj₂ y with x zero {m} | y zero {m}
... | yes _ | yes _ = 1
... | _ | _ = 0
-- The meaning assignment for boards in terms of footprints
⟦_⟧ : Board w h Footprint w h
Empty w h x y = 0
Triomino m L x y = l-fp m x y
Triomino m rL x y = rl-fp m x y
Triomino m rrL x y = rrl-fp m x y
Triomino m rrrL x y = rrrl-fp m x y
Stack b b₁ x y = b x y + b₁ x y
Widen {w} o₁ b x y = [ (λ p b p y) , (λ _ 0) ] (splitAt w x)
Heighten {_}{h} o₁ b x y = [ (λ p b x p) , (λ _ 0) ] (splitAt h y)
MoveRight o b x y = [ (λ _ 0) , (λ x₁ b x₁ y) ] (splitAt o x)
MoveDown o b x y = [ (λ _ 0) , (λ y₁ b x y₁) ] (splitAt o y)
-- A utility function to place four boards of size (pow2 m) into the four quadrants giving a board of size (pow2 (suc m))
-- four_boards m a b c d
-- <-2*2^m->
-- |-----------|
-- | a | b | ^
-- |-----|-----| 2*2^m
-- | c | d | v
-- |-----------|
four-boards : m (a b c d : Board (pow2 m) (pow2 m)) Board (pow2 (suc m)) (pow2 (suc m))
four-boards m a b c d = Stack (Widen (pow2 m) (Heighten (pow2 m) a))
(Stack (MoveRight (pow2 m) (Heighten (pow2 m) b))
(Stack (Widen (pow2 m) (MoveDown (pow2 m) c))
(MoveRight (pow2 m) (MoveDown (pow2 m) d))))
-- These lemmas about four_boards
-- are useful if you already know which quadrant your coordinates are in
fb-lemma₁ : m (a b c d : Board (pow2 m) (pow2 m)){hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₁ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₁ y
four-boards m a b c d hx hy a x y
fb-lemma₁ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
fb-lemma₁ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = +-identityʳ _
fb-lemma₂ : m (a b c d : Board (pow2 m) (pow2 m)){hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₂ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₁ y
four-boards m a b c d hx hy b x y
fb-lemma₂ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
fb-lemma₂ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = +-identityʳ _
fb-lemma₃ : m (a b c d : Board (pow2 m) (pow2 m)){hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₁ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₂ y
four-boards m a b c d hx hy c x y
fb-lemma₃ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
fb-lemma₃ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = +-identityʳ _
fb-lemma₄ : m (a b c d : Board (pow2 m) (pow2 m)){hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₂ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₂ y
four-boards m a b c d hx hy d x y
fb-lemma₄ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
fb-lemma₄ m a b c d {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = refl
-- These lemmas about each triomino
-- show that each triomino has one quadrant that is totally empty.
l-lemma : m {hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₂ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₁ y
l-fp m hx hy 0
l-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
l-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = refl
rl-lemma : m {hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₂ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₂ y
rl-fp m hx hy 0
rl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
rl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = refl
rrl-lemma : m {hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₁ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₂ y
rrl-fp m hx hy 0
rrl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
rrl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = refl
rrrl-lemma : m {hx hy}{x y}
splitAt (pow2 m) hx inj₁ x splitAt (pow2 m) hy inj₁ y
rrrl-fp m hx hy 0
rrrl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} e₁ e₂ with splitAt (pow2 m) hx | splitAt (pow2 m) hy
rrrl-lemma m {hx = hx}{hy} refl refl | ._ | ._ = refl
-- The main theorem:
-- Given a number m and a coordinate (hx,hy), we can produce a
-- board of size 2^m x 2^m, where every space is covered by exactly
-- one triomino except for the space (hx,hy) which is left empty.
Covered_Except_ : Footprint w h Fin w × Fin h Set
Covered f Except (hx , hy) = (f hx hy 0) × ( x y ( x , y) ( hx , hy ) f x y 1)
covering : n hx hy Σ (Board (pow2 n) (pow2 n)) (λ b Covered b Except (hx , hy))
covering zero zero zero = (Empty 1 1) , refl , helper where
helper : (x y : Fin 1) (x , y) (zero , zero) 0 1
helper zero zero p = ⊥-elim (p refl)
covering (suc n) hx hy = helper (hx <? pow2n) (hy <? pow2n)
pow2n = from (pow2 n)
2ⁿ-1' = .pred (pow2 n)
-- 2ⁿ-1 : Fin (suc 2ⁿ-1')
2ⁿ-1 : Fin (pow2 n)
2ⁿ-1 = subst {! !} (suc-pred {! pow2 n !}) (from 2ⁿ-1')
defaultTopLeft = covering n {! 2ⁿ-1 !} {! !}
helper : {hx hy} (z1 : Dec (hx Fin.< pow2n)) (z2 : Dec (hy Fin.< pow2n)) Σ (Board (pow2 n + pow2 n) (pow2 n + pow2 n)) (λ b Covered b Except (hx , hy))
-- Bottom right
helper (no ¬a) (no ¬b) = {! !} , {! !}
-- Top right
helper (no ¬a) (yes b) = {! !} , {! !}
-- Bottom left
helper (yes a) (no ¬b) = {! !}
-- Top left
helper (yes a) (yes b) = {! !}