This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2024-10-16 16:04:54 -05:00
parent 140819d511
commit edf2393c2f
4 changed files with 74 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Data.Unit
lemma : {l} (n : HLevel) isOfHLevel (suc n) (TypeOfHLevel l n)
lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i = A≡B i , a≡b i , eq where
lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i = A≡B i , a≡b i , λ y j wtf i y j where
eqv1 : A B
eqv1 = isoToEquiv (iso (λ _ b) (λ _ a) Bcontr Acontr)
@ -22,8 +22,20 @@ lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i = A≡B i , a≡b i , eq where
a≡b : PathP (λ i A≡B i) a b
a≡b j = glue (λ { (j = i0) a ; (j = i1) b }) b
eq : (y : A≡B i) a≡b i y
eq y j = {! !}
eqv2 : ((y : A) a y) ((y : B) b y)
eqv2 = λ i (y : A≡B i) a≡b i y
T1 = λ { (i = i0) ((y : A) a y) ; (i = i1) ((y : B) b y) }
e1 = λ { (i = i0) pathToEquiv eqv2 ; (i = i1) idEquiv ((y : B) b y) }
Uhh = primGlue ((y : B) b y) T1 e1
uhh : Uhh
uhh = glue {T = T1} {e = e1} (λ { (i = i0) Acontr ; (i = i1) Bcontr }) λ y j {! Bcontr y j !}
wtf : PathP (λ i (y : A≡B i) a≡b i y) Acontr Bcontr
wtf = λ i y j {! !}
-- a≡b i ≡ y
-- ———— Boundary (wanted) —————————————————————————————————————
-- i = i0 ⊢ λ i₁ → Acontr y i₁
@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ lemma zero (A , a , Acontr) (B , b , Bcontr) i = A≡B i , a≡b i , eq where
-- in {! !}
lemma (suc zero) (A , A-prop) (B , B-prop) x y i j = {! !} where
lemma (suc zero) (A , A-prop) (B , B-prop) x y i j = {! !}
lemma (suc (suc n)) x y = {! !}

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module ThesisWork.Pi3S2.Step1 where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
@ -11,8 +12,33 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
-- open import ThesisWork.Pi3S2.Lemma4-1-5 renaming (lemma to lemma4-1-5)
fiberF : {l : Level} {X∙ Y∙ : Pointed l} (f : X∙ Y∙) Pointed l
fiberF {X∙ = X∙ @ (X , x)} {Y∙ = Y∙ @ (Y , y)} f∙ @ (f , f-eq) =
fiber f y , x , f-eq
-- fiber f y , x , f-eq
arrow∙ : {l : Level} Type (lsuc l)
arrow∙ {l} = Σ (Pointed l) (λ X Σ (Pointed l) (λ Y X Y))
F : {l : Level} arrow∙ {l} arrow∙ {l}
F x @ (X , Y , f) = {! fiber !} , X , {! fst !}
F (X∙ @ (X , x) , Y∙ @ (Y , y) , f∙ @ (f , f-eq)) = fiberF f∙ , X∙ , fst , refl
F⁻ : {l : Level} (n : ) arrow∙ {l} arrow∙ {l}
F⁻ zero x = x
F⁻ (suc n) x = F (F⁻ n x)
-- Given a pointed map f∙ : X∙ →∙ Y∙, we define its fiber sequence
-- A : → Type by Aₙ :≡ p₂(Fⁿ(X , y , f))
A : {l : Level} {X∙ Y∙ : Pointed l} (f∙ : X∙ Y∙) Pointed l
A {X∙ = X∙ @ (X , x)} {Y∙ = Y∙ @ (Y , y)} f∙ @ (f , f-eq) n =
let it = F⁻ n (X∙ , Y∙ , f∙) in
fst (snd it)
f⁻ : {l : Level} {X∙ Y∙ : Pointed l} (f∙ : X∙ Y∙) (n : ) fst (A f∙ (suc n)) fst (A f∙ n)
f⁻ {X∙ = X∙ @ (X , x)} {Y∙ = Y∙ @ (Y , y)} f∙ n a =
let it = F⁻ n (X∙ , Y∙ , f∙) in
{! snd (snd it) !}

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@ -21,4 +21,14 @@ module _ where
-- ( , λ n . n + 1)
-SuccStr : (i : ) (n : )
-SuccStr = SuccStr zsuc
-SuccStr = SuccStr zsuc
module _ where
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Product
-k-SuccStr : (k : ) ( × Fin k) ( × Fin k)
-k-SuccStr k = SuccStr ( × Fin k) inc where
inc : ( × Fin k) ( × Fin k)
inc (n , k) with suc k
inc (n , k) | x = {! !}

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
% \usetheme{Darmstadt}
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@
\item What does the current state of the ecosystem look like?
\item Coq, Lean, Agda, ...
\item Rocq (Coq), Lean, Agda, ...
@ -76,9 +75,10 @@
\frametitle{Martin-L{\"o}f type theory}
\frametitle{Important features of Martin-L{\"o}f type theory}
\item Universes: $\mathsf{Type}_0, \mathsf{Type}_1, \mathsf{Type}_2, \dots$
\item Inductive types
For example, $\mathbb{N}$ is defined with one of 2 constructors: $\mathsf{zero}$ and $\mathsf{suc}$.
@ -91,8 +91,7 @@
\TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash \mathsf{ind}_{\mathbb{N}} (c_0 , x . y . c_s , n) : C $}
\item \emph{Dependent types}, or $\Pi$-types:
$$ \mathsf{Vec} : (A : \mathsf{Type}) \rightarrow (n : \mathbb{N}) \rightarrow \mathsf{Type} $$
\item \emph{Dependent types}, or $\Pi$-types: $ \mathsf{Vec} : (A : \mathsf{Type}) \rightarrow (n : \mathbb{N}) \rightarrow \mathsf{Type} $
\item \emph{Dependent sums}, or $\Sigma$-types
\item The identity type, $\mathsf{Id}_A(x, y)$, for some $x, y : A$
@ -107,11 +106,14 @@
\frametitle{Homotopy type theory}
\item A \textcolor{orange}{"homotopy"}, from algebraic topology, is a way to continuously deform one path into another ($A \times [0, 1] \rightarrow B$)
\item In type theory, we can imagine two functions \textcolor{blue}{$f, g : A \rightarrow B$} as being homotopic if we can inhabit $h : (x : A) \rightarrow \mathsf{Id}_B (f(x), g(x))$
\item A \htcolor{"homotopy"}, from algebraic topology, is a way to continuously deform one path into another ($A \times [0, 1] \rightarrow B$)
\item In type theory, we can imagine two functions \ttcolor{$f, g : A \rightarrow B$} as being homotopic if we can inhabit $h : (x : A) \rightarrow \mathsf{Id}_B (f(x), g(x))$
\item Note: assume all functions are continuous.
\item Interpret \textcolor{orange}{paths between points in a space} as the \textcolor{blue}{identity type $\mathsf{Id}$}
\item Interpret \htcolor{paths between points in a space} as the \ttcolor{identity type $\mathsf{Id}$}
@ -138,8 +140,7 @@
\frametitle{Univalence axiom?}
\item Unfortunately, univalence does not compute
\item Neither does function extensionality
\item Unfortunately, univalence does not compute in the "base" version of homotopy type theory, also known as Book HoTT
@ -269,6 +270,14 @@
\frametitle{Other type theories}
\item Calculus of inductive constructions (Impredicative prop)